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Pirates, Rogues and Scoundrels
The Phoenix Pirates have existed for many years, but it was not until 5 years before the Battle of Yavin that they became as infamous as they are today. They were a small band of cut-throats working for Drebble, who was in turn answerable to the Hutts, Jabba the Hutt to be precise. Phoenix used a collection of old freighters that they had had upgraded. Then Kochang came along. He was a hard mercenary and a true pirate. Jabba the Hutt gave Kochang the chance to run several of his smaller operations, one of those being the Phoenix Pirates. With the help of Zaltar, Kochang aquired a mighty warship which would be named The Phoenix. With the help of an outlaw tech, Heli Pond, they kept The Phoenix in top condition, and later even constructed a new pirate raiding vessel, The Squid. They also had the help of the pirate Minhg, who would later join the Rebel Alliance, and his warship the Firestar.
Minhg by now had joined the Rebel Alliance, but was determined to put an end to Drangal. The Firestar under Minhgs command, and The Phoenix commanded by Drangal were to meet in a deadly conflict. The two warships blasted each other to space dust. Both ships were beyond repair, but still the battle raged on. The pirate crew abandoned the Phoenix, but Drangal remained, enranaged he had nearly reverted back to his monstrous beginnings. The Weapon systems of the Firestar were dead. Minhg too would sound the evacuation, but like Drangal, he too would stay behind. The Two battered warships stared at each other across space. Both Minhg and Drangal fired the engines of their warships. The two mighty vessel collided and exploded, but Minhg wasn't stupid enough to stay behind. The moment before impact he teleported clear, but his ship was lost. The burning wreck of the Firestar and the Phoenix tumbled into a nearby sun. Drangal was believed dead. It took many months for the Phoenix to regroup. Eventually they did, and Drebble and Kochang still argue. Heli Pond designed the Phoenix II, though not as powerful as the original and the Phoenix Pirates are once more raiding the hyper-lanes, but this time they're not going to be as bold as Drangal was.
"Ssss... let me introduce myssself, yessss. I am Zaltar. If there is anything I can get you, my prices are good. Weapons? Spice? Twi'lek slave girls? Heh heh. Remember, Zaltar is the man to see."
* Zaltar cannot fly a ship. Treat every roll Zaltar makes when piloting as a wild '1'. Equipment: Heavy Blaster (5D+1), hold-out blaster, Vibro-blade (Str+3D), 4000 cr. Special Armour : +10D vs. energy weapons only Capsule: Few people who know Zaltar really trust him. Everyone else trusts him because he plays the nice guy. It's all an act. Zaltar is a cut-throat. He's nasty, plain and simple. If he has a friend it's the smuggler Callahan, but he's double-crossed Callahan so many times the smuggler now knows better than to trust the lizard. Little is known of Zaltars past, or even what race he is, and he doesn't talk about it. Some say he is one of a race from the Unknown Regions simply known as 'the Others', but Zaltar admits nothing. At least nothing that resembles the truth. What is true is his reputation. It is often whispered in Cantina bars that Zaltar once killed a Jedi. It's a rumour, and a boast, that Zaltar himself maintains. He has been associated with Phoenix now for many years. He is a Pirate, Bounty Hunter and assassin. He is often up front, always bossing the lower thugs around. Despite this bluster it is rare to ever see Zaltar in a fight. He prefer to talk his way out of conflicts rather than commit to an action that could cause himself some harm. Zaltar values his life, often at the expense of others. Oh, and the Jedi killer rumour. It's true.
"Listen up sithspit! Don't let the fact that I'm a Nikto alter the fact that I'm the one in charge here. Not Callahan, not Drebble and certainly not Zalter. No, not Jabba either, but I do work for him. Now listen, all I want is Ugavine. Not junior, Q-Zark, Mogwye or however many more of those rodents there might be, just Ugavine. Why? That's my business. Are you looking to to become sarlacc fodder?!"
Equipment: Vibro-Axe (Str +2D+2), Thunderer Blaser (6D+2), Deckspweeper (6D stun), 10,000 credits, Goliath Command Staff ** Capsule: Kochang has risen above the constraints of his people. He serves Jabba the Hutt, not because of the force servitude of the Nikto, but because he is a cut-throat with a thirst for blood who is damn good at getting the job done. At first glance he appears a well built Nikto dressed in the usual slave attire a majority of Nikto wear. Kochang is no slave. He bought his own freedom the hard way, with money, and then in the gladiator area. He bested several of Jabba the Hutts prize fighters, fought through the Hutts guards and had it in his power to kill his former master. He did not. Instead he gave Jabba his loyalty, and demanded (yes, demanded) command of a pirate group. Impressed with Kochang Jabba did indeed give him command of a pirate group, The Phoenix Pirates (although it was not Kochangs threats that won him that). When Kochang took over the Phoneix were a band of useless thugs with a couple of lightly armed Stock Freighters. Under Kochangs rule they command a fleet of pirate raiders including The Phoenix, a mighty and deadly capital warship. It was a more recent event that changed Kochangs' focus. He came into posession of a command staff for the super-weapon GOLIATH, built by Dr.Ugavine. However, the command staff does not work correctly. Kochang has had Goliath under his command a couple of times, but never for long. Kochang is now obsessed with owning the super-warship, but requires Dr.Ugavine to repaire the Command Staff.
"I'm not into big speeches. I know what I am, I'm a smuggler. Anything, anywhere. Well nearly. How I got tagged with the Phoenix I'll never know. I'm sure it's all Zaltars fault. It's always Zaltars fault. That green skinned lizard never brings me anything but trouble."
Equipment: Blaster Pistol, Blaster Carbine, comlink, data pad, 5000 credits Capsule: Callahan is a veteran smuggler. Plenty of people have heard of him but few know him, or even what he looks like. The mark a good smuggler. Callahan can seemingly shift any goods past even the most stringent of spaceport securities. He's a well spoken man with good manners. He can deal with Hutts or Imperials with equal charm. He trusts few people, but few people don't trust Callahan. One person he does trust is Rees-Yum, his Gran co-pilot. The pair have been together for many years. Communication between them is even silent at times they know each other that well. For several years now Callahan has been on the payroll of the Hutts and has associated with the Phoenix pirates frequently. Amongst his many talents Callahan is also an excellent fence and info-merchant. Callahan is often in the company of Zaltar, who he most certainly does not trust. Recently The Baron Bal'al'tor of Soccorro double-crossed Callahan. Zaltar was working for the Baron at the time. Callahan was rescued by several Rebels with Zaltar in tow. Callahan swears Zaltar knew that the Baron had him prisoner, but the deceptive lizard denies knowing anything about it.
Captain Daice Drebble
"Listen up. I'm the one who is charge here, not Kochang and certainly not Zaltar. Another thing, The Phoenix is my ship, not Kochangs. So anyone aboard does what I say so. Do you get that. Hello? Is anybody listening to me?"
*** indicates Drebble's skill when drunk, which is most of the time now. Equipment: 2 Heavy Blaster Pistols, bottle of corellian whiskey, Blaster Rifle, comlink, data pad, 500 credits. Capsule: Drebble is a drunk. Years ago he was know as the Quick-draw Kid and was the best swoop racer in the Outer Rim. That was long before he got involved with the Phoenix Pirates. For many years he had moderate success, raiding small freighters and yachts that had wondered off the space-lanes. Then Kochang came along and shook things up. It's was for the better at first. They captured an alien capital warship which they renamed The Phoenix. Kochang was power hungry though, until Drangal came along. Drangal. When Drangal had gone, and the Phoenix destroyed, the Hutts financed another warship, though not as powerful as the first. Drebble was in command of the ship again, but by now he has become sorrowful and a drunk. He is rarely sober nowadays and it won't be long until the Hutts get rid of him permanently.
"Huh? Oh, hello. Rees Yum. Erm... don't know what to say really. Why don't you go see Callahan."
Equipment: Blaster Carbine, comlink, data pad, 1500 credits Capsule: Ree Yum has associated with Callahan for many years. The pair seem like a couple of low key smugglers, which is the way Callahan likes it. If only the authorities how good these two really are. Their smuggling has cost the Empire millions of credits in tax duties. Rees Yum is a shy person who does not like a lot of attention. He enjoys the odd drink, Dark Gar Brew being a favourite, though he can rarely drink more than a couple of tankards. He also enjoys a game of Sabacc. He is often duped out of credits by Zaltar, but the tricky lizard always seems to be able to entice Rees Yum back for another game.
"Screw this! I ain't talkin' trash to no one, let alone you. If you've got a problem with Kanbu ... ZZZAAAPPPP!!!" Capsule: Of all of the Phoneix Pirates Kanbu is without a doubt the most dangerous. His speed with a blaster is unparalleled, except for Drebble when he's not drunk. Kanbu is a killer. In fact you don't even want to argue over a spilt drink with this guy. As for his pirate activities, forget the holo-vids with space pirates making crews 'walk the air-lock', Kanbu will simply shoot you through the head. No survivors. No witnesses. Anyone who messes with this guy will die! Right there!
"Good day. I am Heli Pond. I am... busy. sorry, Kanbu is watching" Capsule: Heli Pond is a Quarren starship engineer. He worked for a large starship company working out of Kuat. He often came up with unusual and often impractical designs. Fed up of being laughed at he took to hacking the computer matrix and stealing other engineers ideas. Heli Pond was discovered and he was soon on the run. He fled to the Outer Rim, drifting from one wretched hive to another before meeting Zaltar. Zaltar recognised the outlaw, and offered him a job. Heli Pond has done considerable upgrades to The Phoenix and was the designed of the pirate starship The Squid. Despite his affiliations Heli Pond is not really a pirate and is not a killer, or even a fighter. His association with the Phoenix Pirates is more of a matter of protection from his ex-employers.
The Phoenix No one really knows for sure where the Phoenix came from. Kochang and Zaltar are the ones who procured the vessel. Rumor is that the ship once belonged to Zaltars own people, but that's a subject he doesn't talk about. For a Pirate Frigate the Phoenix is incredibly powerful and easily a match for even Imperial Warships, yet with a much smaller crew. The original Phoenix was unfortunately destroyed by Minhg and Drangal.
* The Phoenix Super Laser has never been tested. It requires all power to use so could not be used after sustained combat. The ship cannot be making any other action, so may not evade or even raise shields. The Super Laser will drain all power reserves including life support. There is a strong possibility that the use of the laser could rupture the ships power reactor and destroy the Phoenix itself if used. If ever used the 'beak' at the front of the Phoenix will raise and all forward firing cannons will combine their blast with the super laser.
The Phoenix II This is the current starship being used by the Phoenix Pirates. Heli Pond designed this ship based off the rough plans of the original. As you can see this ship is a lot less powerful than the original and does not boast the Super Laser.
The Squid The Squid is one of Heli Ponds unique designs. The Squid is a pirate boarding craft. although not a combat vessel it does have armaments and can tackle small or lightly armed vessels. The Squib has eight 'tentacles' each tipped with a powerful laser cutter that can also be used as a light cannon. When on an attack the Squid will extend it's tentacles which will pierce the hull of the target vessel. The Squid can then simply pull itself in until it is tightly attached to the targets hull. The undercarriage of the Squid is fitted with a boarding cutter and airlock.
** The Squib must attach a minimum of two tentacles in order to attach itself to it's target. The target can attempt to break free (use the target ships Hull code + Speed, but the Strength of each tentacle attached is combined. The Tentacles can be targeted if possible with the difficulty +7 due to the small size of the target. It takes two rounds for the Squid to pull itself in and attach itself to a ships hull. It may still evade while doing this. Once the Squid loses -1D from maneuver for each tentacle attached. Once four tentacles are attached or the Squid has docked no maneuver rolls can be made. *** These cannons are on the tips of each tentacle. They cannon be fired if that tentacle is already in use. It is strongly recommended that the laser is not fired once used to attach itself to a ship. The close blast would most likely cause damage to the tentacle and the Squid.