Pets are very much a part of the Star Trek universe; Data's cat, Captain Picards fish and Miles O'Brien's tarantula are but a few. So long as the pet in question is not overly dangerous or could cause potential harm to the vessel crew are permitted pets. A Sehlat, like Spock's childhood pet, is probably too large to keep on a starship. | |
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Cat Cat are predatory mammals from Earth. The smaller domesticated cats are often kept as pets. A cat can be aloof, caring, skittish, daring, arrogant and loving, apparently all at the same time. Lt. Commander Data's pet cat Spot is probably most famous cat in star Trek.
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Claws: melee 1 Trait: Cat - Gain extra die for jump and climb checks. Unlike many pets a cat cannot be given instructions, oh it understands, but it will choose to ignore whatever you tell it to do. Stress: 08 |
A waul is a small, furry cat-like animal native to the planet Moauv.
The Moauvian Ambassador Oavid had a pet waul named Ewass. |
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Claws: Melee 1 Trait: Telepathy. This is just an instinct, projecting the feelings of the Waul. Those nearby need to make a Difficulty 2 Control + Security or start to act based on the feelings they are recieving. Stress: 08 |
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Alfa 177 canine The Alfa 177 canine (left) was a species of dog native to the planet Alfa 177. It was very similar to an Earth dog, with the exception of a horn on its head, a scaled backbone, and thin gold antennae sprouting from its head. TOS: The
Enemy Within The most prominent dog in Star Trek is Porthos (below), the pet Beagle of Captain Archer from Enterprise. |
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Bite: Melee 1 Trait: Canine. Canines of all breeds can be trained like other canines and may re-roll any smell based check. Stress: 07
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