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Chakram The Chakram is the thrown weapon used by Xena: Warrior Princess.Several targets can be attacked each round through a single throw. Roll attack at each target applying multiple action penalties as normal. The Chakram will return to it's owner at the end of the combat round. Catching the Chakram is a free action. A target wishing to catch the Chakram must roll their Dexterity vs. double the attack roll, or roll Alter: Easy & Sense equal to the attack roll.
Disruptor A Disrupter is a vile and deadly weapon capable of disintegrating it's target. Although the weapon only has a short range it's power output is considerable. The energy beam slowly disrupts it's targets molecular structure, to living beings this is extremely painful. Disruptors are used primarily by mercenaries and pirates who are callous enough not to care about their victims pain.
* using Sithspawn's damage rules
Nitro-9 This is much like a Thermal Detonator but with a bit of a 'kick'. As if Thermal Detonators were not destructive enough, the effects of Nitro-9 can be truly devastating. It is rare that one can be thrown to a safe distance. Nitro-9 is even more unstable than a Thermal Detonator and it's effects cannot be dulled with the Juggle Grenades Class feature of Knights of the Pink Bit. A canister of Nitro-9 has a small fuse that can be set to 5, 10 or 15 seconds (1, 2 or 3 combat rounds). It has been known that the simple motion of throwing Nitro-9 is enough to set it off. Nitro-9 has a 20 meter blast radius.
Incinerator The Incinerator is a powerful Heavy Repeating Blaster Rifle. Most of it's casing is stripped down to make the weapon as light as possible, but it is still nevertheless a large bulky and very heavy weapon. The Incinerator was never designed with a Tripod, like the more popular E-Web, and it's higher price makes the Incinerator a less desirable weapon for military forces. The Incinerator is an impressive and devastating weapon though the numbers produced are very small. On the Black Market Incinerators can go for over 30,000 credits.
Yo-Yo Developed by Rebel infiltrators a s a weapon to be easily carried and hidden, as well as being deadly when used to it's full extent. The yo-yo does not use string, but an ultra fine and strong garrote wire. Once wrapped around the targets neck a small energy pulse energises the wire. A button on the yo-yo also extends spikes making the yo-yo a dangerous weapon if wielded correctly.
Energy Shield (D6) Worn on the wrist much like a watch, when activated a circular energy shield is produced with a one meter diameter. The Energy Shield is very strong, with the charge lasting for 24 hours. It take 6 hours to recharge the shield if drained.
bubble-gum gun An odd weapon that exists simple for the fact that it requires no license to possess. The bulky bubble shaped gun emits blobs of sticky bubble gum trapping opponents.
Vehicles Coruscant Ambassador V12 Landspeeder This is a most elegant and exquisite landspeeder, a sports speeder often purchased by glamorous holovid stars. The Ambassador V12 is a very fast luxury speeder. The engine performance is superb, it's bodywork hand-crafted, rather than droid crafted, and it's interior has those luxury items, such as leather seats and plush carpet, that you don't get with most models. The Ambassador is an elite purchase with very few making it out to the Mid or Outer Rim territories but with many found on worlds such as Coruscant, Corellia and the Tapani Sector.
Aurrorro-Tang 'Box' Landspeeder The Aurrorro-Tang hail from the planet Tang Rock, Beyond the Blood Drift, and have been innovators of repulsor technology for centuries. The 'Box' speeder is the most simple design for an affordable reliable landspeeder. It is the reliability of the Box speeder that has been it's strong selling point. Sales of the Box speeder have spread throughout the galaxy, especially to some of the harsh Outer Rim Worlds where the Box Speeders ruggedness is required.
A Space Bike is little more than an engine with a seat. Designed on the same principle as a swoop, the space bike has a minimal repulsor engine is aid it's take-off, and has powerful rocket thrusts for propulsion. The bike is fitted with small lateral thrusters to aid in maneuverability but has no stabilisers. Neither does the space bike have any life support systems, meaning it's rider is required to wear a vacuum suit, and a high quality one is recommended. Due to it relatively small mass and large rocket engine output Space Bikes tend to be extremely fast and many people have died from crashes due to underestimating a Space Bikes capabilities. Space Bikes can be purchased from most major spaceports and space stations. Space Bikes are frequently used as quick and cheap modes of transport in space colonies such as Arkan IV. As a military vehicle the Space Bike is useless as it does not support the energy requirements a weapons system would require
Hoverboard - type I The type I hoverboard was originally conceived as a means of troops
personal transport but it never took off. Most military units found the
method of transport undignified. The type I hoverboard is a quite
large for what it is and is complete with rocket jets for extra
propulsion. The body of the hoverboards is armoured allowing skilled
operators to use the board itself.
Hoverboard - type II (lightweight) This is the more frequently available hoverboard and can be purchased from nearly any spaceport or childs toy store. Gangs of 'boarders, teenagers mostly, can often be found hanging around spaceports or malls causing trouble as they dodge between local townspeople.
Other Items
Map-O-Matic The Map-O-Matic has been around for centuries, most frequently used by Republic Scouts. During the time of the Empire Rebel infiltrators often use the Map-O-Matic. During this period, with the lack of Scouts in the galaxy, the sales have dropped with few companies actually producing this device. The two most common versions are produced by the Togorians and the Nosferartau. The Nosferartau version is the most common, and the cheapest. Although cheaper it is the most accurate, but also unreliable. The Togorian model is more expensive, an although it does not have the range of the Nosferartau model it is more reliable are rarely breaks down. What the Map-O-Matic does is perform a quick scan of the immediate area then shows the area as a hologram. Small details are not shown, but most often walls and large furniture is detailed.
rocket boots Often worn as a safety device by mountaineers, or by deep space workers. Rocket boots are precisely that. They have enough lift for a small sustained flight.
Repulsor beam This is a small hand held device. Often used in shops and factories for stacking or un-stacking high shelves. the Repulsor beam has