A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...
Scavenger Hunt
The Empire has attacked and destroyed
the Rebel Base in the Dankayo system.
Although personnel were evacuated critical
data was left behind that could revel Rebel
Operatives across the sector, threatening
thousands of lives.
The Empire does not yet know what
they have captured. The Bulk Freighter
Elusive carries the data along with other
base wreckage. The Warriors of Gar have
been sent to retrieve the data before the
Empire discovers it's secrets...
Player-characters Jan Vincent Torm
NB. some details of the adventure have been changed to apply more towards the group.
Episode One - Elusive Prey
The Warriors, now accompanied by Lola, are
using Jo'din's starship, The Makeshift, an ex-Imperial Lambda
Class Shuttle, under the false name on Bonderium. They
need to recover the Rebel Data that the Imperials don't know
they have, before they realise what they have.
The Makeshift drops out of Hyperspace close
to the Imperial bulk transport Elusive.
Elusive Captain "Shuttle
Bonderium, can we assist? What are you doing out here?"
Torm "Captain, were are just
a small mineral survey team. We didn't know you were in
the system."
Elusive Captain "Then would you like to aim your guns in different..." Torm opens fire, with surprising accuracy, one of Elusive's engines explodes. Torm take another aim (fumble) but the weapon systems on the Makeshift crash!
Torm "Jo'din! I though
you said this ship worked?!"
Jo'din "Well... I never tried
the guns."
The Elusive dumps it's garbage and jumps to
Torm "Track it."
Lola "On it... oh, the
scanners are off-line too."
Jo'din "Oh."
Terri "I said we should have
used my ship."
Torm "We've lost them!"
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Junior picks up a communication from an
unknown source talking about 'place numbers' but the data is
encrypted. Lola contacts the starship before them and
permission is granted to dock with the Squib Momship.
The Warriors are met by five short bipedal
mouse-like aliens... Squibs. Their fur colours vary, and
they carry crude weapons, well, they might be weapons, they
could just as easily be kitchen utensils, hard to tell.
The blue furred one introduces himself as Spilferiferrous,
mighty Squib explorer. He leads the Warriors to the throne room.
The corridors of the ship are constructed, as it seems, of
garbage scrap metal. The Warriors enter the domes Throne
Room of King Ebareebaveebeedee. The room is cover in
Imperial taxation sticker that read 'Do No remove under penalty
of Death.' The elder grey furred Squib King sits on his
throne, made from the cockpit of a Z95 Headhunter starfighter.
The King is aware the Warriors want the place
numbers, but the deal is not simple, Squib deals never are.
Spilfer' has a grapple gun which he will agree to exchange for
the Makeshift... the ship! The King offer to grant Spilfer
the title of Great & Mighty Adventurer in exchange for the ship.
The King agrees to trade the ship back to the Warriors to go on
a great quest, and he will then exchange the place numbers
(hyperspace co-ordinates of the Elusive) for the Holy
Relic, which he expects the Warriors to retrieve.
Confused at what has gone on the Warriors
realised they have been duped into going on a special mission in
order to be given the co-ordinates. Spilfer will accompany
the group and brings along L9-G8, a cooking and domestic droid
as a gift (the droid is annoying and the Squibs want to be rid
of it).
Episode Two - Strangers in Paradise
The co-ordinates Spilfer gives the group
appears to be in a planet-less system, but Spilfer insists it is
the System of Paradise.
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Spilfer decides now to tell the group that if
they see him it will be... bad. Lola takes the Great &
Mighty Adventurer to the cargo deck and hides him. The
Ugors are single celled creatures capable of changing they body
shape and limbs at will. The 'officer; that board the
Makeshift vary from multiple legs to thin legs to tentacles an
multiple eye-stalks. Torm pays the Holy Donation, and then
a further bribe to let them keep their weapons, though a lock is
fitted to the ships weapon system (which is still currently
broken anyway).
The Warriors proceed into the System of
Paradise, Lola laughing at the irony of the name. Then she
spots a ship following them, a well armed Assult Ship, and Torm
recognises it as Privateer Pirates in the employ of Wonga the
Hutt. Wookoid increases speed and uses the garbage floatin
gin the system as cover and manages to lose them.
Episode Three - That's No Moon
![]() The Warriors ponder how to get past. Eventually they decide to fire a shot at some garbage to cause a distraction. Junior easily removes the Ugor clamp and repairs the system. Torms plan works, the Ugors fall for it and Wookoid guns the engines allowing them to slip past and dock in a large port of some kind. Wookoid stays with the ship and the rest don breathe masks and venture out.
They find themselves wading through dirty
water strewn with garbage. Spilfer claims he has found
something and claims if for the Mighty Squibs.
Unfortunately it is a dianoga, and the creature attacks...
successfully grasping Torm, Spilfer, Junior and Lola. Torm
manages to get his blaster and free himself. The others
are in trouble as they are dragged under the water, when
suddenly the are freed. As Lola and the other gasp for air
they see Jo'din with her lighsaber.
Continuing down the twisted corridors the
Warrors hear the sound of metal, and see movement. A horde
of twisted and damaged droids are marching towards them!
The the lead is a heavily armed combat droid,
armed with a blaster cannon and lightsaber, carrying a menacing
spherical Interrogator Droid!
Interrogator Droid "You will
surrender all of your technology or you shall be eliminated."
Torm looks at Lola and Terri. They go
for they guns and Jo'din charges in with her lightsaber.
The fight is short. Jo'din is not as quick as she would
have liked, but Lola hits the combat droid with two precise
hits, destroying it. The other droids, a mid of mainly
protocol and mouse droids armed with blasters are easily
destroyed. Terri picks up the lightsaber the combat droid
was carrying and tosses it to Lola.
Terri "Blue tits has one, you
may as well too."
Continuing down the twisted broken corridor
the Warriors come to an almost intact blast door. Lola
thumbs the controls, and to their surprise the doors, with a
slight screech, slide open. A gust of wind and a multitude
of small object hurl themselves at the Warriors... then... just
visible in the darkness if the unmistakable form... and the
heavy rasping breathing... of DARTH VADER.
Torm, Lola and even Terri are frozen in
disbelief and terror. Moment pass and there is the hiss of
a lightsaber as Jo'din launches herself at the Dark Lord.
She swings he blue blade, passing through the dark visage her
own momentum causes her to stumble and land humiliatingly on her
ass. The cloak stand holding the Sith Lord's spare cloak,
mask and helmet fall to the floor. Terri goes into a fit
of giggles.
Lola cautiously enters the room, and
discovered a further Meditation Chamber.
Lola "This was Vader's room.
This is the Death Star."
Torm "Son of a Sithspawn,
you're right."
Lola finds an ornate box. It is empty
but appears to have once held a lightsaber. Jo'din asks
Lola to see the lightsaber she tok off the droid. Jo'din
holds the blade and lets the FORCE flow through her an it,
revealing it's past. She passes the lightsaber back to
Jo'din "This lightsaber
belonged to General Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke Skywalker said
that he died here, on the Dearth Star. Take care of
The Warriors pause for a moment in silent
contemplation, but their thoughts are rudelt interupted by the
Squib companion...
Spilfer "Come on, we're almost
To be continued...
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