Following the
destruction of Alderaan the Rebel fight against the evil
Galactic Empire has gone from strength to strength.
Inevitably the Empire is striking back, hunting down
Rebels and destroying every Rebel Base they can find.
Our campaign follows
a small group of Rebel operatives in their struggle with
opposing the Empire.
The Elrood Sector
- Planet korad
Adventure Log
Other Locations
Club Squirrel / The
- Unless otherwise stated everything on Sithspawn Lair is Canon in
the Squirrel-Verse.
- Anything with the Cross-over Banner.
- Anything related to Doctor Who, Star Trek, Farscape, Blakes 7,
Lexx, etc.
- Alien Races - treat all aliens in this section as non-canon unless
started in the Canon section. Yes, this includes Draygons, they do
no exist in the Squirrel-verse.
- Time Bandits - sorry, not in the Squirrel-verse. All Characters
belong to their default timeline, eg. Bossko B is a Rebel pilot. I'm
effectively ruling out time travel in the Squirrel-verse.
- Planets - Aldis and the Buffy campaign does not exist, neithr does
Tang rock and Texas.
- The Star Wars EU - bye-bye. This does not include Clone Wars,
Rebels or Droids, they're still good.
- Characters - Ajax, Medusa, reborn Tarkin.
- Everything that appears on the Edge of the Empire or Age of
Rebellion pages.
- Alien Races - Veeaz, Moogie, Gardrayke, Nok'tek'cha, Quacka.
Transhodian are treated as being Trandoshan. Nosferartau are treated
as being an advanced Ugnaught colony.
- Beyond the Blood Drift - this is canon, but will unlilely be used
in ongoing games.
- Tapani Sector - while mostly canon the political structure of
Pelagia is now undefined. ie. Lady Matherson is not head of House
Pelagia. All events involving Moff Lard, Vigo Jeribia and The Kid
remain canon. The Draygons are removed from Tapani.
- Planets - Mondeon remains cut-off due to the Charon hyper-bomb.
Kidron in the Elrood Sector is still a destroyed world, overrun with
alien plant-life.
- Rebel Alliance - Stargate. This still exists with the Stargates
being different versions of Gree Hyper-gates.
Sithspawn's Forum campaign page.
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