Jawa Tech Teeto was happy aboard the Sandcrawler on his homeworld of Tatooine. But on day he was asked to wipe the memory of a recently acquired astromech droid, that droids designation was R2-D2. Realising what R2 was carrying Teeto left the droid to continue with it's mission. He then left the Sandcrawler at Tosche Station before making is way to Mos Eisely. Teeto wanted to help the Rebellion and he was eventually put into contact with Momaw Nadon who put him in contact with Rebel commander Lens Reekeene.
Dex 3D, Know 3D, Mech 4D, Perc 2D, Str 2D, Tech
4D Various tools, comlink, medpac, ion gun.
Duro Pilot/Swoop racer
Dex 4D, Know 3D, Mech 4D, Perc 3D, Str 2D, Tech
2D Blaster pistol, comlink, medpac, swoop bike
Brokken Rib Kid Dex
3D+2, Know 2D+2, Mech 3D, Perc 3D+2, Str 2D+1, Tech 2D+2 2 bottles of fizzyglug, small pet
Act I The 'Bantha', a Corellian Freighter owned by Rebel Alliance Captain Durrell, accompanied by a squad of six X-Wing Fighters drop from Hyperspace. Their target is a container carrier by a bulk freighter, but it won't be easy, the freighter is guarded by a squad of TIE fighters and a Nebulan B Escort Frigate. Also the Rebels must first board the freighter to release the cargo container.
The crew of the Bantha includes a Duro co-pilot Som-Bod and a Jawa tech called Teeto. The Bantha docks and Durell and Teeto board. The freighter should only have minimal crew, and they should be in the command deck. But one passenger was not meant to be their, the kid call Brokken Rib is stowed away in the container. Teeto successfully releases the container, but the Rebels are surprised by a two Imperial Stormtroopers. In the shootout Durell and Teeto are shot. Som-Bod is forced to come and assist. The Stormtroopers are defeated and the Rebels escape, using the grab fitted to their ship to collect the released cargo container. Two X-wings were destroyed in their dogfight with the TIE fighters, but the Bantha and remaining X-Wings escape into Hyperspace.
Act II Warning lights flash and klaxons sound aboard the Bantha. The calculations of the cargo container mass was off and has caused a hyperdrive malfunction. Teeto runs to the engine room just as the Realspace Capacitor burns out causing a strange affect to take-over the ship, everything appears in black and white negative. And to dead stop the ship now would undoubtedly tear the ship apart. They are stuck in Hyperspace!
Durell & Teeto go to see if there are any parts in the stolen container to help repair the ship. Som-Bod remain behind. Out of the cockpit window he sees a glowing light, he leans against the window to get a better view as it glows brighter, too bright, the flash blinding Som-Bod. In the container the kid stays hidden, and nothing useful can be found. Starfighter computer parts, but nothing to fix a hyperdrive. With Som-Bod recovered they have no choice but to explore their strange environment, the whole world appearing in negative, the stars above just a blur, like a starship in hyperspace. Several of the glowing things approach and attack the party with bolts of lightening. Blaster fire is useless, only making them stronger, as if they feed off the energy. The party eventually fight off the glowing critters and head towards what is either a hill or a tower. As they approach a figure can be seen but her disappears inside. The party find an entrance, a cave maybe, and cautiously enter. Som-Bod slips and falls. Even though he cannot see the floor properly it feels like a metal grating, like from a starship floor. There is a light at the end of the corridor. The corridor opens into a small domed room, the figure they saw earlier is there. He moves towards a wall, and in a flash vision returns to normal. The room is patched togther from starship parts, the man is an aged Duro. "Hello", he stutters, "my name is Odol Dum." Odol Dum explains that he crashed here thousands of years ago. He built this room from crashed ships and using a Realspace Capacitor, although he can only spend small amounts of time here as he stars to age and grow hungry. He also explains that the glowing creatures he believes to be Mynocks. It is his theory that hey somehow evolved here in Hyperspace but were taken to Realspace attached to starships as they tried to feed off their energy. Teeto explains they need the Realspace Capacitor to fix their ship. Odol Dum says they can have it if they can take him home. The party agrees. Teeto repairs the ship, Som-Bod manages to take off and 4Q calculates the coordinates to get them back to Realspace. The blur of stars is gone. Welcome to Realspace.