Kingdoms of Gar has it's own Knightly Order. The morals of each Order is
usually in line with the Kingdom they represent. What is the same for each
Order is their role within the ranks of their King's army. Knights hold
great prestige, and they will be the most combat proficient warriors on the
battlefield. It is quite common for a battle to consist of just Knights.
What must not be forgotten is the level of technology available to a Knight.
Due to their high status most Knights will carry some form of energy weapon onto
a battlefield. The use of any projectile weapons is, however, considered
dishonourable in a duel.

With the title of Knight come
many privileges. The most obvious being the respect that comes with the
title, and all are expected to address a Knight as 'Sir.' Quite often a
Knight will be given land, or at least a home worthy of a noble, by his King.
A Knight will also have a modest income.
Order of Lexgar
Order of Lexgar is one of Legend. The Knights of the Order of Lexgar are
trained from an early age. From seven years old they are trained as a
Page. They are taught manners, and respect for their King and country. The
Feast of the Axe celebrations usually include tests where a Page, once he
reaches fourteen years, will prove his skills in the hope of being picked by a
Knight to serve as his Squire. A Squire serves as aide to a Knight, in
exchange for the Knight training them in the arts of battle. A Knight can
choose a Squire at any time, although it is usually left to a day of festivity.
At nineteen, if the Squire is considered ready for Knighthood, he will be
charged with a task to prove his ability. Such tests will usually be
menial but dangerous, such as carrying a message through a rival territory.
It should be noted that there
are no Den-Gar within The Knightly Order of Lexgar.
Knight of the
Order of Lexgar
3D |
1D |
1D |
Melee |
7D |
Survival |
4D |
Beast Riding |
5D |
Melee Parry |
7D |
Armour Weapons |
5D |
Blaster |
5D |
Dodge |
6D |
2D+1 |
3D+2 |
1D |
Command |
3D |
Brawl |
5D+2 |
Armour repair |
3D+1 |
Stamina |
5D+2 |
Equipment: Armour +2D/-2D,
Mace or Sword, Lance, Horse

Order of
There are much fewer noble
families left within the Kingdom of Darkhammer, therefore most of the Knights of
Darkhammer are military men who have served their King well on the field of
battle. A Knight of Darkhammer is a proud warrior. Maybe not as
skilled as the Knights of Lexgar, who have been trained from a young age, but
they are fierce fighters who have seen much more combat, and usually have the
scars to show for it.
Knight of the
Order of Darkhammer
3D |
1D |
1D |
Melee |
6D |
Survival |
4D |
Beast Riding |
4D |
Melee Parry |
6D |
Armour Weapons |
5D+2 |
Blaster |
5D+1 |
Dodge |
6D |
2D+1 |
3D+2 |
1D |
Command |
2D+2 |
Brawl |
5D |
Armour repair |
3D |
Stamina |
5D+2 |

Order of
Bloodaxe cares little for chivalry and honour. Bloodaxe will Knight anyone
who he sees as a mighty warrior. Knights of the Order of Bloodaxe are not
treated with the respect of Lexgar or Darkhammer, as befits their dishonourable
Knight of the
Order of Bloodaxe
3D |
1D |
1D |
Melee |
5D+2 |
Survival |
3D |
Beast Riding |
4D |
Melee Parry |
5D |
Armour Weapons |
4D+2 |
Blaster |
4D |
Dodge |
5D |
2D+1 |
3D+2 |
1D |
Command |
2D+2 |
Brawl |
5D |
Armour repair |
2D+2 |
Stamina |
4D+2 |

& Jousts
Several times a year there
will be festivities, quite often surrounding contests from neighboring Kingdoms.
These Jousts are not usually fought with the intent of killing ones opponent,
but winning give their Knightly Order great prestige.
Sometimes these contests are
used to vent anger and settle disputes, most often between rival Knights of
rival Kingdoms. It is also common for noble families of rival Kingdoms to
hire Knights to duel on their behalf.
The duel will almost always
start with a Joust. Each Knight, on horseback wielding a lance, charges
the other with the intent of knocking them from their horse. It is
considered dishonourable to attack the opponents mount in such a contest.
Such a Knight do this the Joust is stopped and a new mount is found and the
fallen Knight is given time to ready himself once more, or even postpone the
duel if he has suffered an injury. The offending Knight must offer his
sword to his King and is effectively 'suspended' from Knightly duties until the
duel is resolved (Knights of Bloodaxe rarely abide by this).
Once a Knight
is dismounted the duel continues, the mounted Knight choosing to remain on his
horse or dismount. Melee weapons are usually used, but energy weapons
mounted on the forearm of the Knights armour are permitted. All other
hand-held projectile weapons are not permitted. Laser swords, vibro-glaives
and lightsabres are all permissible.

a Joust
Each Knight must perform
Beast Riding, and Melee, with Melee Parry optional.
Beast Riding roll is vs.
the horse's orneriness code.
(failing this roll the
character may make no attack)
Melee difficulty with a
Lance is opponents Melee Parry.
Depending on how many
points the difficulty is beat by defines the outcome.
Beat by 0-5
Hit Shield : Damage: Str +1D ½ point
Beat by 6-10 Hit
Body : Damage: Str +1D+2 1 point
Beat by 11+ Hit
Head : Damage: Str +2D+2 2 points
will fall from horse if Incapacitated, losing the contest.
Winner is
the first to reach 6 points or highest score after three Lances. |

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