The Stargate
The Stargate is the gateway to a network of gates spanning across
several galaxies. A Stargate requires a Dial Home Device, DHD, in
order to input the co-ordinates of the gate you want to go to. The
gateway is one way only and can only be shut down from the originating DHD.
Something must be passing through the Stargate for it to remain active,
although a strong radio signal is enough to keep the gateway open.
Gate addresses are based on ancient star charts, the gates themselves were
created by a race simply known as the Ancients. It is
believed that the maximum length of time a gateway may be maintained is 35
minutes, though this could change in exceptional circumstances.
When a Stargate is activated a small 'fountain' erupts from the
gateway. At this point the gateway is still forming and contact
leads to instant death. As does the closing of the gateway while in
The SGC operates several teams, each team being designated a
number. The number of teams at any one time can vary due to deaths of
teams of Alliance resources. To date there are only two regular teams
which have both kept their original designations.
StarGate Team
SG-17 |
StarGate Team
SG-7 |
Alliance |
Stargate Main |
Stargate Navigation
Planets General |
Aqua Sphere |
New Gar
access unauthorised |
Goa'uld |

"Hey man, we just couldn't resist screwing with
these Stargate guys."
Notes: The NBO have recently been toying with the SGC.
The evil Time Lord known as the Renegade was posing as Rebel
General Tremas. Machismo & Nash were appointed as
Captains, but theSGC were unaware of any deceptions at first.
That was until it was discovered that the Renegade had hypnotized
Dr.Q-Zark. Suspicions grew when Tremas had Lt.Page
arrested. Machismo and Nash soon got tied with the facade and
all the bossing around by the Renegade. The pair of trouble
makers dealt the SGC one hell of a problem. They simultaneously
told the Empire where the Rebel SGC was, gave the Goa'uld the SGC
gate co-ordinates while disabling the iris that protects the SGC
Stargate, tricked the Time Bandits, specifically Viper
& Ripley, into thinking this as a NBO base, as
well as releasing several prisoners, two of whom were Goa'uld.
The Rebels were able to flee, Dr.Q-Zark managing to disable the
Stargate in the process. Fortunately the SGC has access to
Stargates on other worlds. Of the two Goa'uld that escaped,
the first left it's host only to jump into the Time Bandit
Ripley. However, Ripley is half ALIEN, the
Goa'uld tried to leave he body quickly but was not quick enough,
Ripley acid blood killing the creature. The Renegade managed
to flee, escaping into his disguised TARDIS only to find the other
Goa'uld waiting for him. His fate is unknown. |