Adversaries Jodo Kast This Mandalorian Armour clad Bounty Hunter first encounters the Warriors of Gar in Tatooine Manhunt. Jodo Kast had not taken into account the Warriors had a Mandalorian on their side too, Bail Ohmar. At Tusken Fort Bail Ohmar severely wounded Jodo Kast allowing the rebel to escape with Adar Tallon.
The daughter of Walex Blissex, designed of the Victory Class Star Destroyer, Lira is herself a starship engineer, designing the Imperial Class Star Destroyer. Lira is an aristocratic Imperial married to an Imperial officer. She has twice encountered the Warriors of Gar during Starfall and Crisis on Cloud City. Stats - See Crisis on Cloud City
Snowy Working for Rebel Alliance High Command, Snowy commands the Rebel Assault Frigate Justice and acts as liaison with several Rebel cells. Amongst those are the Warriors of Gar, with Snowy usually relaying order to Torm.
Callahan is a smuggler and information broker in
the employ of Jabba the Hutt. He is affiliated with the
Phoenix Pirates, though he is not one to get his hands dirty.
Callahan could be encountered at any number of smuggler hideouts
throughout the galaxy, though he does frequent the Spaceport Hotel
in Mos Eiseley on a regular basis.