Campaign Log
U.S.S. Dudley NCC - 1971 |
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5. Infinite Evil Stardate 44191.5 Lt.Cmdr Zeek chats with Commander Gann, revealing that Sorenson is obsessed with finding new energy sources. While many blamed him for the destruction of the USS Warrington he never faced any charges.
The planet Zeta Alpha VI is in an
area of space full of violent energy storms. The planet itself
orbits a dying sun and is constantly ravaged by violent and deadly
ion storms. The ships transporters won't work, so the Away team (Poppius,
Zeek, Vec and Doctor Nax Bat) have to use a Shuttle. Lt. Poppius
pilots, the shuttle is hit hard by lightning, but Poppius gets the
ship under control and is able to land. The surface is a mix of rocky outcroppings and dense jungle, and the storm is not as violent at surface level.
The group take the rocky route to find the USS Coventry. They come across an odd pit. The pit is totally black; no illumination shows anything from within. Around the rim of the pit are some crystals; Zeek examines them and they register as anti-matter, which should not exist without causing an immense explosion. The pit registers nothing. The Away Team avoid the pit
and continue. In the distance they see the crashed USS Coventry,
just beyond the jungle. Poppius then spots a Starfleet uniform.
There is no body, just some dust, and the uniform shows burn signs.
Zeek deducts he came into contact with anti-matter and was atomised. |
The away team are led by Crewman
Johns to the remains of the USS Coventry and meet the crew
survivors. The ship is crashed and only the saucer section remains.
Doctor Lillian Brown as Lt. Commander is now acting Captain. The
ships captain had survived but was killed by... something on the
planet… a creature. The Away Team are told that half the crew were
killed in the crash and now seven crew have been killed on the
planet The only person to see the creature and live is crewman
Warrington, but he is now in an induced coma caused by the terror.
Security Chief Lt. Harris
takes Lt. Cmdr Zeek goes to see his old crewmate, Prof. Sorenson,
the scientist leading the expedition and his assistant Mendoc. It is
immediately obvious that Lt. Harris does not like or trust Sorenson,
so does not stay. Sorenson claims the anti-matter crystals hold
infinite energy, but Zeek is not convinced. Checking the research
the crystals do seem to provide amazing energy, but Sorenson has not
done any research on why they exist or where they come from. |
![]() Ensign Poppius helps with preparing for evacuation with crewman Johns and Lt. Harris. Outside the ship Poppius sees a glowing red outline in the nearby jungle. Lt. Harris, the veteran security chief, says it is the creature and asks Poppius to help him kill it. Poppius points out the creature has killed several crewmen, so running into the jungle would not be prudent, "Captain Ahab doesn't need to catch his whale today." (bonus points to the player for that line). Poppius heads back into the ship and the ship is secured. Crewman Johns escorts Poppius to the makeshift quarters, passing sickbay where they hear a sound. They look inside to see the supposedly comatose Warrington sitting up. He glares at Poppius, his eyes glowing red!
Ensign Poppius and Crewman johns try to close the med bay door, but there is no lock, and soon the possessed crewman Warrington breaks through into the corridor. Poppius has to resort to his Phaser, the blast incapacitates Warrington. Doctor Naax Bat is soon on the scene, the possession has seemingly gone and Warrington is not harmed, not even a sign of the phaser.
With the possessed following them the Captain resorts to her Phaser, set to Stun. In his possessed state Naax Bat still has some semblance of consciousness, and tries to make contact with whatever being has taken over him.
“We are the Infinite. The Captain’s Phaser blast causes a mighty explosion hurling her and Zeek down the corridor causing the upper decks of the crashed ship to come crashing down, burying Sorenson and Bat.
Zeek and the Captain are convinced this is to do with the crystals, and they are found near the pit. The Captain, Zeek, Poppius and Lt. Harris head to the pit while the others try to help any trapped crewmen. The USS Dudley is contact and a request is made to send shuttles immediately. Zeek concludes his studies of the pit and the anti-matter crystals, and the revelation is frightening. These crystals are the residue of matter from an anti-matter universe, the pit is a doorway joining the two universes. Any attempt to remove the crystals from the planet would surely cause the annihilation of those removing them. The pit cannot be closed, and any attempt to destroy it could result in a catastrophe for the entire Alpha Quadrant and beyond!
The evacuation is complete. Sorenson and Bat are found alive. Starfleet is informed of the events and a quarantine is placed around the planet for a more qualified science team to investigate. The survivors are taken to the nearest Starbase.
next week... Stratus of Death | ||
GM Notes:
This story is a re-write of the Doctor Who episode Planet of Evil, right down to the inclusion of Sorenson. I have made a twist on the anti-matter creatures, naming them The Infinite, with the intention of using them as a greater threat later in our series.
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