Doctor Ugavine
CL 10
Medium Human noble 2 / scoundrel 7 / scout 1
Destiny ; Force 10; Dark Side 0
Init +9; Senses Perception +13
Languages Basic, Dosh, Gamorrean, High Galactic, Huttese,
Ithorese, Jawa, Mon Calamarian,
Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 22), Fort 21, Will 25
hp 51; Threshold 21
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +6; Grp +6
Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Special Actions Disruptive, Dodge
Abilities Str 11, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 22, Wis 17, Cha 17
Talents Presence, Disruptive, Gimmick, Master Slicer,
Trace, Jury Rigger
Feats Cybernetic Surgery, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Skill
Focus (x3), Surgical Expertise, WP (pistols, rifles, simple)
Skills Deception +13, Initiative +9, Knowledge
(Bureaucracy) +16, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +16, Knowledge (Life
Sciences) +16, Knowledge (Physical sciences) +16, Knowledge
(Technology) +21, Mechanics +21, Perception +13, Persuasion +13,
Pilot +9, Treat Injury +13, Use Computer +21
Capsule: Doctor
Ugavine is a high ranking Tech. In his society that makes
him a very important person. After all, only a primitive war
orientated race would consider military ranked individual, such as
General or Admiral, as a leader. Doctor Ugavine is arrogant,
even for a Nosferartau. He classes all other races as
primitives, which is mostly true on a technological level.
Even so, Dr.Ugavine cares. He cares passionately for peace
and freedom. Slavery and war disturb him very much. He
doesn't see why two armies would want to fight to the death
causing pain and suffering when they could just sit down and
discuss things over supper. He knows his way is the right
way, because he's always right.
Ugavine many years ago aided the Jedi Knights, and was an
associate to Jedi Master Yoda. Though even the Jedi Master
found him annoying. Ugavine was elected Chief of his people
the Nosferartau. This is not a position of power but of
standing. He was the figurehead and ambassador for his
people. That was until he was killed by the assassin Nish,
which he was rather unhappy about. Naturally Ugavine
appealed against his death, and due to his high standing within
his society was granted the honour of re-cloning. Even that
didn't go to plan when his new clone body was inhabited by the
Dark Lord Phantillian before his own mind could be transferred.
Fortunately his primitive ally DAX saved him and he was eventually
restored. He did however lose his title as Chief as it is
forbidden in Nosferartau society for a re-clone to hold that
Ugavine was not long later contacted by the Time Lord Balthasar.
the time Lord instructed Ugavine to join the Time Bandits, and he
had no choice but to obey as a Nosferartau must obey the commands
of a Time Lord.

CL 1
Medium Twi'lek Jedi 1
Destiny 1 ; Force 5; Dark Side 0
Init +8; Senses Perception +6
Languages Basic, Twi'lek, Lekku, Huttese, Wookiee
Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort 15, Will
hp 30; Threshold 14
6 squares
Ranged Lightsaber +4 (3D8)
Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Atk Options
Special Actions None
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Talents Deflect
Feats Exotic Weapon (Lightsaber), Improved Defenses, WP (pistols, simple)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Initiative +8, Perception +6, Use The
Force +7
Possessions Lightsaber, medpac, comlink
A youngling as the
Clone Wars came to an end. Somehow she escaped the Jedi
purge, hidden for many years by a convent on Ryloth. But
Vader increases his search for remaining Jedi and Ryloth is no
longer safe. Will the pretty blue Twi'lek survive and
fulfill her destiny as a Jedi Knight?
Bail Ohmar
CL 11
Medium Chiss soldier 8 / gunslinger 3
Destiny ; Force 11; Dark Side 0
Init +16; Senses Perception +11
Languages Basic,
Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 22), Fort 28, Will 24
hp 63; Threshold 28
6 squares
Ranged blaster pistol +17 (3d6+6) or
Ranged blaster pistol +12/+12 (3d6+6) with Double Attack or
Ranged blaster pistol +17 (3d6+6) and blaster pistol +17 (3d6+6) or
Ranged blaster pistol +12/+12 (3d6+6) and blaster pistol +12 (3d6+6) with Double Attack
Base Atk +11; Grp +17
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged Disarm, Rapid Shot, Running Attack, Trigger Work
Special Actions Indomitable, Quick Draw, Trusty Sidearm +1
Abilities Str 16, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13
Talents Armor Mastery, Improved Armor Defense, Juggernaut, Indomitable, Ranged Disarm, Trigger Work
Feats Dual Mastery I, II & III, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Running Attack, Vehicular Combat, WP (pistols, rifles, simple)
Skills Endurance +13, Initiative +16, Perception +11, Pilot +16, Use Computer +11
Possessions blaster pistol, blaster pistol, battle armor
Bail has few real friends.
He does count Torm, Riddick and Bantha Man as true friends, and
possibly Minhg. Bail does have enemies and rivals. Two
such rivals are Lexon
Lexgar and Gallandro.
Lexon was once a Den-Gar Commando, and enemies of the Mandalores,
who Bail let many people believe he was for many years. The
rivalry with Gallandro is different. They both believe
themselves the better shot, and fastest draw. Only time will
Bail has chosen to join up with the
New Bloodaxe Order because he sees it as his best chance of
survival, and best chance at making a difference. The NBO
may not be making headway into the rest of the galaxy at present,
but the Blood Drift is already feeling their presence.
Krayl Nor
CL 5
Medium Feeorin Soldier 5
Destiny ; Force 7; Dark Side 0
Init +9; Senses Perception +8
Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 16), Fort 19, Will 16
hp 60; Threshold 19
Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +5; Grp +5; Melee +10; Ranged
Atk Options Dual Weapon, Rapid Strike, Power Attack
Special Actions Dodge
Abilities Str 11, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 22, Wis 17, Cha 17
Talents Melee Smash, Indomitable, Devastating Attack
Feats Dodge, Dual Mastery I, Power Attack, Toughness, WP
(simple, heavy, pistols, rifles, vibro)
Skills Climb +7, Endurance +4, Initiative +9, Jump +7,
Perception +8, Pilot +9, Swim +16, Treat Injury +8.