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The New Order
The Emperor and
Darth Vader are Dead!
The Rebel Alliance
has delivered a mighty blow against the Galactic Empire. The second
Death Star and the Super Star Destroyer Executer have been destroyed, the
Imperial fleet and government thrown into turmoil.
Arise the Imperial
Remnants, the Warlords, the Galactic Alliance, the Hutt Syndicates, New Sith
Imperial Remnants |
The Warlords |
New Galactic
Republic |
Sleer |
High Grand Admiral Caligula |
Mon Mothma |
Grand Moff Ravikk
Bloodaxe |
Grand Moff Ardus Kaine |
Admiral Akbar |
Grand Admiral Thrawn |
High General Zaaine-zor |
General Crix Madine |
Grand Moff Disra |
Ysanne Isard |
Princess Leia Organa |
Admiral Vale |
Commander Luke
Skywalker |
Moff Augustus |
Admiral Xoth |
Demise |
New Sith Order |
Blood Empire |
Hutt Syndicates |
Chavekk |
Tetris Bloodaxe |
Drongo the Hutt |
Admiral Kaine / Lord
Drax |
The Dragon Guard |
Durga the Hutt |
Moff Tavira |
Kochang |
Silas Fel |
Luminya |
Admiral Daala |
Imperial Remnants
Those loyal to the Empire
form the Imperial Remnants. When the Emperor died news spread quickly
across the galaxy. The Empire had to act quickly to retain control as
rebellious planets tried to throw off the shackles of Imperial domination.
A few worlds did free themselves, but it was with the iron fist of Imperial
doctrine that held the Empire together despite it's dissenters.
military rule was need to maintain space superiority, yet it was COMPNOR
that rose to the forefront to maintain bureaucratic stability. In
particular Commissioner Sleer. She appointed herself High-Commissioner
of COMPNOR and is now effectively acting as Emperor-Elect. She has
maintained her COMPNOR office, not wanting to seem over-eager to move into
the Royal Palace just yet. But her guard has tripled from the days
when her name was unknown. And already COMNOR tightens it's grip on
Imperial control.
With the Empire without a
figurehead and no direct descendant to take control many high ranking
officers took matters into their own hands. some tried to seize
control of the Empire, thwarted by COMPNOR. While others took control
of sectors already under their command and declared independence. The
Warlords tend to be unstable and power-mad. They command through
direct military might with most wanting to expand their sphere of control
and all with desire to rule the Empire.
Galactic Republic
former Rebel Alliance form an official government with the intention of
replacing the Galactic Empire, although this governments power is refuted by
the Imperials. The planets declaring allegiance to the New Republic
grows by the day.
However, not all those in the
Rebel Alliance agreed with the ways of the Old Republic and only joined to
oppose The Empire. These Republic Rebels oppose the New Republic Privy
Council and demand a new council be formed. While not enemies to the
New Republic the Rebels could prove a problem to any New Republic claims to
Sith Order
For over a thousand years the
New Sith Order has waited. They hid themselves from Darth Bane,
refusing to accept his Rule of Two, waiting for their time to strike.
Chavekk had become a power politician in the Republic and the Empire, but
his real power was in deals with the Hutts. In secret he has built a
star-fleet of Sith Battle Cruisers crewed by slaves provided by the Hutts
based on promises of future power.
Formed millennia ago Beyond
the Blood Drift, a part of the Extra-Galactic spanning Empire of Ares,
currently under the rule of the Queen of Gar, Blood Empress Tetris Bloodaxe.
The Blood Empire has an army of Dragon Guard warriors at it's bidding and a
fleets of warships built for Ares, the God of War. With the Emperor
dead the megalomaniac Tetris Bloodaxe sees her opportunity to take over the
Empire. But she is not alone. Not content with COMPNORS rule of
the Empire, and not strong enough to seize power like the Warlords, several
high ranking Imperials seek to ally themselves with the Blood Queen, and
more more importantly, Ares.
Whenever there is an
opportunity the Hutts are there to exploit it. And with the Empire in
disarray the Hutts see an opportunity to expand their criminal underworld.
But there is more to the Hutt Syndicates than crime, several clans have made
an alliance with the New Sith Order and are behind their building of a star
Bloodaxe |
the Blood Drift |
Index |
Officers |
Ubiqtorate |
Squirrel Squad |
Stormtroopers |
Palpatinne |
Lair INDEX |