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The Lost Destiny


A Star Wars /d6 Adventure              

Player characters

Lord Tracks Durron - A brave noble from the Tapani Sector who has given over his life to join the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire.

Lurch Jeeves - Manservant, driver/pilot and bodyguard of Lord Tracks Durron.  Lurch has devoted his life to his House and will protect it and it members at all cost.  That loyalty now extends to the Rebel Alliance.


Tapani Day. Celebrations are well under way across the entire Tapani Sector. Lord Durron has been invited to the prestigious Gala celebrations on Procopia. A spectacular fireworks display light up the city.

High Lord Bal Jaset of House Melantha raises a toast, “I welcome all House of Tapani to this evening festivities. I would also like to offer welcome to Grand Admiral Kain of The Empire, and the Burrt Bros of the Tallaan Shipwrights. Sadly the sector Moff can not be with us because he wasn’t invited… I mean he has other commitments.” *

* refers to Moff Lard.

High Lady Mattherson of House Pelagia is wearing a dress that cost 1.2 million credits in a bold statement that Pelagia are very much still a force in the sector.

As the evening moves on Lord Durron notices Lady Carmilla, a Lady of Pelagia that he doesn’t know other than seeing her amongst Rebels recently on Ord Mantell (see The Broken Moon). As he circulates Lord Durron is approached by Imperial Star Destroyer Captain Maya Chinn.

Captain Chinn “Lord Durron, I feel like we have already met.”

Lord Durron “I’m sure we haven’t.”

Captain Chinn “You were at Etti IV during a recent starport disturbance.”

Lord Durron “Etti IV? Do remind me.”

Captain Chinn “Your ship was reported leaving the startport during the disturbance.”

Lord Durron “I was likely there, don’t recall any disturbance.”

Captain Chinn “Before that you were on Ord Mantell.”

Lady Carmilla, who is nearby, “My Lord, Ord Mantell, really, I thought you would frequent such better worlds than that.”

Lord Durron “I may have passed by.”

Captain Chinn “According to records you left just as I arrived. It is a dangerous world, a bounty hunter was killed in the streets.” (again, see The Broken Moon)

Lord Durron “Shocking.”

Captain Chinn “My trip was not uneventful. We discovered a Rebel Cell hiding behind a casino. When will they learn the Empire is here to protect them. We tried to apprehend them, to rehabilitate them, but alas they were all killed.”

Lord Durron “Truly shocking,”

Lord Durron obviously did not believe the Imperial Captain, after all, Commander Snowy was commanding the starship Justice after his Ord Mantell meeting, Lady Carmilla was here at the celebrations and he would have surely heard if Doctor Ugavine had been captured or killed.

Lord Durrons conversation with the Imperial Captain is interrupted by Nils Wilder of House Calipsa, and old university roommate of Lord Durron.

Nils “Tracks old fellow, how are you?”

Lord Durron “Great. Good to see you.”

Nils “Yes, great gig this, took a lot to get an invite. Anyway I need to speak with you about a business venture.”

Lord Durron “Business?”

Nils “Yes, but not now. I presume you’re staying at the Royal? I’ll meet you in the lobby tomorrow lunchtime.”

Lord Durron was surprised to see his old friend, he’d heard Nils family shipping business was not doing well. On top of that House Pelagia has an embargo banning House Calipsa from transporting goods through Pelagia space. Nevertheless he agrees to meet with his old friend.

Meanwhile outside Matriarch Agatha was watching to make sure all the servants were attending to their duties. Agatha controlled all event staff on Procopia. She answered to no single House, but all Houses placed their servants under her watch during these events. Matriarch Agatha was possibly the only individual every Lord and Lady from any House had the utmost respect for.

Lurch Jeeves was on the balcony taking in the evening air and celebrations. Below was Sir Falken of House Melantha along with his ensemble of Saber Rakes.

Sir Falken was very drunk and makes several insults about Pelagia toward Lurch. Lurch ignores him. Sir Falken continues, poking fun at a twi’lek slave in his own service to try and provoke Lurch. Lurch goes to walk off, but Matriarch Agatha calls him back, first scolding him for walking away from a Knight, then she demands Sir Falken apologise. The Melantha Knight refuses, but then makes the mistake or referring to Agatha as ‘just the help’. Lord Bal Jaset appears. No words are spoken, but Sir Falken and his rakes leave the party.

As the party draws into the early hours Lady Contessa of House Cadriaan approaches Lord Durron. Lady Contessa has an elf-like appearance and is strikingly beautiful with long blonde hair wearing a magnificent red dress. But Lord Durron knows of her… reputation…

Lady Contessa “My, my, Track Durron, just the man I was after. I need your help.”

Lord Durron “How is that?”

Lady Contessa “Well, it seems someone has leaked some rather revealing images of me to the local media.”

Lord Durron “And you want me to get them back?”

Lady Contessa “No, why would I leak them if I wanted them back? Only all this Tapani Day celebration is going to make front page, and my pictures will get relegated to some back story. But if we were to make a scene, and leave together. Well, there would be a big fuss and my pics will end up front page news.”

Lord Durron, not wanting to get involved in Lady Contessa’s convoluted scandal kindly turns down her offer. Not that it seemed to bother Lady Contessa, she immediately went to pick on another Lord.

The following lunchtime Lord Durron meets with Nils Wilder as planned. Nils says he has a plan that will get the houses talking again, save his business and make Pelagia rich.

Nils outlines that he believes he has discovered a new hyperlane across Pelagia space. If so they could use it as a bargaining chip to get the two Houses talking again. Taxes levied by Pelagia would benefit their house greatly, while Calipsa would benefit by being able to move goods through Pelagia space again. He needs Lord Durron though to give Pelagian permission for the survey mission.

Lord Durron agrees to help and they agree to meet on Pelagon in two days time.

Lord Durron glances at the news screen in the hotel lobby, where Lady Contessa is front page news in new photo scandal.



Lord Durron and Lurch meet with Nils as planned and board the Bright Seeker scout ship where they are introduced to the crew;

Kalista Banto, engineer, a stunningly attractive blonde woman who most would assume to be a model rather than engineer.
Janos Marsh, co-pilot and surveyor, been with the company six months.
Parto Nethathanin, Duro pilot and navigator, recently poached from a rival company in the Tallaan shipyards.
Quat Ralto, human in late 50's, down to earth head of security and life long member company man and friend to Nils family.
Edas Vasti, tall thin human, surveyor, worked for the company for several years.

The Bright Seeker makes it's way to it's hyperspace jump point when another ship appears on the scanners.  Lurch is busy plotting the hyper route based on the information provided by Nils.  The other ship, a heavily armed Frigate opens comms;

Frigate "We are Rebel Alliance privateers, meow, so hand over your ship so we can fight the Empire and all that... meow.. yes, I told them, I said Rebels, they can hear this you know..."

Lord Durron was not fooled for a moment.  He knows there are no Rebel Privateers in the Tapani Sector, and he also recognises the voice of the renown Trianii pirate Freylorn Forlorn.

Lord Durron "Listen, Freylorn, we're no surrendering."

Freylon  "Oh go on, I mean, no I'm not that guy, meow, though he does sound dashing and extremely handsome, we're... yes I was going to say that.. Rebels.. I just just told them... is that comm still on?"

Lurch  "Ready."

The Bright Seeker makes the jump to Hyperspace.

After a couple of hours warning klaxons sound and the Bright Seeker drops back to Realspace.  They find themselves near a large gas nebula and an asteroid belt.  Parto surmises the asteroids were caused by a moon collision, they're not too treacherous as they appear to be in a set orbit around a nearby star.

Lurch sets about plotting the asteroids while Edas scans the asteroids for any mineral deposits.  In doing so they spot a derelict starship, a small Pelagian Frigate, and call Nils and Lord Durron to the bridge.  They is minimal power on the ship, no human life signs.  It appears to have sustained massive damage to it's engines, likely in an asteroid collision.  Several Space Slugs can be detected attached to the ships rear hull.

Nils insists on investigating, so Parto docks with the Frigate.  Nils and Quat board and head to the bridge whist Lurch and Janos search the second level. 

Nils manages to get some information, this is the Regal Destiny, famed ship of former Pelagia High Lord Paddox which went missing over 50 years ago.

On the other deck Lurch and Janos first find the lounge, and from the decor realise this would have belonged to someone wealthy.  Then they make a startling discovery in the next chamber, who Hyper-Sleep capsules.  Lurch calls Nils and Lord Durron.  The two nobles join them, and they discover the chambers contain two children, the missing brother and sister of High Lord Paddox.

Nils is excited.  He says how these children are just what they need, the perfect bargaining chip to get Pelagia to agree a deal.  Lord Durron objects, objectively, advising that to hand over the children is the right thing to do, and that alone should be enough for Pelagia to re-open negotiations.  Nils agrees with his old friend, but the children cannot be awoken as power is too low.  Janos is sent to get Kalista to bring some mobile power units from the Bright Seeker so they can move the capsules.

After a few minutes they hear a #clunk# and realise that The Bight Seeker has undocked.  Janos and Parto cannot be raised on the comms.  The Bright Seeker is no moving away though, so Nils suggests they don spacesuits can go for a zero-G walk.  With no other option seemingly available they do just that and space walk across to their ship.

Nils and Lord Durron find Edas is dead, shot at close range in the Hyper-Transceiver Suite.  Kalista is stunned in Engineering.

Lurch opens the door to the bridge to see Paro slumped over in his chair and Janos as the controls with blaster in hand.  Lurch stuns him before he react and restrains him.

Parto and Kalista claim to know nothing, whist Janos says he caught Edas sending a message.  Lord Durron checks the computer and a message has indeed been sent.  He goes down to the Hyper-Transceiver Suite to try to trace the message only to find the Hyper-Transceiver has been blasted.

They are not buying Janos's story.  They re-dock with the Regal Destiny and continue with moving the sleep chambers over.  Then the same Frigate from earlier drops from hyperspace.  It keeps it's distance, not wanting to enter the asteroid field.

Freylorn Forlord "We are.. yes I know.. we are House Mercetti privateers and we commandeer your ship in the name of our House."

Lord Durron opens comms and is able to waste time, enough time for Nils and Kalista to finish moving the sleep chambers and Lurch to calculate the hyper-route.  With moments to spare as the Frigate opens fire The Bright Seeker makes the jump to hyperspace.



The Children are revived at a Pelagia medical facility and reunited with their appreciative family.

House Pelagia and House Calipsa come to formal agreements allowing starships through Pelagia space.

Nils company is saved with Nils and Lord Durron now profiting from taxation of the new hyper-route.

The new hyper-route through Pelagia is named the Nils-Lurch Hyper-Route.

The End




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