Campaign Log
U.S.S. Dudley NCC - 1971 |
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1. Memories Stardate 44191.1 Lt. Vec also uncovers a
recording from the logs of a Federation vessel, showing it was
attacked and destroyed by a Klingon Bird of Prey. |
. The Federation has imposed General Order 7 on Talos IV, this order prevented anyone from approaching or making contact with the planet, under penalty of death! The Captain makes his way top the bridge, but after a short conversation reveal himself as a Talosian. The Talosians say they had acted purely from doing what they thought was for the best, hiding the evidence of the Klingon Bird of Prey destroying the Federation vessel, as such an act could destroy the Federation/Klingon alliance and bring about a war. Only the size of the crew and variety of aliens had stretched their powers. They offered the crew a choice, have their memories returned and let them leave, to possibly face court marshal and take home evidence that could cause a war, or remain on Talos IV and live out whatever life they desire. The crew of the USS Dudley chose to return home. They did not face court marshal.. |
Next weeks episode... "Old Soldiers" | ||
GM Notes:
The primary antagonists
of this adventure were the Talosians; Most of this adventure was role-play over roll-play. The PCs got to know each other, and I added in encounters with the other crew members so they got to know the ship. Then I would drip-feed the PCs clues to question the truth of their mission. I did take some liberties with the Talosians; they have not actually shown the ability to erase memories in the series, but it wasn't a far stretch of their hallucinogenic powers. The attack on the Federation ship will be addressed in a later episode.
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