A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...
A small group of Rebels race across
space to meet up with the Alliance
transport Celestial. They have been
ordered to take command of the vessel
and its secret cargo, then see it safely to a
hidden Rebel outpost in an as yet
unnamed sector.
But the Empire has a special interest in
the secret cargo, and even now Imperial
agents comb the galaxy in search of
Celestial. What awaits the Rebels at the
end of the jump may be more than they
bargained for, and more than the galaxy
is ready to handle ...
Player-characters Jan Vincent Torm NB. some details of the adventure have been changed to apply more towards the group.
Episode One - The TIE Armada
Dropping out of Hyperspace the Sixty-Nine
finds itself instantly under attack from Imperial TIE Fighters.
Imperial Commander: "Rebel starship, shut
down your engines and surrender or you will be destroyed."
Terri "How the hell..."
Torm "They must have a tracked on
our contact."
Junior "I'm going to calculate a
course out of here..."
Terri "Even your luck can't hold
out forever, Torm. And That Star Destroyer is getting
Torm "JUNIOR!"
Junior (Roll 25 for Astrogation)
"We have Lightspeed."
Torm makes a break for a gap in the TIE
fighter formation and engages the hyperdrive, the ship lurches
and the engines whine as the ship makes the jump to lightspeed.
But the engine makes popping and wheezing noises and instead of
a blur of stars is an endless grey void. Junior shuts down
the engines before they overload, but it seems the damage is
Junior "I don't know where we
are but the hyperdrive is fried."
Terri "You broke my ship!"
Junior "Negative. The
astro navigation co-ordinates were correct and there were no
gravity masses. It's almost as if hyperspace... wasn't
Episode Two - Nosferatu
Jo'din joins the crew in the cockpit.
"There is something wrong here. I cannot feel The Force.
Well, it's no strong anyway."
Torm "Well the good news is I
have a lock on our contact, directly ahead."
Junior "That's the
Nosferatu, my fathers ship."
Terri "No, please god no, not Ugavine."
Junior "That's Doctor Ugavine."
Terri "I know, and he's annoying.
Only Bossko B. is more annoying than your father."
Junior "There is some sort of nebula in
the distance. It's causing instrument malfunction.
Scanners are offline."
The crew decide to pull alongside an dock
with the Nosferatu, and Junior does a quick check of the
The Nosferatu is seemingly dead in space.
Torm, Terri and Junior board the stricken Rebel ship.
Inside it is on minimal life support. A
strangle sticky webbing is found all over, hindering progress
down the ships corridors.
As the rebels enter the Bridge a ghostly
holographic images appear upon the bridge as the ship's final
log entry plays back. A thin man in a severe Imperial uniform is
visible through an arched doorway near the com station crew
members and a heavily armed Droid stand next to him.
"Imperial emergency code
three-delta-delta," he says. "This is Grand Moff Ravik.
I have taken command of the Rebel vessel Nosferatu and await
pickup by the ISD Relentless. I am broadcasting our
coordinates now. Request immediate response as the situation is
still fluid." Ravik's sentence is punctuated by an explosion
at the bridge door, blaster fire pouring through the breach. A
huge muscled man, wearing the rank of a Rebel captain, leads the
attack. The Droid and nearby crew members fire at the attacking
party as Ravik moves out of view.
A voice crackles from an unseen com:
"Celestial, this is Relentless. We have your signal and are on
our way." The Rebel captain glances out the bridge viewport
and his face tightens. He then runs to the helm and hits a
button. Immediately the hyperdrive is activated and the ghostly
images fade into streaks of light.
Junior "So they went into
hyperspace like we did."
Torm was only half listening as he
turned to Terri. "That was him, wasn't it?"
Terri "Yep, that's him.
My husband. Lexon Lexgar."
Junior checks the engines, but nothing is
usable, and this ship won't be going back into hyperspace any
time soon. It appears to have already been scavenged, but
the parts have been brutally torn out, not removed with any
The Rebels search the rest of the ship and
discover that the Rebel transport had been carrying prisoners
including a Pirate Captain Celis Mott, an Assassin Droid,
Captain Bane Nothos, Grand Moff Ravikk and the Bounty Hunter
Zardra. But there was more, this ship had been board by
some alien, the thing that had left the webbing in the
corridors. They had breached the cargo bay. Oddly
there was little resistance except from a couple for droids.
Torm's comlink crackles;
Jo'din "You guys had better
get back here. We're no alone."
Episode Three - Desolate
![]() The scene reminds you of a busy spaceport with one important difference — the silence. These vessels are deathly quiet. No subspace chatter fills the void, no engines flare to adjust courses, no running lights glow warmly on these empty hulks. There floats a startug. There a freighter spins wildly. And there, beyond the blast boats and cruisers and transports, awaits the largest of these desolate vessels. As the Warriors of Gar watch, strange domes on each end of the unusually designed craft begin to glow with an otherworldly light.
Junior "No, that doesn't loo
intimidating at all."
Torm "Sarcasm noted.
I'm going in."
Torm tries to manoeuvre around the wrecked
ships but catches one, causing Terri to wince at the damage to
her ship. Torm keeps calm and successfully navigates the
dead ships. Seeing an opening in the giant alien
vessel he flies in. Inside the Torm finds what
he deems a safe spot and lands the ship. Donning breath
masks and taking necessary equipment the Warriors of Gar
disembark the Sixty-Nine.
The Warriors move through the webbed
passageway. It shows signs of combat. Then,
movement, the Warriors find a member of the Nosferatu
crew still alive, Captain Gryphon. "This mission hasn't
gone so well, has it friends. The crew? Did you save the crew?
They came out of nowhere. A red mist filled the ship and... we
tried to fight them..."
Continuing the Warriors pass through a
strange room full of odd alien pods.
The Warriors exit the passageway onto an open
cave. Huge opening in the floor reveal a long drop into a
cloud of red mist.
Suddenly a blaster shot, a warning, hits the
ground near Torm.
Celis Mott "Surrender now me' harty's, or I
be forced to kill you."
Mott looks crazed. There are three
Rebel Solider with him who seem just as crazed in their eyes.
The blaster fight is swift. The crazed
Rebels are Incapacitated but Mott is killed.
Junior and Jo'din examine the men. They
are suffering sever never damage. A powerful Neurotoxin
has driven them mad. There is no saving them.
Beyond is another strange chamber.
Jo'din picks up a glow rod, then chronometer. The are
appears to be some sort of storage with items looted from the
derelict ships. Terri finds some starship parts and Junior
finds some useful parts for repairing their ship.
![]() Despite wearing breathe masks the Red Mist starts to cause hallucinations in all but Terri. Junior feels alone an lost, terrified! Torm just suffers some confusion, but Jo'din lashes out, she sees a monster, alas that is actually Terri Lexgar. Jo'din hits Terri with her Lightsaber. Terri, clicks her blaster to Stun and shoots Jo'din. Jo'din still under the effects swings wildly, Terri is able to disarm her and drag all three of the Warriors towards the crawl tube and out of the Red Mist. Out of the Red Mist they come out of their hallucination but are still staggered by it's effects.
Red Mist effects; Torm (Mechanical),
Junior (Dexterity, Mechanical and Knowledge), Jo'din (Knowledge
and Dexterity)
Episode Four - Heart of Darkness
The warriors scramble up the crawl corridor
to the the next level.
The crawlspace opens onto a vast cavernous
room full of giant pods. A pod splits open, each side
falling away with a wet, sticky sound. Within the moist interior
you see an alien construct of some sort. It looks more grown
than built, as though its genetic material was manipulated to
form unnatural shapes for some unknown purpose.
Junior "It appears they even
grow their starships. Technology not unlike the Ergesh."
Terri "How do you know these
are starships?"
Junior "I'm a starship design
engineer. I know a starship when I see one."
The next chamber has a multitude of pulsing
fibrous coils connecting to a strange biomass. What appear
to be insect-like eyes display images like a computer screen.
Junior "Central computer...
how to use it however..."
It takes a coupe of combat rounds but the
with a lucky shot off Torm and Jo'din's lightsaber the Charon id
* Junior tries to remove the Claws from the
armour but fumbles the attempt.
Another membrane gives way to a large chamber
that appears to be a storage tank of some sort. Completely
sealed except for the membranous openings on each end of the
tank, a thick green paste covers the bottom of this chamber.
Translucent tubes run everywhere, distributing the paste to
other parts of the ship as well as dumping more into the room.
Large yellow floating globs drift lazily around the chamber.
Torm "I don't like this." And he
shoot a distant floating sac which explodes releasing acid.
"Oh that is not good. Okay, Terri, you go across first
carrying Junior, then you can cover us."
Terri gets stuck in the more and must drop
Junior. The pods are moving closer with long tendrils
unravelling from the bottom of the globs, ending in spiky balls
that sway menacingly.
Terri moves and manages to parry the
attacking tendrils. Torm blasts any pod that nears her,
stunning it to prevent the acid splash. Jo'din and Junior
go next, with Jo'din using the Force Power Enhance another
Attribute to increase Juniors Dexterity to allow his to move
through the thick paste. Terri and Torm provide covering
fire. Eventually all the Warriors cross the room safely,
albeit covered in goo.
The next chamber has many pods scattered
around the centre power core of the Desolate.
Junior suggests they are fuel pods. The pods explode
randomly, and catch Junior in one of their blasts Stunning him (Junior
Rolled 19 for Technology after a fumble, so Identified the pods
but got caught in the blast as part of the fumble).
Jo'din revives Junior, and the fuel room can
be avoided.
At the end of the corridor are five large
platform displaying various holograms. They show a planet
falling into a black hole, a cult of Charon Warriors and another
a hulking Charon zealot leading his warriors into battle.
Jo'din "It's their history.
I can't say I like it."
With only one route available the Warriors
break through another membrane with a high ceiling, the room is
almost full of webbing.
Webbing presses down oppressively from above.
Scuttling sounds can be heard overhead, but before the Warriors
can act an authoritative voice calls out. "Members of the
Galactic Empire. Throw down your weapons in the name of Bane
Terri and Torm glance at each other... then
burst out laughing.
Terri "Didn't Bossko B. blow your
ship up?"
Bane Nothos "REBEL SCUM!"
Terri wounds a Charon, but they are
relentless. Torm is Wounded, Jo'din Incapacitated and
Junior is Mortally Wounded. He is dying! Terri "JUNIOR!" Jo'din attempts to use a Medpac on the Mortally Wounded Ugnaught but fails. She Then closes her eyes, puts her hands on Junior and lets The Force flow from her into him (Transfer Force force power). Jo'din "He's stable. But he needs a proper medic. I cannot risk healing him further. I'll carry him." As much as all that Jedi nonesense bugged Terri, right here, right now, Terri was glad for Jo'din. Junior could be annoying, but he was one of the few people in the galaxy she actually trusted. Her gaze met Jo'din's. No words were spoken, but Jo'din knew.
Episode Five - The Great Contest
Terri "Looks like storage. A
see ships parts and... Oh gods, there are people in these!"
The Warriors search for survivors. The
people are of unknown races and are beyond saving.
Then suddenly another two Charon Warriors
drop from the webbing, Torm and Terri raise their blasters, but
suddenly there is a cracking sound, and suddenly one of the pods
burst open spewing an embryonic goo over the floor. Striding forward is a monster of a man with bulging biceps.
"For Gar!" he booms and dives forward hitting both Charon
with a double clothesline knocking them to the floor. His
drops an elbow into the first Charon, then regains his feet at
the same time as the wounded Charon. The muscled human
twirls his finger in the air then points at the Charon,
"YOU!" he growls. As Torm, Jo'din and Terri, who is
biting her lip smiling, watch on the Charon genuinely look
terrified. The Human rushes the Chraon hitting him hard,
his fist shattering the Charons skull!
He flicks a little more of the goo from
himself then looks at the Warriors, as Terri throws her self at
him kissing him madly.
Torm "And that, Jo'din, is Lexon
Lexon "Does some one want to
tell me where the hell I am and why the hell I'm covered in
With that another pods cracks open.
Stepping out is an Ugnaught, another of the Nosferartau Clan.
He wears a long oversized yellow jacket. He too flicks away the
goo that covers him and looks around.
"Absolutely fascinating. Primitive.
But fascinating none the less."
Jo'din "And that is Juniors
father? Doctor Ugavine?"
Dr. Ugavine "Was that a statement or a question? Because if a statement, I do know my who I am... oh yes, a twi'lek, quite a primitive species."
Jo'din "Doctor Ugavine, we
have your son here, but he is badly wounded."
Ugavine tends to him, but even with his
Advanced Medicine can only make him stable for now. (very
bad rolls)
Lexon "I'm waiting for an
Terri "How in the stars would
you know all that?"
Dr. Ugavine "The Charon used
their Red Mist to render us unconscious. We were then
placed into these pods as storage to be used as food.
However, this entire ship is organic. The whole ship is
alive and connected. I have cybernetic neural implants to
connect my mind to a computer. The fluid in the pods
connected my mind to the ship where I could access what passes
as a computer. I was able to manipulate the controls to
keep myself, Lexon and others crew members alive. I was
going to free us earlier but then you arrived and it seemed
prudent to let you reach us first."
Terri "You did all that with
your mind whilst unconscious?!"
Dr. Ugavine "Well..."
Terri "If you call me
primitive you WILL be permanently re-inserted into that pod!"
Dr. Ugavine "Riiiiight..."
Torm "Well, we get the parts
we need from these pods and get out."
Dr. Ugavine "No.. Ber'asco is
too dangerous. He may not understand Hyperdrive
technology, being a primitive, but he is too close to
getting lucky. Now sure, an Imperial cruiser could blast
this asteroid to dust. But if this ship reaches just one
planet, billions could die. We have to stop him. And
of course by 'we' I mean you and Lexon."
With that the Warriors help a dozen member of
the crew and proceed, with Deak Frisko the Duro pilot leading
the crewmen with Junior back to the ship, taking the required
hyperdrive parts with them.
Dr. Ugavine was also able to remove a from
the Charon a Web-Spinner, Clawed Gauntlet and Plasma Blaster.
The New Engine
The next chamber indeed has ones appears to
be a working Hyperdrive. Terri could feel Ugavine's 'I
told you so' eyes on her, she ignored him.
Hall of Contests
A vast cavern stretches out before the
Warriors with platforms hanging by webbing, but creatures lurk
in the darkness. Constructs created by the mad Charon
Bioscientists; The Weaver, Shootcrawlers, Jumpers and the mighty
The contest is a tough one, even for the
Warriors of Gar. The first rounds of combat go well, until
the Gatebeast attacks pushing Lexon Lexgar off a ledge,
fortunately the Desolate if full of webbing, but it takes him
several rounds to climb back up. Jo'din tries to jump
towards the Gatebeast and fails, leaving her clinging to a
ledge, before the Gatebeast shunts her off too, Jo'din falling
further than Lexon. It gets worse, Terri Lexgar is hit by
the Gatebeats attack, but this time the attacks rents a tear in
space/time, and Terri is GONE!
Doctor Ugavine is also Incapacitated after
his attention was drawn to a Jumper, but he got shot by a
Lexon climbs back up, but he and Torm are out
numbered and out-gunned. Torm then (spends a Force Point)
blasts everything in the cave, defeating the Gatebeast and
remaining Jumpers.
Jo'din climbs back up and heals Dr. Ugavine.
Lexon "Where's Terri?!!"
Torm can only look at his friend with
Jo'din "I can't sense her at
Dr. Ugavine "Gated."
Lexon "What?"
Dr. Ugavine "There was mention of
this beast in the Charon archives. It's capable of causing
fissure in space/time. It used that ability to push you
and Jo'din off the ledge. With Terri it pushed her through
a wormhole to... well I don't know. She could be anywhere
in space time in Otherspace, Realspace or any other realm that
may exist."
Jo'din "Will we see her
Dr. Ugavine "I do not have
enough information to extrapolate an answer to that question." *
Lexon "Then it's about time I kill
GM Note: I did make the
Gatebeast much more powerful than in the published adventure, if
his damage Tripled the target Knowledge or Control defence he
could 'gate' them anywhere. The Gatebeast did triple
Lexon's KNOW but I chose to just throw him off the ledge and out
of the battle. The Gatebeast rolled over 30 verses Terri
Lexgar, who rolled 2. Over 15 times her roll, hence I
Gated her out of Otherspace.
Meanwhile Lexon Lexgar has some anger
management to sort out with the Charon Warriors!
Both Warriors were wearing armour but it does
not save them from Lexon's pummelling blows.
Doctor Ugavine is able to remove the Charon
armour and fashion it so it can be worn by Lexon. (Dr. Ugavine
made a diff. 20 Armour Repair check).
The Warriors must then pass through the
Chamber of Sleep. Hundreds of Charon in pods suspended by
webbing are starting to rouse from their slumber. The
Warriors run quickly to the crawl tube. A couple of
blaster shots collapses the tube behind them.
Episode Six - Into the Nest
The crawl tube opens into a chamber with a giant biomass.
Dr. Ugavine explains that this is the ships brain that acts as a
sort of central computer.
The following chamber is empty other than an
ominous looking Monoloth at the rooms center. This the
Alter of Death. Jo'din immediately feels uncomfortable and
the Warriors leave the chamber quickly, but as they do they are
attacked by the Cat-horn, another Bioscientist Construct from a
cat-like alien with a barbed tail taken from an Ithorian Barbed
The creature lunges at Jo'din. but with a
flash of her lightsaber's blue blade the creature is cut down.
Jo'din "This whole place is a
blasphemy to life."
In the following chamber the Warriors fine
the Control Room of the Desolate. The scurrying of Charon
can be heard coming from the darkness overhead. A huge
Charon Warrior is at the far side near a huge domed window into
Then from the shadows steps a tall thin human
in an Imperial uniform, Grand Moff Ravik.
Grand Moff Ravik "I do hope you
will join me in an alliance with the Charon with bring about the
annihilation of the Emperor and his new Order."
Lexon "I know who you are,
Ravik Bloodaxe!" **
** GM note: this was a
change we introduced into our campaign. Ravik Bloodaxe is
grand father to Tetris Bloodaxe (player-character)
Grand Moff Ravik "I do hope any
past loyalties to our primitive homeworld of Gar can be
forgotten, Prince Lexgar."
Jo'din "Lexon is a Prince?"
Torm "It's not something he
talks about."
Jo'din "Wait... does that
make Terri a Princess?"
Torm "She didn't want me to
say anything."
Jo'din "You knew?!"
Torm "Another time Jo'din.
Big bad Charon and nasty Imperial man."
Ber'asco puts his clawed hand into the
tendrils of the computer allowing his rasping voice to echo
through the chamber;
Ber'asco "Join us. Join us in
our crusade of death."
Lexon "Join this!"
Before anyone else can react Lexon lunges at
Ber'asco. the armour Charon fights back using his vicious
rending claws, but Lexon lands a flurry of blows, and not even
the Charon Leader's armour can protect him. Ravik,
infuriately disappears into the darkness.
Out of the view dome the Warriors can see
their ship piloted by Deak Frisko.
Dr. Ugavine connects to the ships brain using
the tendrils, and everyone feels the ship shift.
Dr. Ugavine "I've set a trajectory into the
nearest star."
The Warriors flee as far as they can from the
Desolate, but several Charon starfighters are giving pursuit.
Doctor Ugavine successfully make a Very
Difficult Starship repair roll to fix the ships hyperdrive then
heads back through the now very crowded ship, due to having the
crew from the Nosferatu on board, to the cockpit to make the to
calculate a route back to Realspace.
The Charon Starfighters are deadly, and would
be deadly accurate if it were no for Torm's piloting evading the
attackers. Doctor Ugavine make the Astrogation check and
the Rebel starship disappears into Hyperspace!
* Terri Lexgar will return in
Otherpace II