A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...
The Alliance world of Stonghold has not communicated with
Alliance High Command for a week. A small group of
Rebel Heroes makes it's way to Taldot sector, fearing that
the secret Alliance base has been discovered by the Empire.
Their mission: investigate, and report to Alliance High Command.
What they find on Stronghold will
test their abilities to their
limits - any beyond. If they fail, then the galaxy may die ...
Player-characters Jan Vincent Torm NB. some details of the adventure have been changed to apply more towards the group.
Episode One - To Meet a Madman
(no, not Bossko B.)
![]() Wookoid "[strange without Terri]" Translated from wookiee Jo'din "Ugavine said she was transported. I feel she is alive." Junior "My father told me what happened. But the galaxy is infinitely just space. Odds are very slim she landed on a planet." Torm "Well, thank you mister optimism." Junior "I am merely extrapolating the most likely outcome." Jo'din "We know Junior. But I sense here... in the FORCE." The Sixty-Nine, the starship belonging to lost comrade Terri Lexgar, drops out of hyperspace. Immediately they see a stock freighter coming closer. Torm opens comms thinking it is a Rebel patrol, it is, but it's pilot has been driven mad and attacks. Torm easily avoids the attacking ship. Wookoid returns fire but it's hull is better than the Warriors cannons. Piret just babbles and rambles over the comm. Torm takes the Sixty-Nine into the planets atmosphere and manages to lose his pursuer. But the Warriors were not getting any comms from Stronghold base. The planet itself is a stormy world of high mountains and amazing waterfalls.
Episode Two - The surface of Stronghold Wookoid "[if we go in without a
landing code they'll shoot us down]" Torm flies the Sixty-Nine at full throttle between the mountains and hits the retro-thrusters to brake just before he reaches the docking bay. (Piloting Diffficuly 20 - Torm hits the difficulty exactly.) GM note: I stuck with precisely what I
would have done, thus skipping most of Episode Two.
Episode Three - Stronghold Exiting the ship the Warriors find the base eerily quiet. The docking bay has a single disassemble Y-Wing starfighter. And far more alien webbing than is normal. Torm "Anyone getting deja vu?" Not know the way the Warriors turn left down the corridor, moving cautiously with weapons drawn. Entering a large chamber the Warriors see a strange machine, an odd mix of machine and organic technology. Wisps of red mist can be seen emanating form the machine. Seven spider-like aliens and be seen milling around the chamber tending their machine of death.
Jo'din "And if you're thinking
of shooting them in the back... make it on stun." With that Junior handed Jo'din his
Hold-Out Blaster. Torm "Okay junior, you're up. Disable it." The Tech spends a minute pushing buttons and pulling levers.. (Rolls a Fumble) and Red Mist starts pumping out of the machine. Junior "Oh... I think I've fixed it." Torm "Idiot! Don't just stand there... BLAST IT!" Torm and Wookoid spend several minutes hitting the machine with blaster and Bowcaser fire, the wookiee Bowcaster doing considerably more damage, until the machine is a wreck and is no longer producing the Red Mist. The Warriors continue through and find themselves is a huge cavernous cave with a waterfall gushing through the middle. The sound of the crashing water covers and sound. The Warriors search the caves for anything of use. Torm comes up blank but Jo'din senses something from behind the waterfall, and as the Charon seemingly don't exist in The Force... she and Junior discover a hidden hatch, but as they go to open it a gruff voice calls out, "Halt! Password? Friend of Foe?"
Torm and Jo'din turn around and see a sight for sore eyes... Terri Lexgar, who was last seen being 'Gated' through a wormhole in Otherspace. Jo'din ran and hugged her friend, though Terri could have done without it. "What happened to you?" Terri "One minute I was
with you the next... falling on my ass rolling down a mountain.
Afer a days of wandering I found this place... well, I saw some
big ass rock fall from the sky. I know now it was that
Desolate ship. I was worried you hadn't made it out."
The Warriors head out, escorted by Tor, and easily find the Command Room where there are seven Bioscientists and four Charon Warriors. The Warriors of Gar make short work other them all with a surprise attack. Tor "that was pretty amazing."
Tor "how...? That was an encrypted
system." The Warriors continue to search the base, ignoring the Charon armoury, but can see a large number of Charon Warriors ahead. Junior manages to sneak close enough to see many Charon Warriors, but cannot make out their leader. Not wanting to get caught he heads back to the party. The Warriors find the Charon Construct Chamber. Here they fond captured Rebels, restrained and being experimented on by the Charon Bioscientists. Aghast at the atrocities the Warriors sneak into the Chamber take careful aim at the Charon so as not to hit any prisoners. The Charon are easily dealt with but the blaster fire will have got attention, Terri and Wookoid stand guard while the other help free the living prisoners. They cannot all walk so Tor, with those capable, head back towards the safe haven of the caverns, just as several Charon Warriors appear. Terri and Wookoid open fire and after a short firefight have held off the first wave of Charon Warriors. The Warriors then flee towards the shipyard.
The Warriors find the shipyard, and also find the self-destruct. Torm says he would prefer it on a destruct button, but Terri fail to change it, and (Fumble) activates it. They have 30 minutes before the bay goes up. Torm "Then the Charon have to be here when that happens. I need one of these Y-Wings to get a message out to the Alliance." Junior rolls 24 for Starship repair and is able to prep one in 10 minutes. Tor organises the Rebels into defensive positions where they can easily retreat, and Terri goes to give away the shipyard location. Torm takes off and heads into orbit to call the Alliance High Command. Terri makes her way back to the command center, and too loudly shouts, "Torm, the ship yard is this way." Then takes a pot shot a Charon Warrior for good measure. Only as Torm is rising above the base does he see the full force of over 100 Charon Warriors.
Episode Five - The Battle Begins The Charon Warriors move into the Shipyard and and exchnage of fire erupts between the Rebels and alien invaders. Jo'din and Terri fight valiantly against the Charon as the timer ticks down, with just 90 seconds to go Junior prompts Tor who gives the fall back signal. The Rebels fall back to the tunnels as the Shipyard explodes! A handful of Charon survive. Thos entering the base are shot by the rebels, a few manage to flee into the wilderness beyond the base. Victory is with the Rebels. Torm returns with news that the Justice is on it's way.
The Warriors don't plan on sticking around for the Justice, they have other plans, so return to the Sixty-Nine. Terri "At least you kept my ship looking tidy." Jo'din "That's because I knew you'd be back." Terri "Sure you did blue tits, sure you did." Suddenly a hulking Charon drops from the darkness, but the Warriors are quick. It is Grand Moff Ravikk, he is the one who was leading the Charon, only he too is one of them, the top half of his body grafted onto that of a Charon Construct. One by one Ravikk attacks the Rebels. Torm and Junior keep clear as much they can, but Wookoid was not there, Torm comms him to get his firry ass to the ship NOW!
The Warriors of Gar celebrate their hard fought victory and depart the Rebel base. END
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