Tatooine Manhunt
Aboard Kwenn Space Station
Torm: "This is it, Kewnn Space Station." In a nearby airlock agent Dana is lying at the feet of an Imperial Officer. Commander Voor. Next to him are two rough looking individuals, a Kel-Dordark and a tall Trandoshan, Bounty Hunters! Behind them is an individual wearing Mandalorian Armour. Voor attempts to flee but stumbles (Fumble on Dodge).
Terri & Torm exchange blaster fire with the Bounty Hunters. Jo'din ignites her lightsaber. Torm is hit, but Terri wounds the Kel-Door and kills Voor. After a couple more rounds the Bounty Hunters are Incapacitated, as is Torm, but Terri's attempted shot at Jodo Kast fails (fumble).
Junior is able to heal Torm. Dana is dead, killed with a poison Dart. Junior is able to revive one of the Bounty Hunters, and in his groggy state Torm tricks him into revealing what is going on, specifically that Bounty Hunters are being sent to Tatooine to search for Adar Tallon. Junior is unable (fumble on Computers roll) to hack Dana's datapad, but does access the space station computers. It seems that the Relentless is undergoing repairs and will not be ready for several days. The Rebels quickly make their way back to their ship before an alarm is sounded. Aboard their ship Juniors R5 is able to access Dana's datapad, revealing that Adar Tallon is indeed alive an hiding on Tatooine. They take-off and Junior is easily (Astrogation roll of 21) able to plot a course for Tatooine.
EPISODE TWO - Welcome to Tatooine
Terri "I'm known here. I used
to be a pirate. They called me Beauty." Torm and Junior went to check out several
local merchants, figuring if Adar Talon was anywhere near here he'd
at least need supplies. Terri and Jo'din headed to wards the
Cantina at the heart of the spaceport. Most of the Cantina patrons were spacers and Bounty Hunters, no doubt looking for Talon, and assortment of aliens from across the galaxy. Only a couple of locals ever came here. Terri did recognise a few faces; Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes were the band still playing and Labria was drinking at the bar. Labria had been here years, he must know something... Torm was having little joy, although he did
manage to find some supplies and medpacs. He also had a word
with Kayson at the Weapons store, maybe he could get that little
more firepower that Terri was after. Torms travels eventually lead him to the hotel where he meets two old 'friends', a Dressellian smuggler called Callahan and his Gran associate, Rees-Yum. As well as a Smuggler Callahan is an information broker; very little goes on in the underworld of the galaxy without him knowing about it. but getting him to share such info would be tricky. Callahan says he honestly does not know Adar Talon, but does know someone who might, but the price is high. SABACC. Callahan knew Torm was a gambler. The name of the contact vs Torm's ship (the Mon Cal freighter loaned by the Rebel Alliance). Torm agreed.
Torm and Callahan played several hands of Sabacc, and when it came to the crunch... Torm wins! (Callahan rolled a fumble on his Gambling). Callahan gives the name, Old Arno. When they meet up Torm and Terri share their info. Labria says he will take them in the morning to meet Slag Flats who likely know Adar Talon.
EPISODE THREE - Blood on the Sand Transport was needed, so Torm visited the
local Speeder store only to find it was owned by the pirate Zaltar,
a vicious green skinned lizard-man. Zaltar "I head you were in town,
along with Beauty. Do the Rebels really pay that much." Tom agreed. The old family speeder was a wreak of a vehicle. But just as he drove off he turned to Zaltar, "Oh, I have probably one of the best techs in the galaxy with me. So sorry to break it to you, I'm not getting stuck in the desert even in this junk heap." Tom smiled and sped away. Ugavine Junior was less impressed with Torm's negotiating and did nothing but complain about the vehicle.
Meeting up with Labria, on a speeder bike, the Warriors follow him into the desert and they soon find themselves not far from the city limits at an old water silo. Terri waits outside while Torm, Junior and Jo'in enter. In the silo they find a dead Ithorian, obviously Slag Flats. In her cold hands she holds a datapad with the words Old Arno... when suddenly the door slam shut and water starts filling the room! Labria had been paid by Quist, a traitor in Adar Talon's camp, to eliminate the Rebels. Outside Labria zooms away and several Bounty Hunters jump from their hiding position. Unfortunately for them Ugavine Junior had the door open in seconds, just as the fire fight began. Sadly for Labria and the Bounty Hunters, the Warriors were ready. Torm already had his blaster in hand and Jo'din ignited her lightsaber.
The fight was short, Terri immediately eliminating three Bounty Hunters with a well placed grenade. Jo'din and Terri were both hit and Wounded by blaster fire, and Torm had missed a couple of shots (fumble), but the Warriors were victorious.
EPISODE FOUR - Cantina Ambush The Warriors, healed up, return to Mos Eisely now sure they need to find Old Arno, so head back to the cantina. Unsurprisingly Labria was nowhere to be found. Torm and Junior were joined by Wookoid, with Terri and Jo'din chatting at the bar. Jo'din "I have a bad feeling about this..." Sure enough, six Bounty Hunters led by Zarda charge into the Cantina. The locals dive for cover and yet another firefight breaks out. Torm has his blaster in hand in a flash, and Wookoid draws his Wookie Bowcaster. Jo'din ignites her lightsaber and moves to intercept the two hunters she had seen trying to outflank them by coming from the rear cantina doorway. Terri spotted Zardra, her long dark curls hiding her firm menacing glare as she wielded a vicious Force Pike. A master of Martial Arts, rather than go for the blaster moved to a defensive hand-to-hand stance.
No one at this point had seen that Jodo Kast was lurking in the reception archway, but also that there was another Mandalorian Commando wearing figure lurking at the back of the cantina, and he was not happy a non-Mandalorian was wearing that armour, he was none other than Bail Ohmar. Wookoid was angry and charged down two of the hunters, while a weapon less Torm had to result to fists. Jo'din was hit and incapacitated! Then Zardra swing fiercely at Terri, and she could not avoid it, Zardra was better than Terri had given her credit for. The Pike hit Terri across the face, only for Terri to take the hit and stare down Zardra (Terri had to spend a FORCE POINT to survive the hit). Terri spun about with a high roundhouse catching Zardra squarely on the chin, but amazingly the bounty hunter was still standing. Wookoid in his rage tore two hunters apart.
Junior tried to help Torm; trying to disarm a hunter Junior fired his Grapple Gun... and missed (fumble). The grapple gun his the lights sending the cantina into darkness apart from a few beams of light from the narrow windows.
Only one bounty hunter and Zardra remained. Zardra fled, the other bounty hunter was not so lucky. He turned only to come face to face with Bail Ohmar, who shot him twice! But before the fight was over Jodo Kast fired a poison dart at Wookoid, dropping the mighty warrior. It took several medpacs to heal the wookie. Bail Ohmar "My name is Bail Ohmar.
I'm no friend of the Empire or these scum hunters. I do not
know why you are here but we appear to have the same enemy." Shortly after the fight an old alien enters
the cantina, looks around at the mess of dead bounty hunters then
looks toward Torm. The Warriors ask for his help, but Old Arno does not know Adar Talon, but does know of several properties purchased around the time Talon would have arrived. Old Arno suggests getting rest and setting off in the morning.
EPISODE FIVE - Exploring the Wastes The Warriors rest on their ship. They Meet up with Old Arno who drives an old skiff. Bail Ohmar is nowhere to be found, so they head off into the desert. Old Arno has suggested checking the the Old Manor, Lank's farm and maybe the old Tusken Fort. It's a days journey to the Fort but they can spend the night at the Desert Oasis.
Cut-Away to the Relentless
Imperial Officer "Captain Parlan, Lord Vader has advised he will be arriving tomorrow for an update on our Search for Adar Talon. I can confirm systems are repaired and we will arrive at Tatooine within 24 hours."
Travelling into the hot desert Torm and the Warriors follow Old Arno. After an hour or so a might roar can be heard along with blaster fire. A small group of amateur Bounty Hunters have awoke not one, but three monstrous Krayt Dragons.
Jo'din "We must help them." Torm shook his head but stopped the speeder,
and Jo'din got out.
Jo'din spends a FORCE POINT, and despite rolling a fumble on her Alter roll is still successful in dimming the senses of the Krayt Dragons so much that they became dazed and wondered off. With a break from the beasts the Bounty Hunters flee. They have no transport, the Krayt Dragons destroyed their own speeder, then they spot the Warriors. Terri "Good going Blue Tits, now
they've seen us." Torm puts the hammer down and sped off into the desert. Arriving at Sedi Fisks Desert Manor it is obvious it has not been lived in for many years, the building is in ruins. The Warriors investigate slowly with Junior remaining in the Speeder with Wookoid as lookout. Inside the Manor is a mess of sand and broken furniture, when suddenly Terri spots movement. A swarm of mean spirited Womp Rats has taken nest in the Manor and attack the Warriors. A few well aimed shots scares most of them back giving the Warriors time to withdraw. Old Arno says that Lank Farm is some distance so suggests stopping at the Desert Oasis.
The Oasis is a small community built around a small Monastery belonging to the Dim-U Priests. The Dim-U are peaceful worshippers of the Bantha. To many the Bantha is just a beast of burned, but to the Dim-U they are sacred.
Terri "Why would someone want to
worship those big smelly beasts?" The Warriors meet with Dryon, the Ho'din High Priest who welcomes them to the Oasis.
The night is disturbed by blaster fire! "You will tell me me what I want to know or I will flatten this entire site!" It was Jodo Kast! And he was not alone. The Priests run for cover, Whereas Torm and Wookoid grab their blasters and are followed by Ugavine Junior. Terri and Jo'din were not to be found, they were sleeping in lower cells and mat not have heard the fracas. Jodo Kast leads an assortment of Bounty Hunters; an Abyssin, Arcona, Ishi Tib, Gamorrean, Kel Dor, Utapaun and a Yuzzem. But unbeknownst to them Bail Ohmar was following and watching.
In the firefight Junior is shot (Force Point to survive) and Bail Ohmar surprises the Bounty Hunters, but misses his shot on Jodo Kast. The Yuzzem and Gamorrean charge down Wookoid... Wookoid BATTERS them! Torm holds his own while the Kel Dor and Utapaun prove little problem for Bail Ohmar after Junior amazingly manages to shoot Jodo Kast with an Ion Gun causing Kasts energy systems to go haywire and igniting his Jet Pack! Kast soars out into the distance and doesn't return this night.
Deep below the Monastery Terri and Jo'din were relaxing, unaware of the firefight, in one of Tatooines spectacular secrets, and underground pool. Water is scarce on Tatooine and the Dum-U generally keep this a secret, but Jo'din had assisted with healing of a sick Bantha so they had allowed them access. However, Zardra had found the them. In the pool Terri was relaxing at the side, while Jo'din floated in meditation on her back. Zardra entered the cave making no attempt to hide her presence. Terri swam slowly to the centre of the pool and looked up into the eyes of the dark haired Bounty Hunter. Jo'din swam to the side and climbed out of the pool. Zardra could see the Twi'lek was unarmed so let her approach. Jo'din "The Empire is evil. It is wrong. We only want peace. And that includes with you." Zardra ignored Jo'din, instead here eyes meeting with Terri's. Terri gave a wry smile. Zardra's face gave signs of a resigned respect for her Rebel counterpart before turning and leaving, only to give a glance at Jo'din. Jo'din was smiling. Zardra was not used to people smiling in her presence. Zardra left the cave and the Monastery. She gave up this hunt and would not join back up with Jodo Kast.
EPISODE SIX - Battle in the Desert The following morning the Warriors meet up with Old Arno. Torm "Where in the galaxy were you
last night?! You do know the Monastery was attacked?"
The farm is not as expected. Smoke
billows from the buildings. Someone has shot up the place. Torm "Cover me." Torm dodges towards the main building, but when he gets inside he is on for a shock. The shot had come from a young girl of no more than 10 years. The girl, holds a blaster in her shaking hands, and in the middle of the room Torm sees a body, no doubt it is Lank, the farmer. Torm manages to calm the girl and get her to drop the blaster. She tells him how a tall metal man killed her father. Terri "An assassin droid. I'm sure I heard back in Mos Eisely there was one amongst the hunters."
Torm drives the landspeeder towards Tusken Fort, down a long canyon. Something is amiss, up ahead is a dust cloud, but this is no sandstorm, it a bantha stampede! Strapped the the front of the lead bantha is the body of a dead bounty hunter; a warning from the Tusken Raiders. Torm decides the only way past is the accelerate and try to evade the stampede, to much protestations form Terri. Ignoring her Torm accelerates hard and manages to drive up the canyon wall to evade the stampede, but huts a jagged rock, the landspeeder bottoms out as it hits the canyon floor causing only minor damage. (Torm spend a FORCE POINT - Repulsolift Operation Difficulty 25, he rolled 24.) Torm "Pure sabacc." Continuing down the canyon Torm spots several Tusken Raiders. He accelerates hard again and the Tusken Raiser blaster shots were either off target or caused little more than a dent in the landspeeder.
Soon Tusken Forst appears before them on a a large rocky rise. Torms suggests a direct honest approach. Ugavine Junior "Ah, the daylight charge across the minefield approach." Ignoring the sarcastic tech the Warriors approach Tusken Fort.
EPISODE SEVEN - Slaughter at Tusken Fort The Warriors approach the main entrance of Tusken Fort when a large Trandoshan, Jungen, jumps from the roof with a rifle aimed at the group and a Gand, Shrike, rounds from the corner of the building. Torm waves his hands, his blaster holstered. Torm "We come in peace." Jungen agrees but insists the Warriors hand over their weapons. Terri gives Torm THE LOOK as she hands over her Blaster Rifle. Torm knows all too well Terri does not like going into a blind situation unarmed, but this could be the only way. Inside the Fort is clean and well decorated with expensive tastes. the Warriors are led to the Music Room, a room decorated with the instruments of many aliens from across the galaxy. In this room they meet and old man dressed in a plain black tunic, Adar Talon. A woman is at his side as is Quist, a blond haired male human. Adar Talon listens to Torms tale of the Empire and Rebel Alliance, but is still looking very doubtful. As they talk there is a beep and Quist throws back his cloak to reveal his one hand has been replaced with a vibro-blade, in his other he has a blaster which he points at Talon's wife. Quist "I'm so sorry, but it was the only way." With that the two doors to the music room burst open. There are six bounty hunters led by Jodo Kast! Immediately Kast fires two stun darts at Jungen and Shrike. Jodo Kast "Now Adar Talon, I will take your surrender." Torm (laughs) Jodo Kast "You have been lucky until now." Torm "You see, Kast, I'm a gambler, and I may be the idiot, but I've just been deal a two and three." It took Kast a moment to get the Sabacc card game reference, the Idiot card with a Two and a Three, Twenty-Three, an Idiots Array, the highest hand in Sabacc... Bail Ohmar (from behind Jodo Kast) "Hey, Asshole! This is how a Mandalorian does it!"
Bail Ohmar (spending a FORCE POINT) blasts Jodo Kast six times at close range. The false Mandalorian clad bounty hunter slumps the to floor. Bail Ohmar holsters both blasters and steps into the room and glares at the bounty hunters. Bail Ohmar "Who's next?!" Terri drops into a Martial Arts stance, and Jo'din's lightsaber jumps into her hands from the table where Jungen had placed it, with a hiss the shining blue energy blade ignites. Wookoid growls. The Bounty Hunters and Quist flee! Adar Tallon thanks Torm and his friends, now convinced they are indeed form the Rebel Alliance. But things and not all clear. Jo'din "I have a bad feeling." Junior goes over to a computer console. Ugavine Junior "It would seem the star Destroyer Relentless ahs just made orbit. We'll never get back to the ship." Adar Tallon "Maybe I can help with that..."
EPISODE EIGHT - Escape from Tatooine Adar Tallon has several Mercs in his employ and also has a couple of Z-95 Starfighters. He also has an old HWK-290 light freighter that has seen better days.
Torm "Not so sure about that one."
With Torm piloring and Talon's Merc's flying the Z-95's they make a run for it. Ugavine Junior "We need to get clear of that star Destroyer to make the jump to Lightspeed." The Warriors encounter several TIE Fighters that try to draw them towards the Star Destroyer Relentless. The Rebels decide that fleeing is better than trying to fight. Torm manages to evade the laser blasts from the TIE fighters while Ugavine Junior calculates the hyperspace co-ordinates (Astrogation difficulty 15, Junior roll 19!) The Warriors new starship lurches, there is a blur of stars and they make the jump to light speed!
Cut-Away to the
Imperial Officer "Captain Parlan, Lord Vader demands an update on the pursuit." Captain Parlan persoanlly apologises to Lord Vader for allowing Adar Talon to escape with the Rebels.
Back at the Tusken Fort...