Battle for the Golden Sun
EPISODE ONE - Crash on Sedri Player-characters Jan Vincent Torm Rekara: "Golden Sun...Golden Sun...
Golden Sun..." The Warriors starship drops out of hyperspace, before them is the blue planet of Sedri, a world completely covered in ocean. As the Warriors watch a golden glow emits form the planet, it grows bigger, engulfing the world, and as it does the ships systems power down. Torm: "It's the planet causing the
power loss."
The Warriors then hear and see blaster fire. Imperial Seatroopers are firing on a lone sea creature. They quickly board a skimmer they have in the hold and head to help. The Seatroopers are riding wave-skimmers, while the Warriors fire from their own skimmer. After five round of combat three of the Seatroopers have been incapacitated leaving the last two to flee. The Warriors collect the three abandoned wave-skimmers, and in doing so meet Pek. Pek explains the Imperials have been here several weeks and have been killing sea life. He insists the Warriors go with him to see his father, High Priest Cardo of Fitsay. Junior "Under water?"
The Warriors arrive at Fitsay City, a huge underwater coral city. As they arrive they see and hear a Sedrian, Karak, ranting about wanting to be free of the city rule, before several guards stun him and swim him away. The PCs are led to an Inn where they wait. Jo'din: "I feel that presence in the
FORCE again. It's lonely, claustrophobic..."
The Warriors are led to meet High Priest Cardo. Unfortunately he knows nothing of the Rebel diplomat, and he refuses to take any action again the Fish Killers (Imperials) believing the Golden Sun will save them. He does not elaborate any more about the Golden Sun. The Warriors thank him go to take some rest. They discuss with Pek about the Imperial Garrison, but Pek says he is forbidden to take them there. But in the early hours Pek changes his mind and wakes the Warriors Pek "Come with me now, I can lead you to the Fish Killers." Torm realises they probably need Junior to break into a Garrison, so detour back to their ship. As Wookoid would also be very conspicuous in an Imperial base he remains on the ship. Junior "So let me get this right, you want me,
to go into the water, and then swim up to an Imperial Garrison?"
EPISODE THREE - Inside the Imperial Base Pek leads the Warriors under water to the base, but stops warns them of what is an energy shield. Pek knows the way around it though. The base is patrolled by Probe Droids, and mined, but Torm and Junior are able to spot and avoid them.
Junior "You see, this is why I didn't
want to come." Torm, Terri and Junior manage to evade Stormtrooper patrols on the very desolated Imperial Base. Jo'din is not so lucky and is taken prisoner. She encounters a Security Team with weapons set to stun.
Junior is able to hack into the Computer system in the empty detention block, but inadvertently triggers an alarm. Junior searches for information but there is nothing on More, the Rebel dignitary, there are no prisoners at all, except Jodin. He then tries to find Jo'din; - he finds a camera feed showing the base Commander Aban talking to the Sedrian renegade Karak, discussing the invasion of the Sedrian City to gain the Golden Sun. The Security Team are holding Jo'din. She fails to use the Affect Minds Force Power so is pushed to use more extreme methods. The uses Contort/Escape to slip our of the binders then (Spending a FORCE Point) her lightsaber jumps into her hands and she attacks all three troopers before fleeing. The troops five chase but she slashes a door control causing blast doors to close, saving her for now. Suddenly warning klaxons sound and there is activity in the base. Junior sees that a shuttle is landing carrying the final parts to complete the... AT-AT Swimmer!
Terri "If Bossko B. was
here he'd steal that."
But as the Warriors turn a corner they are confronted by six Stormtroopers! The Warriors manage to hide, but their path is blocked. With surprise on their side Terri throws a grenade, killing four of the Stormtroopers and wounding the reaming two. Terri then steps out and and fires twice finishing off the remaining troops before Torm can even react.
EPISODE FOUR - The Renegades Attack The Warriors return to Fitsay just as the Renegade Sedrians are attacking. The Warriors help to defend the town. Eventually the Renegades flee, but the Warriors have a prisoner in the way of Fala, daughter of the Renegade leader. Fala demands that The Golden Sun be released for all, and accuses the High Priest of effectively imprisoning the Golden Sun. She also admits that the Renegades are holding the Rebel Diplomat. Jo'din is more and more starting to feel the presence of the Golden Sun.
EPISODE FIVE - Imperials Attack Sea Troopers with covering fire form the AT-AT Swimmer attack the Sedrian village. Commander Aban wants the Golden Sun, believing it to be a powerful Weapon. Torm "Terri, Junior,deal
with the Swimmer. Jo'din, Wookoid, with me, we need to defend
the caves."
Terri approaches the Swimmer. It's repulsors make approach difficult and she takes a couple of attempts to get near. Terri sets the explosives (Demolition roll of 21) Terri & Junior get clear as the explosives Terri sets in the neck joint explodes. The result is a chain reaction causing the AT-AT Swimmer to explode!
EPISODE FIVE - Into the sun Caves
Making their way through the caves they encounter a mighty Razort! Wookoid wrestles with the powerful sea monster, and is wounded, but it is the mighty wookiee who is victorious! Jo'din is able to treat Wookoids injuries. In the Sun Cave Karak is using Mors as a shield. But Wookoid swims at him. Karak tries to attack Wookoid with his spear but Wookoid quickly renders him unconscious. In the Cave Jo'din can now communicate with the Golden Sun, it is a living coral, currently trapped inside the great dome. It is unhappy being trapped here. Rekara returns the piece of Golden Sun she took. There is only one way for Golden Sun to protect itself and not be a threat the Empire can use. Jo'din tell Golden sun to go free. There is bright glow and Golden Sun explodes, scattering itself throughout the oceans of Sedri. Mors Odrion is grateful for the Warriors aid, but decides to stay on Sedri to broker peace negotiations with the Sedrians. Pek and Fala say they with jointly rule the Sedrians together now as neither of their fathers has abused their power.