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New Bloodaxe Order |
Castle Bloodaxe Despite one incident of a tank driving through its walls (which Tetris warns everyone not to ever mention) developments and repairs are going well. An outer wall, with an outer city wall also being constructed, now surrounds the old castle. Once completed this could make Castle Bloodaxe the strongest fortification on Gar, a position currently held by Castle Lexgar. The most impressive, and terrifying, feature of the castle is it's dungeons. Castle Bloodaxe boasts the largest Torture Chamber in all of Gar
Dire Marshes to the north Travelers through the marshland are advised to stay to the roads as a single wrong footstep could lead to a nasty watery demise. South Pass - Temple of Ares
The Temple of Ares
Once in the temple you must pass into the Inner sanctum, which is locked when the High Priest is not there, (Disable Device DC 15 to open lock with high tech security tools). Once through there there is a passageway into the caves. Thirty meters in and the passage is blocked by an energy field, and beyond that two Dragon Guard. Only the Dragon Guard can open the shield, unless it is by-passed (Disable Device DC 25 to lower shield). Further into the cave is the Stargate. Anti-chambers also hold several items of high technology including a powerful teleportation system (Knowledge: Technology DC 20 to understand, Computer Use DC 15 to use). Warning: anyone attempting to use the Stargate without the express permission of the God of War will incur his wrath.
The Hammer River Grey Mountains
Tetris Bloodaxe "I'm Tetris, and I'm THE bitch, so what you gonna' do about it? Nothing. Because if ya' do I'll kick your ass. That goes for Ivan and daddy too. And as for grand-daddy, well, as soon as I can get near I won't have a grand-daddy."
Capsule: Tetris Bloodaxe is the daughter of King Bloodaxe. Tetris overthrew both her father and grand-father to become Queen. She played events to become known as Queen of Gar, then killed Phantillios to become ruler of the Blood Drift and known as the Blood Empress. Her pact with Ares, God of War, has given her much power in the sector. Only recently would her power be questioned by the arrival of a Draygon army. More information on Tetris Bloodaxe in the player character section
"I am King Bloodaxe. The command of the Den-Gar is rightfully mine. As are the lands of Darkhammer and Bloodaxe. Betrayed by my own daughter, ah, a real Bloodaxe heart she has. But I shall fight to the last man to reclaim what is rightfully mine, using whatever means necessary." Capsule: Bloodaxe is a man of greed and hate. He is not the King, but has claimed the throne in his fathers, Grand Moff Ravikk, absence. He is disliked by the other Kingdoms as well as his own family. He is also well aware that his daughter Tetris has aspirations to become Queen.
In Tribute to Kevin Smith
"So, an army of the gods in exchange for you and me in a hot tub? Sounds like a good deal." Capsule: Ares is the God of War. His home is in another galaxy on the world of New Gar. In that galaxy Ares already commands over three parts of the galaxy and commands one of the most powerful armies in existence. Ares is cunning, tactically minded, and ruthless. He will go out of his way to start a war and keep it going. So long as there are wars his powers grow. Is he a god? Possibly. When he was encountered by the Rebel SGC he made them believe that he was a Goa'uld System Lord. That part is true. But his powers do not come from a symbiont.
Ares D20 stats - see Dungeons & Dragons: Deities & Demigods sourcebook with the following additions. skills: Astrogate +40, Computer Use +55, Craft (Goa'uld device) +30, Craft (Sith Talismans) +46, Craft (Sith Swords) +30, Knowledge (Planetary Systems) +46, Knowledge (Alien Races) +46, Knowledge (Sith Lore) +40, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +35), Knowledge (Technology) +56, Pilot +40, Repair +40 Feats: Weapon Proficiencies (ALL), Starship Dodge (ALL), Starship Operation (ALL).
"My dear, dear Tetris, as if I could ever be bad. I'm the Goddess the Love. Love? You know? You don't? Geez, okay, I'm the Goddess of Fucking, do you get it now?!" Capsule: Aphrodite, sister to Ares, is the Goddess of Love. In her hum guise she appears as a tall beautiful woman, often wearing only skimpy garments, if anything at all. Temples to Aphrodite can be found across Gar. Her temples are always beautiful decorated with flowers and the finest cloths. Of course, if you really want to worship the Goddess of Love, there's one thing she just adores, and there's plenty of that happening at Castle Bloodaxe. Aphrodite has just offered Tetris a deal. Tetris must build a shrine to Aphrodite within Castle Bloodaxe. Then, provided Tetris makes love at least once a day within the walls of the castle, the hands of anyone who would intend her harm will glow red, warning the Queen of danger. Aphrodite D20 stats - see Dungeons & Dragons: Deities & Demigods sourcebook with the following additions. skills: Astrogate +20, Computer Use +30, Craft (Goa'uld device) +20, Craft (Force Talismans) +40, Knowledge (Planetary Systems) +30, Knowledge (Alien Races) +35, Knowledge (Gar Lore) +40, Knowledge (Technology) +35