Beyond the Blood Drift
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Tapani Sector



Sithspawn Speaks:

So, at last it comes to this.  You have finally sought out the Sithspawn.  Are you brave or stupid?  I ought to kill you where you stand, or sit, cabbaged in front of your computer.  I am the Sithspawn.  I am the Darkness.

Hmm, but you've reached the Inner Sanctum of my Lair, so I owe you that much credit.  But be quick, before I lose my patience.


In days long forgotten Sith necromancers experimented with crude and dark technologies. Deadly weapons of destruction were forged.  Twisted evil creatures, many mutations, were grown in secret laboratories. One such creature, a cross between man and the Dark Side itself is the Sithspawn.  A creature that in the days of modern Republic/Imperial life has passed into legend. These fearsome warriors would create chaos and destruction in their wake. Their simple presence is enough to curse all of those around it. Once touched by the Curse of the Sithspawn a man or womans life will forever be tainted by the Dark Side.

The Sithspawn (player-character)

Character Type Sithspawn
Race Sith Mutation
Age unknown
Quote "As far as I know I'm already dead, which means, I'll be waiting for your sorry ass in the afterlife!"
Player ID Ugavine


Blaster 6D Survival 4D Beast Riding 2D+2
Dodge 7D        
Melee Parry 4D+2        
Melee 5D        
Hide/Sneak 4D+2 Brawling 7D    
Search 4D+2 Lifting 5D+1    
Intimidation 6D Stamina 7D    

Equipment: Thunderer pistol, Sword, Shield

The Sithspawn rose from the darkness. In his mighty battle clad right hand he wielded a sword forged from the hottest furnaces in all kingdoms of Gar. In his other hand he held high the dead twisted body of a Knight of Bloodaxe. Sithspawn dropped the corpse onto the pile of other decaying bastards who dared, or were too damned stupid, to attack the cursed warrior.

The Sithspawn screamed. Or howled. Or roared. Whatever sound he was making was coming from the bottom of his twisted evil soul, if such a creature had a soul. But as sure as hell was the land of the damned, the Sithspawn was damned sure that he was no puppet of hell or the Dark Lords. If hell or the Dark Lords had another opinion, then let them step forward and face the wrath of the Sithspawn.  Then another bastard would join the pile of decaying flesh, twisted bodies, bodies turned inside out and the remains of the mouthy fuckers who were made to eat their own innards! Sithspawn would take all comers, and kill them.

Movement. Sithspawns mind was blurred with death and blood, but there was movement.

"Turn back or die now," spoke the Sithspawn, his voice a low bellow that cut though the soul.

"I come in peace," said the stranger. Sure was a stranger. Peace. Sithspawn knew of the word but had never spoke it or heard it uttered in his presence.

"Explain your peace," said Sithspawn.

"I'm looking to hire some help," said the stranger.  If was a gruff voice of a powerful man, the Sithspawn could tell that much, but still, only a man.

"I am not for hire," was the reply.  "Leave me or die!"

The stranger walker closer. Sithspawns vision was still filled with the haunting memories of the souls he had slain on his bloody rampage. Slowly he made out the stranger. It was a man. A barbarian carrying a giant battle-axe.  His clothes were fine and clean, at least by Gar standards.

"Well it's like this," started the stranger, "you've been killing everyone in your path. No problem. Until you crossed the borders of my kingdom. Now you can either work for me, or die in lots of small pieces.  Right here.  Right now."

The Sithspawn stood eight feet tall, nearly two feet above his latest assailant. This little man was strong. Confident. Not at all like the forces that hell was throwing at him. This man would die like the others. He would die now.

Sithspawn's cloak rose as if by a hurricane wind and his chains leapt at the barbarian. The human only just managed to leap aside. The barbarian readied his battle-axe for combat.

"If you want it that way, so be it," said the barbarian.

Sithspawn sprang, his eyes glowing green with dark energies, his talons extended. The barbarian would die. But not yet. To the surprise of the Sithspawn the barbarian was quick. His battle-axe swung at the Sithspawn imbedding deep in his chest causing Sithspawn to fall heavily to the ground. Dark energies seeped from the wound and before Sithspawn could move the barbarian had again hacked at the Sithspawn. Sithspawns rib cage was completely shattered. The creatures tried to summon the Dark Side. Nothing. At last the evil entities could take their revenge and deny the Sithspawn his. Now this Sithspawn would have to do their bidding or die. Sithspawn cursed all levels of hell and invited death. Another blow did not follow. The barbarian stood proud.

"I'll kill you," hissed Sithspawn.

"Listen," said the barbarian. "You can take my offer of a job or I can send to straight back to hell now." Straight back to hell. No. Sithspawn could not endure the torture again. The fires that burnt the very soul. Sithspawn looked up at the man.

"Come to usssss, sssspawnn," the dark creatures laughed, and taunted the Sith abomination within his mind.  

"Well?" said the barbarian raising his battle-axe.

"Why don't you finish me?" asked the fallen Sithspawn.

"Because I'm the good guy I suppose.  Besides, I could do with a new first knight."

The Sithspawn closed his eyes.  The dark spirits taunted him further.

"I accept," said Sithspawn.

"Good," said the Barbarian bending down to help the undead creature. "The names Darkhammer. King Ivan Darkhammer."


In his days since being saved by Ivan Darkhammer the Sithspawn has served as First Knight of Darkhammer.  He has also left Gar with Ivan and has actively helped the Rebel Alliance.  Any chance to destroy evil and the Sithspawn will take it in the hope that his own curse will be broken.

What future does a Sithspawn have?  Not much.  Even redeemed the Sithspawn will continue to be a lowly individual and freak in galactic society.


Using a Sithspawn as a player-character

The Sithspawn makes an ideal PC. The character is born with evil in his heart, but does not know it. The PC will try to be good but everything will turn to the Dark Side. The GM should also play off this. The lives of people who have been involved with the Sithspawn, other PC's and friendly NPC's, will feel the toll of the Sithspawn. eg. the Sithspawn saves a friends wife from Imperial execution. That friends daughter then comes down with the Red Death! A friend and Jedi is loaned the sword that the Sithspawn has been using, but it turns out to be Sith cursed giving Jedi DSP's. Or the Sithspawn saves a galactic civilian's life. But it turn's out that 'civilian' is head of ISB and ends up killing all agents of a rebel cell.

Sithspawn powers

These vary greatly, but all usually have an eventual calling to the Dark Side.

Symbiotic Suit

version 1

Symbiotic Suit: 1D (ADVANCED Skill)

The Sithspawns clothes and shroud (cape/cloak) is actually alive. A Dark Side Entity that will send shivers up the spine of any Jedi who nears it. Capable of protecting the host and aiding it with the use of weapons and increased reflexes in combat.

How the Suit works

The suit Automatically gives Brawl Damage +1D and full Armour of +1D.

At the start of every day, or at GM's desire, roll 1D (or the Jedi Die that comes with Assault on Hoth)

Normal Die Jedi Die  
1 or 6 Lightsabre All parries (, Armour & Survival + Suit skill

All attacks are -1D

3 or 4 BLANK Suit inactive
5 or 2 Vader All attacks & Brawl damage + Suit skill

All parries -1D

This may seem like a powerful character, at least he/she has the potential to become on anyway. GM descretion is warranted. It may also be up to the GM when the character is allowed to increase the Suit skill, or set limits eg. 5D.


Symbiotic Suit

version 2

Treat the Suit as a living creature.  It has Vampiric powers and must feed once a day, usually on the blood the Sithspawn has killed in combat.  In direct Sunlight the Shroud is dorment and offers no bonus's.  At other times the Shoud may combine it's Brawl Parry, Chain Attack, Brawling, Climbing and Willpower with the Sithspawn as per 1st Edition combined rules.  As a disadvantage all interpersonal skills, eg. Charm, con, are at -2D.

The Shroud cannot act on it's own unless the Sithspawn has been Incapacitated.  At Which point the Shround may use it's own skills to defend itself or the sithspawn.  As a Vampire the Shroud is hard to harm.  Only Lightsabres, Sith Swords or Force attacks will even inflict any damage upon it.  It can however be stunned, but the Shroud can only ever be targeted once the Sithspawn has been incapacitated, otherwise damage is applied to the Sithspawn.  

The natural reaction of the Shroud is to kill and to defend the Sithspawn.  Nothing else.

Dark Side Entity: Sithspawn Shroud





Brawl Parry




Chain Attack






Stamina *




* Skill applies to Shroud Only, other may be combind.

Shroud must feed on 2D Stamina points per day.

Shroud is dormant in direct sunlight.

All of SPAWN’s interpersonal skills  (eg. Bargain, charm) @ -2D

Harming the Shround

Only Lightsabre’s, Sith Swords or enchanted weapons.

Force attacks will also harm the Shroud.

Claws (Str +1D)

Chains (Str +2D)

The Sithspawn can make use of the chains and Claws using his own skill combined with the Shroud.


Other Powers

Note: A Sithspawn will only have one power (ie. if it has the Suit/Shroud, it has no other)



The Sithspawn has the ability to blend into one shadow and reappear out of another. Not as powerful as a teleport but it can be exhausting. The Sithspawn is also limited to the same planet. A starship in orbit at most.

This can be the only action the Sithspawn performs in a round. The Sithspawn must also have taken no damage in the round in which it shadow-walks. Roll 1D. If greater than the Sithspawn's Dark Side Point total the action has taken a toll on the Sithspawn. It lose's -3D in all skills which are recovered at +1 pip per day.

In other words, the Sithspawn must perform evil actions, and gain DSP's, to be able to successfully perform this action.


Heal Wounds

The Sithspawn can make an additional Natural Healing roll every round. This roll is +1 per Dark Side Point.


Dark Side Divinity

This Sithspawn does not have any Force Points. Each adventure the Sithspawn may spend Dark Side Points as a normal character would spend Force Points. (but the actual DSP total is not lost). If any aggresive action is taken while using this DSP then another DSP is gained (roll to see if PC falls to the Dark Side).

This is more of a curse  than anything.

Important Note

A GM should never allow a player to continue playing the Sithspawn once it has fallen back to the Dark Side. A Sithspawn that falls back to the Dark Side can NOT be redeemed. It should then be treated as an NPC, and probably a powerful adversary.


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