CLUB SQUIRREL - Over 100 years of Role-Playing Star Trek Bridge Player-Characters Non-Player-Characters Captain's Log

Mission info



    Lt. Commander 'Zeek' is first officer aboard the USS Dudley.  While Commander Gann technically outranks him, Zeek has been chosen as Executive Officer.

Zeek prefers his science research to his responsibilities of command, but has grown in the role and become well respected amongst his crewmates.


    Lt. Vec is not a Starfleet Officer, he is a Klingon Officer on a crew exchange program.  He serves as Chief of Security and accompanies most Away Teams.  He finds the comforts of the Federation strange, but has been able to blend in with the  crew.  His authority as Chief of Security is never questioned and he has an exemplary service record.


  Clint Poppius stated his duty aboard the USS Dudley as Lt. Junior Grade, but his exemplary service brought about promotion to the rank of full Lieutenant.

An excellent and daring starship pilot who has got the Dudley out of numerous scrapes.  He generally keep to himself and is more comfortable at the ships controls than on Away Team missions.


Support characters


  The USS Enterprise-D had Ten Forward, the USS Dudley has Berik's Bar.  Berik is a Ferengi entrepreneur.  Why he would choose to run a business aboard a Federation starship that effectively does not charge for drinks has not yet come to light.

He is a friendly individual, and if you want to know what is happening aboard ship, Berik if the one to see.  The Captain has even asked for Berik's help on occasions when having to deal with unsavoury members of the galactic underworld.

    Of all members of the crew no one crew member causes so much confused emotions.  Chief Medical Officer Doctor Naax Bat is Cardassian, a race that are not well trusted by members of the Federation; but Naax Bat is not only a competent Starfleet Officer, he is an excellent doctor.

Naax Bat has not yet had much experience on Away Teams, but did recently help in the evacuation of stranded crew of the USS Coventry from Zeta Minor VI.


    Maine Zeikrich was Chief Engineer of the USS Dudley for only a short time as it was revealed that he was in fact a Romulan spy.  He assisted the Bajoran terrorist Lira Bliss and fellow spy Cal in stealing a newly engineered Genesis Device.

See episode

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