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Pelagon Aquatic creatures & vehicles


Pelagon Opree

Dex: 2D+2  Perc: 2D+2  Str: 5D
Scale: Speeder
Teeth: Damage +1D
Speed: 2D+2

No one knows how the Opree, a native to the planet Naboo, appeared in the oceans of Pelagon, but they have been a hazard to travellers for over a millennia.  These huge sea creatures have teeth capable of tearing through a speeder hull.  Fortunately they tend to keep to the lower depths.  Despite the damage to the oceans of Pelagon by the recent attacks the Opree seems to have survived, if not thrived.


Pelagon Sea Monster

Dex: 1D  Perc: 2D  Str: 12D
Scale: Speeder
Speed: 1D+2

Rare unless you travel to deep depths of the oceans but these rare monstrosities do exist.  Only quick thinking and speed can save you if one of these monsters were to appear. 

While there are tales of the past of such sea monsters rising to the surface to attack cities, such stories are believed to be nothing more that fairytales to scare children.


Tapani Mana-D6 Submersible

Crew: 1
Passengers: 3
Speed: 3D
Hull: 2D+2
Manoeuvrability: 2D

The Tapani Mana-D6 is a modernisation of the old Mana-D5 Submersible.  Capable of being used as a standard repulsorlift or in deep oceans, many can be found in use on the Pelagia homeworld of Pelagon where most of the planet is covered in water.  The Mana-D6 therefore acts as a quick and cheap mode of transport.



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