The Broken Moon
A Star Wars /d6 Adventure Player characters Lord Tracks Durron - A brave noble from the Tapani Sector who has given over his life to join the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Lurch Jeeves - Manservant, driver/pilot and bodyguard of Lord Tracks Durron. Lurch has devoted his life to his House and will protect it and it members at all cost. That loyalty now extends to the Rebel Alliance.
Act I – Ord Mantell The Rebels arrives at Ord Mantell carrying a data core to pass to Rebel Alliance Intelligence, landing their starship the Hydian Jumper in a secure docking bay. Ord Mantell, once capital of the Bright Jewel system is now a home to crime syndicates and under control of the Galactic Empire.
Lord Durron and Lurch make their way through the busy streets and soon become aware they are being followed by a Trandoshan. He is a Bounty Hunter named Knash. Lord Durron makes Lurch aware, and wait to see what he does. Eventually Knash moves closer, but Lurch reacts and in a single shot kills the Trandoshan. The Rebels flee the scene before the authorities arrive.
The room is a small command room with four people present; Snowy of Rebel Alliance High Command, a woman introduced as Lady Carmilla, a Sullstan known as Neemo and… Doctor Ugavine, from a high tech Ugnaught Clan. Doctor Ugavine examines the information. Snowy then says this was just to confirm their other reports. The Empire is mining a rare Ore from the planet New Helix Minor, known as the Broken Moon. There is a clan of Ugnaughts working as slaves. Snowy believes the ore will be used to strengthen and lighten Imperial Stormtrooper armour, something that the Rebel Alliance cannot afford to let happen. The Rebels heroes are tasked with a mission. Travel to the Broken Moon, meet with a contact called Ulaf who should be able to put them in contact with the local Rebel leader Gorg. They are to persuade Gorg to initiate a full scale rebellion on the planet. The Empire must be fought off. The planet is defended by an Imperial Nebulon-B Frigate commanded by Commander Bane Nothos, but as the Ugnaughts start fighting Snowy will bring his Rebel Assault Frigate, Justice, to attack Nothos. Once the Empire have been forced off the planet Snowy has arranged for delegates of the Mining Guild to arrive to make a deal with the Ugnaughts. This is not a perfect plan, the Mining Guild have been known to exploit planets, but this would still be better than slaves to the Empire. The Ugnaughts would get a wage and be paid for the Ore. Even the Emperor will think twice about attacking a Mining Guild planet and would therefore be forced to pay for the Ore. That increased cost should be enough to slow down or even end the Empires plan of improving Stormtrooper armour in this manner.
Act II – Arrival at Broken Moon The Hydian Jumper arrives at the Broken Moon, with the Rebels accompanied at their request by the Sullustan Neemo.
The Rebels spot the Nebulan-B of Commander Nothos, famed for his failure to stop the Rebel Shantipole project, as well as TIE Fighter patrols. Lurch is able to manoeuvre and hide behind the many asteroids that little the system before finding one of the openings to allow them to land within the moon. The Rebels contact Ulaf of Clan Ogrutag, who is worried about contacting Gorg but agrees to lead them to him. Neemo remains with the ship.
Eventually the Rebels are lead into what was once a great meeting hall. Now it is in ruin, and around the room are many sick, injured and malnourished Ugnaughts. But there are also several Ugnaughts armed with blasters. After Ulaf has words a gruff Ugnaught comes to greet the Rebels, he is Gorg, former Chief of Clan Ogrutag and leader of the local Rebel resistance. Lord Tracks Durron explains the plan to Gorg, but the Ugnaught Chief is not immediately willing. He objects to the involvement of the Mining Guild, but Lord Durron is able to convince him it is better than being slaves to the Empire. Gorg agrees, and a time within 24 hours is agreed. Lord Durron contacts Neemo who sends a signal to Snowy.
Act III – Broken Moon Uprising With only a few hours until the planned battle Gorg meets with the Rebels and shows a recording of an Imperial Shuttle docking with the Nebulon-B Frigate. Gorg says he has spies, and that shuttle was unscheduled. Lord Durron takes a closer look and identifies the makings of that of the Imperial Inquisition. Alas, it is too late to stop the plan now, all must go ahead as planned. The time arrives and Ugnaughts from across the moon start attacking the Imperials with any weapon they have to hand, fortunately nearly everyone is armed with an axe or pick! The Ugnaughts outnumber the Stormtroopers, and in space the Justice, a mighty Rebel Assault Frigate arrives. Nothos and the Justice exchange fire, with TIE fighters also swarming the Rebel ship. The Rebels ignore the Starfighters and concentrate all their firepower on the Imperial Frigate.
In the meeting chambers Stormtroopers break through. Ugnaughts and the Rebels engage in a firefight. Then through the smoke and rubble strides an Imperial Inquisitor, Brother Odus. The Inquisitor surveys the greatest threat, Lurch Jeeves, and ignites his red bladed lightsabre. With unreal speed he brings his blade down on Lurch Jeeves, but the uncanny manservant retaliates and unleashes a barrage of blaster shots killing the Inquisitor. The Justice firepower is heavy and a torrent of internal explosions finally rip apart of the Imperial Nebulon-B Frigate, the capital sharship exploding! The Rebels are victorious.
Epilogue A contingent of representatives from the Mining Guild arrive and make a deal with Gorg, now acting as Chieftain Regent of Clan Ogrutag. The Rebel Alliance can do no more on the Broken Moon. The Justice and Hydian Jumper depart into hyperspace.