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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...

Crisis on Cloud City

Receiving a cryptic from his old friend Dr. Issan Lens, Walex Blissex, designer
of the Victory Class Star Destroyer and respected member of the Rebel Alliance,
leads a small Rebel team to Cloud City.  Lens's new prototype droid could greatly help
the Rebel Alliance, but great danger awaits as The Empire's agents are in pursuit...



Jan Vincent Torm
Jo'din Northstar
Dr. Ugavine Junior
Terri Lexgar

NB. some details of the adventure have been changed to apply more towards the group.


Episode One - Arrival
Approaching Cloud City the Sixty-Nine descends through the clouds.  Four Twin-Pod Cloud Cars are on an intercept course, and they do not respond to communications, instead attacking.
Torm easily evades the Cloud Cars, unknowingly controlled by the droid Exo.  It takes four combat counts of evasion and laser fire, but the four rogue Cloud Cars are destroyed.
Cloud City Control then contact the Sixty-Nine.  Permission to land is granted, but they know nothing about the four rogue Cloud Cars.
As soon as the ships lands the Warriors receive a message on their ships computer...
Junior "At the lab?"
Walex "My friends, we may be too late, we must hurry."
Torm & Terri look at each other.
Torm "You know this is a trap, right?"
Walex "But.. how do you..."
Torm  "know?  We've been in enough traps to know.  Those phoney Cloud Cars for one.  So you just stay close to Wookoid."
The Warriors exit the ship, there a warm breeze on the docking platform.
Junior  "Assassin droid."
Torm  "Seen it.  ...  Go!"
The Assassin Droid 6FT has been sent by Exo, but the Warriors destroy the droid in a single combat round (despite giving the Droid 6D dodge & blaster) with Torm and Terri making crack shots while Wookoid protected Walex.
Walex  "That... that was amazing.. how did..."
Terri  "It's what we do."
It takes Junior a couple of minutes to bypass the security on the locked bay door, and once through Walex urges them to hurry.
From behind the closed door of the lab the Warriors hear a man cry out, "No!  What are you... please!"  The man's pleas are suddenly broken by the snap of three blaster bolts, followed by heavy silence.
 Again, it takes Junior a minute to open the door, finding it difficult to override Exo's lock.  As the door slides open Len's dead body falls out.  Terri rushes in, blaster tat the ready, but there is no one in sight. 
Torm  "Check the room, I head a crash of metal."
Junior and Terri search the room. 
Jo'din and Torm tend to Lens, but it is too late.  Though they do find his Datapad.
Terri finds nothing, though Junior is fascinated by the droid laboratory they are now in.  Torm gives him the Datapad whic Junior is easily able to access.
Torm finds the de-activated protocol droid and blaster that killed Lens.  Junior re-activates the droid, but has the caution to pass Terri his on Blaster first.  The Droid, F-3P0, reacts oddly, describing dark tentacles, and the shock of the memory overrides it's circuits causing it to shut down and reboot again.
Junior checks the computers in the lab, but they are clean (Computers roll of 28!), obviously someone has already deleted everything. Junior however is a computer genius and is able to restore the data, the Warriors learning that Lens was working on a new droid called Exo-ExOne.
Junior  "This droid could turn a starship, or a city, into a weapons platform.  He's using the Goliath protocols invented by my father.  Except that was a failure. The entire programming was unstable, the droid could override any command given. I don't like this."
Suddenly there a clatter of boots and in walks a squad of Cloud City Wing Guard accompanied by Lobot and led by the City Baron-Administrator, Lando Calrissian.
Lando  "What is going on here... Torm?!"
Torm  "Hey Lando, it's been a while."
Lando look around the room seeing the protocol droid and the dead scientist.
Lando  "Okay, I know this wasn't you, but I need answers.  Not your strong point, but answers."
Torm  "You know who we work for now?"
Lando  "Sure I know, which is why I can't help you."
Torm  "We'll need some time on this one."
Lando  "You have 24 hours.  And I don't need a Lexgar turning my city into a war zone.  And you don't seem a local Ugnaught?"
Junior  "Junior."
Lando  "Dammit!  You're Doctor Ugavine Junior.  Seriously guys, do not disrupt this city!"
Torm, smiling, "You can trust me, just as much as we can you."
Episode Two - In the cards

The Warriors, followed by F-3P0 visit Bioniip Labs but are not permitted entry.  They witness the exchange between F-3P0 and and the receptionist droid (controlled by Exo), and Torm realises they are being played.  But the name of F-3P0 given is that of Lira Wessex, daughter of Walex and designed of the Imperial Class Star Destroyer.  The Receptionist droid says she is at the Royal Casino meeting Dr. Vreen.

Terri wants to blast their way in, but Torm reminds her of what Lando said, so the Warriors decide to play along for now and head for the casino.

At the casino Torm joins a game a Sabacc with an old man (Lando in disguise, Torm doesn't notice this) and soon the gold skinned Helm joins the game.  Helm is given away, not before Lando beats Torm at Sabacc, as Lira Wessex enters the casino.

Walex has words with his daughter, though it is obvious no love is lost between them.  Lira does let slip she doesn't know F-3P0 and was trying to meet with Vreen.

Suddenly energy surges from the Sabacc table computer and the cards all change to show the image of Exo!  Then a hulking Heavy Loader droid fitted with laser cutters crashes into the casino, attacking everyone and everything in it's path.  Woodoid opens fire with his Bowcaster, and does manage to wound the droid, but it's armour is too tough for their weapons and they are being backed into a corner... when Doctor Ugavine Junior steps forward!  The small Ugnaught dodges under the droids menacing mandibles and manages to deactivate the droid (Droid programming roll of 26).

Torm  "Are you insane, that thing could have killed you?!"
Junior  "Well I didn't see anyone else saving our skins.  Just a droid."

Another Droid programming hack by Junior reveals the droid was sent from Bioniip Labs.

Junior  "They're toying with us."
Torm  "Well I guess we go with Terri's idea after all."


Episode Three - Return to Bioniip

After several failed attempts the doors to the lab, locked by Exo, are forced open.  Torm walks in and just blasts the Reception droid without even realising it had been armed.  They head down the corridor and a groups of six assorted droids armed with welding arcs rush the group.  Terri and Wookoid block the droids attacks and a flurry of blows are made between them.  During the melee Terri is wounded before she and Wookoid smash the droids.  (dice can be fickle, in one double attack from Wookoid with 7D he rolled results of 44 & 15).

The Warriors continue down the corridor and see movement through the frosted door to the canteen.  Torm pressed the open button and takes an electric shock but is unwounded, though Terri laughs.  Junior is able to disable the trap.

In the canteen the Warriors find several frightened scientists who say the droids have gone mad.  They know nothing of Vreens plans or Exo.

The Warriors are more cautious entering the lab.  Inside they find several dead bodies, but all have been partly changed into droids!  A survivor on a table sits up, it takes a moment but Walex recognises him as Vreen.

Vreen  "Help me.  I have made a great error.  Exo has developed Evolution Droids, a way of turning flesh to metal, it must be stopped!"

Junior "That is very disturbing.  I presume some sort of nanobot technology."

Vreen says Exo is hidden and there are various locks which you need code keys to access.  In his anger Vreen goes to throw the datapad he is holding but Torm stops him and hands it to Junior.

Junior  "There's an address for Bellum."

Torm  "That's the code key forger.  Might have copies of the keys.  What about those smashed computers?"

It takes Junior moment to repair the computer run it via his own Pocket Computer.

Junior "Okay, so it gets worse.  It appears Exo has the Evolution Droid virus and is planning on turning the entire population of Cloud City into droids, than no doubt weaponising the entire City."

Then a Mouse droid wheels into the lab, atop it is a grenade shaped device with a timer, counting down!

Vreen  "it's the Evolution Droid Virus!"

Junior quickly tries to de-activate it.  After two failed attempts Terri helps.  Once the Security is by-passed it is easy for Junior to finish de-activating the device.

Torm  "Okay, this thing is playing hardball.  Let's find Bellum and show Exo how the Warriors of Gar do things, and put this droid out of commission.  Now!"

Walex "Could we not now re-program these nanobots to use against Exo?

Vreen agrees, and while Junior patches up Terri from earlier Walex assists Vreen creating an anti-Exo virus.  Then suddenly the lights through out the whole of the station go out!


Episode Four - A Night in Port Town

The dark streets of Cloud City are eerily quiet as the citizens hide in their homes.  Doors have to be forced and lifts shafts climbed.  Eventually the Warriors arrive in Port Town, the seedy underbelly of Cloud City.

They spot teo Security Droids placing something in the ventilation system.  Junior hands Terri his Ion Blaster and she easily stuns both droids.  Junior manages to access the droids memories, but cannot locate Exo.

Shortly afterwards they arrive at Bellums address.

Bellums shop is wrecked.  Bellum is happy to talk, but has no copies of the Key Codes, but says she had the serial numbers to work off in her Cold Box, a secure computer store, but it has been stolen.  Suddenly a blaster hits Bellum in the back, killing her in an instant, as an Assassin Droid looms from the Darkness.  It immediately opens fire on the group but is quickly dealt with.  The group examine the shop for clues and find golden flakes... Helm.  Torm remembers that Helms ex-lacky at the casino mentioned his ship the Erratic Orbit is docked somewhere.

Junior is able to hack the computer system and find the list of docked ships. 

The Warriors arrive at the hanger bay seeing Lira and Helm, Helm handing her a small box.  Seeing the Rebels Helm runs to his ship while Lira flees towards the bay opening.  Five Mercenaries immediately open fire.

Torm and Terri return fire with the Mercenaries with Jo'din and Wookoid protecting Walex.  But Terri is hit and Incapacitated!

Torm  "I need help here!"

Jo'din rushes towards the furthest Mercenary while Wookoid and Torm forgo dodging and just blast at the Mercenaries, defeating them.

Jo'din sees Lira run our onto the narrow ledge outside the hanger bay and gives chase.  Jo'din sees Lira connecting the device to a cybernetic implan in her neck.  The ledge is narrow and precarious, but Jo'din maintain her footing   A gust of winf then cathes them both, Jo'din maintain her balance but Lira is knocked form the ledge but manages to grab onto a weather vane.  She smiles at Jo'din then drops the box.  Jo'din tries to catch the box using her telekinesis, but fails (1 on the Wild Die). 

Lira "Some help?"

Jo'din helps Lira back onto the ledge.

Lira  "It seems you now need my help.  The information is only in my memory implant, and you brought the wrong Ugavine to access that.  It looks like we're working together."

Junior heals Terri's injuries.

Torm  "Not your best day."
Terri  "Bite me!"
Jo'din explains the situation with Lira having the serial numbers in her implants.
Terri  "Can't we just cut her head off an access the data?"
Lira  "Oh very droll, savage."
Terri "Don;t come all high and mighty with me, I'm the Princess, you're the commoner."
Lira  "Commoner!"
Junior "Not impossible, but would require my father expertise.  And we don't have the time."
Lira  "Well you are the lesser Ugavine, the so-called starship engineer.  I designed the Imperial Class Star Destroyer, a magnificent achievement.  How many starship shave you actually had go into production."
Junior  "One."
Lira  "Sorry, was that one?  And what was this engineering marvel."
Junior  "A space bike."
Lira  "I didn't hear that?
Junior  "A space bike."
Lira  "Well, a space bike, such is the mighty achievement of the Ugavine line."
Junior  "I say we go with Terris plan."

Torm  "Okay enough.  Terri, play nice.  And Lira, Terri is a Princess so you're a commoner like the rest of us.  Now let's move."

The Warriors head to K'cri's Cafe where they find the first entrance.  Junior slices the codes and they enter the narrow corridor...


Episode Five - Core Quest

The Warriors pass another door until they find their path blocked.  Four armed droids are behind a barricade.  Wookoid charges...

GM note - this is where it falls apart and becomes a total cluster f****!

Wookoid fumbles his jump but still makes it, but it allows all four droids to attack.  Wookoid is not only down, but Mortally Wounded!

Torm and Terri decide to go the blaster route, only for Terri to be hit and wounded, and Torm hit and Mortally Wounded!

Jo'din rushes the barrier but cannot jump it so it's down to Terri.  Terri spends a FORCE POINT and unleashes a barrage of blaster fire destroying all the droids.  Jo'din uses her lightsaber to slash through the barrier and get to Wookoid. Jo'din performs Accelerate Healing on Wookoid and Torm and Junior is able to further help them with medpacs.

The pass another door, and find an inactive repulsorlift at the end of the corridor.  When suddenly a load lifter droid witha ram that fills the corrodor charges towards them.  Junior is able to repair the lift just in time.

The passage opens into the Carbon Freezing chamber.

Torm  "Okay, it's A Game from this point on."

There are six armed droids an a 6FT Security droid.  The Warriors immediately open fire.  Wookoid is hit but on stunned.  Terri, Torm and Jo'din take easy care of the smaller droids leaving just 6FT.  Jo'din attacks the droid (it rolls 10 for it's Strength, Jo'din does 41 damage!) turning it to scrap metal.

Lira "Wait... she's a Jedi?"
Jo'din  "No.  I'm just good with a light stick." (Smiling)
Lira "But why didn't you stop the droid in the casino?"
Torm (cheekily) "Yeah, Jo'din?"
Jo'din sticks her tongue out at Torm.
Torm  "Lady, trashing some droids is one thing, waving a lightsaber around in public tends to draws the wrong attention.  Your sort of attention."


Episode Five - Crisis on Cloud City

The corridors eventually open onto a gantry that leads across the city's centre wind tunnel.  At the side two Astromech Droids are spraying foam on the gantry.

Junior "Octensen.  It's a lubricant used by Bespin Motors.  Very slippy."

Wookoid picks up Junior. Jo'din uses her Force powers, Enhance Attribute, to allow everyone to cross the gantry with relative ease.

The Warriors then pass through the Computer Core where Exo taunts the group.

EX0  "I never expected organics to be so formidable.  I do not understand why you resist.  Once you have evolved into a Droid you will be far superior to your current flesh bodies."

Junior then tries to confuse Exo by setting it complex, and non-solvable, logic problems.  Exo is frustrated but only momentarily distracted.

Torm  "Junior, don't taunt the super villain."

They eventually reach the final door and Cold Box, but as Lira begins to get the codes from her memory Lens, now fully transformed into a droid, and his arm evolved into a deadly blaster cannon, interrupts.

Lens  "Please - give me the injector."  He points at Terri who is carrying in the Injector.

Terri draws Juniors Ion Blaster that she is carrying... but Lens is quicker and Terri is shot and Wounded.  His next shot is aimed at the biggest threat... Wookoid.  The Hulking Wookiee throws a mighty much and Incapacitates the Lens Droid.  Jo'din is able to heal Terri.

Terri "I'm having a really BAD day!"

The Warriors enter the primary computer core, a huge high chamber full of computer screens.  At the top of the Chamber is EX0-ON.

EXO "It is too late for you foolish organics.  There are seconds left!"

Across the chamber is the primary computer controls and two repulsor skiffs used to reach the higher levels of the chamber.  But the wires that hang down form the room come to life and attack the Warriors, entangling them.  Terri and Jo'din are able to block the attacks, but Wookoid, Torm and Junior are entangled.

Torm manages to grab his blaster and free himself.  Jo'din cuts free the rest with her lightsaber.

Blissex "We need to cut the power to EX0."
Lira  "Are you insane, that will cut the cities engines!"
Blissex  "We'll have 30 seconds to re-activate them."
Junior  "Sound easy.  Let's do that."

Torm  "Terri, with me!" as he runs towards the skiffs.

Junior heads to the computer controls, defended by Jo'din.

Junior reaches the controls, and requires a Moderate Technical roll to understand the procedure.  With Technical 4D Junior rolls 31!

Junior then succeeds at his Computers rolls.  The power in the chamber goes off, and the City begins to drop"

Jo'din again user her Enhance Attribute powers to assist Torm, who hits the Moderate Repulsorlift difficulty, exactly!

EX0 "Why are you doing this.  I can give you eternal existence!"

Torm brings the skiff alongside EX0-ONE and Terri injects the anti-Evolution into the droid, but not before one of it's tendrils connects to the Skiff draining it's power.  The Skiff begins to plummet!

And Junior just rolled a FUMBLE on his Technology roll to bring the power to the city back up.

Junior  "Yeah... that's a problem."

Lira  "Imbeciles, you've killed us all!"

Torm and Terri jump clear of the falling skiff and both manage to grab onto the hanging power cords to break their fall, though Terri does land unceremoniously on her ass.  Jo'din bites her lip trying not to laugh and is met by a glare from Terri.

Junior has another attempt at bringing back the power, spending a FORCE Point, and this time rolls 47!

Power hums around the chamber and everyone feels the city begin to slow, then rise amongst the clouds.

Junior  "Like I said... easy."

Suddenly events are interupted by the boots of a dozen thugs entering the chamber, and Lira has a gun at her father head.

Lira  "Now, please drop your weapons or he dies."

Torm  "Lady.  You know I can drop you.  You know Terri is just waiting for an excuse to shoot you.  We have a Jedi and Wookiee who may get a little bit mad if just one of you morons tries to shoot."

Jo'din steps forward, reaches out her palm and Lira's blaster jumps into the twi'leks hand.

Suddenly wall panels open and Bespin Wing Guard rush the chamber led by Lando Calrissian and Lobot.

Wing Guard  "Everyone drops your weapons!"

The thugs drop their blasters, and Torm takes Liras blaster from Jo'din, but the Warriors of Gar have not dropped their weapons, though they don;t have them drawn.

Torm  "Really?"

Lando smiles and waves at the Wing Guard captain to stand down.

Lando  "Well, Lira, I just thought I'd let you know that communication you tried to send earlier, about some rogue mission unauthorised by the Empire, didn't get through.  Now I'm sure it's just some misunderstanding.  So you can go, but I'll just hang onto that recording for now."

Lira hisses and storms out.

Lando "So, you saved the city from this mad droid.  I owe you my thanks.  But please, get out of my city.  I'm sorry Torm, I can't get involved in your little Rebellion."

Torm  "Pleases to see you again Lando."  Tom leads the Warriors from the chamber.

Jo'din pauses as she passes Lando, "You're wrong you know." 

The Warriors of Gar leave Cloud City, the SixtyNine disappearing up though the clods of Bespin...





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