Welcome to Castle

By the Darkhammer we rule
By the Darkhammer we rule
By the Axe of might
There will blood tonight,
blood tonight
from Blood Tonight,
battle anthem of the Warriors of Gar

Located to the west of the kingdom of Lexgar and to the North of
the kingdom of Bloodaxe, Castle Darkhammer is located in possibly the most
beautiful scenery in all of Gar. Meadows, deep valleys and thick forests
make up the Kingdom of Darkhammer. Castle Darkhammer itself is an
impressive fortification only second on the planet to Castle Lexgar. The
towns and villages of Darkhammer are some of the most prosperous on the planet,
with King Ivan Darkhammer welcoming off-world trade.
Notable locations in the Kingdom of
Darkhammer Valley
The location of Castle
Darkhammer. The castle is set at the end of
the valley alongside the Great Gar River that winds across the
Located at the end of Darkhammer Valley is
Hammersville. Like many
medieval scenes Hammersville is a collection of huts huddled around the 'mother'
castle. Hammersville ha s a thriving trade from off-world travelers as
well as trade from other Kingdoms. Hammersville also boasts a limited
facility docking field.
Anyar City
A recent addition to the face of Gar is Anyar City. Named after the
Princess Anyar Darkhammer Anyar City is on the road between Castle Darkhammer
and Hammer Haven. Anyar City gets most of its trade from travellers
between Hammer Haven and Castle Darkhammer. The people here are friendly,
though rumours about an underground magicians guild have not yet be proved.
Hammer Haven - Shadow Port
Hammers Haven is a port town to the northwest of
Castle Darkhammer and Anyar City. Sailing ships, grand galleons sail the
Gar seas trading with other port towns to the north, and across the sea to the
Amazon lands and other smaller Kingdoms. Hammer Haven also holds a
secret, it is a secret Shadow Port. Hidden by the nearby cliffs is a
small landing facility. Hammer Haven is often used by smugglers as
either a first stop entering the Blood Drift Sector, or a last point of call
before heading out of the sector and into the Blood Drift. Prices in
Hammer Haven are steep, especially for items of high tech or of a medical
nature. Medpacs often sell for an equivalent of 2000 credits.
Garrison |
Castle Darkhammer |
Type |
Armoured Castle |
Scale |
Walker |
Body Strength |
4D |
Structure Points |
8 |
4 Anti-Starfighter Turbo-Lasers
(starfighter scale) |
Fire control: 2D |
Damage: 5D |
2 Defensive Cannons
(Walker scale) |
Fire Control: 1D |
Damage: 4D |
Army |
4,000 |
Knights |
50 |
Dragon Riders |
1 |
Knights, Honour &
Characters of the Darkhammer Kingdom

Ivan Darkhammer
Title |
King |
Loyalty |
Rebel Alliance, his people |
Quote |
"By this Axe, I rule!" |
" 'alright. I'm Ivan
Darkhammer. 'an this 'ere is MY
kingdom. So what am I about? Well I'm happy with a quiet life.
But if ya' think I'm a pushover I suggest you go get your axe and start
swinging. And when you're done I'll pick up my axe and show you how a real
barbarian takes care of business!"
4D |
2D |
2D |
Melee |
7D |
Survival |
4D |
Starship Gunnery |
6D |
Avoid Melee |
6D |
Technology |
4D |
Starship Piloting |
6D |
Dodge |
8D |
Alien Races |
4D |
Repulsorlift Op. |
5D |
Blaster |
6D |
Bureaucracy |
4D |
Beast Riding |
4D |
Grenade |
5D+2 |
Streetwise |
5D |
Jet Pack Op. |
5D |
Melee Parry |
7D |
Cultures |
3D |
Starship Shields |
4D |
Wrist Blaster (s) |
8D |
Languages |
3D |
Scanners |
4D |
Armour Weapons |
7D |
Communications |
4D |
Battle Axe (s) |
12D |
Ground Vehicle Op. |
3D |
Astrogation |
4D |
4D |
4D |
2D |
Search |
4D |
Stamina |
8D |
Computers |
4D |
Hide/Sneak |
4D |
Brawling |
10D |
Security |
5D |
Con |
6D |
Lifting |
6D+1 |
Demolitions |
4D |
Bargain |
6D |
Climb/Jump |
5D |
Shock-hand repair (s) |
4D |
Gambling |
5D |
Swimming |
5D |
Medical |
4D |
Persuasion |
5D |
Droids |
4D |
Willpower |
5D |
Repuslorlift Repair |
4D |
Command |
8D |
Starship Repair |
2D+1 |
Force Points: 5, Character Points: 6, Cyber-Points: 1
Equipment: Various weapons & gadgets, but always
a Barbarian Battle-Axe
stats these are the Sithspawns
interpretation and may change at a future date.
Adult Male Human, Noble 4/Soldier 12/Elite Trooper 10; Init +12
(+4 Dex, +8 Bonus); Def 28 (+4 Dex, +14 Class); Spd 10m;
VP/WP -/18;
+29/+24/+19/+14 melee (1d3+4, punch), +30/+25/+20/+15 melee
(1d12+8, Greataxe), +29/+24/+19/+14 ranged (by weapon);
Coordinate +1, Deadly Strike, Favor +2, Inspire Confidence,
Resource Access, Uncanny Dodge (Can't be Flanked, Dex bonus to
Fort +20, Ref +15, Will +15; SZ M; FP: 0; Rep: +10;
19 (+4), Dex 18 (+4), Con 18 (+4), Int 12
(+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 15 (+2).
Skills: Appraise +5 (+1
Int, +4 ranks), Astrogate +5 (+1 Int, +4 ranks), Climb +10 (+4 Str,
+6 ranks), Command +11
(+1 int, +10 ranks)Computer Use +11 (+1 Int, +10 ranks), Craft +8
(+1 Int, +7 ranks), Demolitions +5 (+1 Int, +4 ranks), Diplomacy +8
(+2 Cha, +6 ranks), Disable Device +5 (+1 Int, +4 ranks), Disguise
+4 (+2 Cha, +2 ranks), Entertain +6 (+2 Cha, +4 ranks), Entertain +6
(+2 Cha, +4 ranks), Hide +5 (+4 Dex, +1 ranks), Intimidate +16 (+2
Cha, +14 ranks), Jump +12 (+4 Str, +8 ranks), Knowledge +5 (+1 Int,
+4 ranks), Knowledge +6 (+1 Int, +5 ranks), Knowledge +9 (+1 Int, +8
ranks), Listen +10 (+2 Wis, +8 ranks), Move Silently +14 (+4 Dex,
+10 ranks), Pilot +14 (+4 Dex, +10 ranks), Read/Write Basic, Repair
+7 (+1 Int, +6 ranks), Ride +8 (+4 Dex, +4 ranks), Sense Motive +9
(+2 Wis, +7 ranks), Speak Basic, Spot +14 (+2 Wis, +12 ranks),
Survival +5 (+2 Wis, +3 ranks), Treat Injury +8 (+2 Wis, +6 ranks),
Tumble +8 (+4 Dex, +4 ranks)
Feats: Ambidexterity,
Armour Proficiency (heavy, light, medium), Cleave, Dodge, Epic
Initiative, Epic Weapon Specialisation (Greataxe), Great Cleave,
Heroic Surge, Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack,
Precise Shot, Starship Operation (Transports), Two-weapon Fighting,
Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols,
blaster rifles, heavy weapons, primitive weapons, simple weapons,
vibro weapons), Weapon Specialisation (Greataxe)
Capsule: Ivan Darkhammer couldn't wait to leave his barbaric homeworld
behind. Fed up with the death and mayhem he wanted the peace and serenity
of the galaxy. Instead he encountered the Empire. Ivan soon found himself in
the with Rebel Alliance and is now one of their top, and Most Wanted,
agents. Then word from home came that his mother and father had died in a
fire. Ivan returned home to mourn only to find that the entire line of
Darkhammer had come to an end, nearly. Ivan was now heir to the throne of
Darkhammer. Ivan took the throne only to come immediately into conflict
with the ambitious and bloodthirsty King Bloodaxe. Ivan favors melee
weapons and is especially proficient with a battle-axe, although he keeps a
wrist blaster handy at all times.
Recent Events:
The Darkhammer/Bloodaxe feud has reached new heights recently,
bringing the two kingdoms into bloody conflict. The irony of the
situation was that in serving with the Rebel Alliance Ivan Darkhammer had
become close with a fellow rebel agent named Tetris. Returning home Ivan
discover that this Tetris was none other that Tetris Bloodaxe, daughter of
King Bloodaxe, his sworn enemy. Fortunately Tetris had no love for her
father and sided with Darkhammer. Then the Empire came. Castle
Darkhammer was no more. Destroying in an Imperial ground assault by the
new new King of Bloodaxe, Grand Moff Ravikk.
Ivan was able to prevent Bloodaxe taking command of the legendary
Den-Gar commando's, and then sought out the mystical Dark
Hammer. Unknown to Ivan the Dark Hammer was a trap set by the Gar God of
War. Ivan was snared, and in a moment of rage the Dark Side swept Ivan
Ivan would become known as The
Darkhammer, a feared warrior of
old. The Dark Side had swept him back 4000 years. It took 7 Jedi
Masters to defeat The Darkhammer, and place him in a stasis chamber on their
Jedi world of Aldis. In the years that followed the Jedi on Aldis would
be wiped out and the existence of The Darkhammer forgotten.
Forward 4000 years from his blood onslaught against the Jedi
the Darkhammer is awoken by the mysterious Governor Chavekk of Aldis, and
reunited with the Darkhammer. The Dark Side this time fails to take hold
of Ivan and the The Darkhammer is no more, Ivan is back.
Ivan returns to Gar, and with an alliance with King Dargrim
Lexgar, and with Tetris Bloodaxe on his side the Imperial armies of Bloodaxe
are defeated and Ivan Darkhammer once again sits upon a throne of Gar.
Anyar Darkhammer (player character)
Title |
Princess |
Loyalty |
Ivan Darkhammer, Rebel Alliance |
Quote |
"I look good, don't
I? Good enough to die for? |
"I'm Anyar Darkhammer, Ivan's younger sister. I stand by my
brother, and swear to take my revenge against Bloodaxe who I know murdered my
4D |
2D+1 |
2D |
Melee |
8D |
Survival |
3D |
Starship Gunnery |
5D |
Avoid Melee |
6D+2 |
Starship Piloting |
3D |
Dodge |
6D |
Repulsorlift Op. |
2D+2 |
Blaster |
6D |
Shields |
3D |
Flying Carpet |
3D+1 |
4D |
4D |
2D |
Con |
5D |
Stamina |
5D |
Medical |
3D |
Bargain |
5D |
Brawling |
5D |
Gambling |
5D |
Willpower |
5D |
Force Points: 3, Character Points:
Equipment: Various weapons, but always
a mighty Broardsword, Flying Carpet, Armour, A-Wing starfighter.
Capsule: Anyar left Gar along with Ivan. She stood by him in the
rebellion and now she is a Princess Anyar stands by his throne on Gar.
Anyar has recently been involved in rebel activity within the Elrood Sector and
owns a cantina on Coyn, in Kroyn'Tais known as The Darkhammer Retreat.

Title |
Knight of the Realm |
Loyalty |
Ivan Darkhammer, Rebel Alliance |
Quote |
"As far as I know I'm already dead, which means, I'll be waiting
for your sorry ass in the afterlife!" |
"So it comes to this. You want to know about the
Well bad luck, 'cause there's nothing to tell. All I know is that I first
remember is being on this planet with desires to kill. With Darkhammer's
help I broke the grip of the Dark Side and have pledged my loyalty to him.
I don't know who I am or where I came from. To be fair, I don't give a
damn! I don't look for fights anymore, but you back me into a corner and
I'll be your worst frellin' nightmare!"
Capsule: One question often raised about the
Sithspawn is, is he dead
or alive? The answer is that he is alive, but he is extremely hard to
kill. Although he has no apparent knowledge of the force, and is in fact
not force sensitive, his symbiotic suit certainly has some Dark Side properties.
The Sithspawn was 'found' roaming Gar by Ivan
Despite his name Sithspawn is not an agent of the Dark Side. He has
served in special units for the Rebel Alliance, and serves as First Knight for
King Ivan Darkhammer.

Trauma, a.k.a.
Gallandro (player-character)
Title |
Man-At-Arms |
Loyalty |
Ivan Darkhammer, Rebel Alliance |
Quote |
"Go ahead punk..." |
"Do you have a problem with the fastest gunslinger in the galaxy?
If so, go for your blaster. But make sure you've made arrangements for
your burial first."
4D |
4D |
2D |
Blaster |
11D |
Streetwise |
5D |
Repulsorlift Op. |
3D |
Dodge |
9D |
Survival |
5D |
Starship Gunnery |
4D |
Brawl Parry |
6D |
Business |
4D |
Melee Parry |
6D |
Law |
4D |
Avoid Melee |
6D |
3D |
3D |
2D |
Search |
4D |
Stamina |
5D+2 |
Medical |
3D |
Hide/Sneak |
5D |
Brawling |
6D+1 |
Repulsorlift Repair |
3D |
Willpower |
4D |
Starship Repair |
3D |
Con |
4D |
Computers |
3D |
Persuasion |
4D |
Security |
3D |
Bargain |
3D+2 |
Weapon Repair |
2D+1 |
Gambling |
3D+1 |
Equipment: Thunderer Pistol, quick-draw holster
Gallandro, I mean Trauma (but he goes by the name Gallandro),
okay this is not so confusing. Trauma, the real Trauma (although this is
the real Trauma) was traveling with Prism, the guy with the TARDIS
Now one thing led to another and time lines were changed, but the alternate
Trauma was inside the TARDIS and safe from the changing time-lines. So as
not to cause confusion between the two Trauma's he changed his appearance and name. So now he goes
by the name Gallandro and models himself after the gunslinger of old, only to
confuse people further.
As well as being one of the best gunslingers in the galaxy,
nearly matching the real Gallandro, Gallandro serves as Man-At-Arms to Ivan
Darkhammer and an agent for the Rebel Alliance. Gallandro has been
involved in many high profile attacks against the Empire, but amazingly he is
not on their most wanted list. Probably because most witness's only take
in seeing Ivan Darkhammer. That Darkhammer always takes all the glory!
Enter Gallandro's

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