Strike Force: Shantipole
EPISODE ONE - Into the Roche Asteroid
Belt Player-characters Jan Vincent Torm Guest staring... Bossko B.
Torm "Terri, are you okay?"
Torm "Bossko. Yes we want to lose
the TIEs, but remember this isn't your ship. No tricks." THUMP! Suddenly Torm could hear Terri in a fit of giggles. He moved back into the rear cabin to see Terri in an absolute fit of laughter, even kicking her feet on the bed. Jo'din was lying on the floor rubbing her head. Terri "She fell off the bunk [howls of laughter]"
Bossko B. continued to barrel roll the starship through the asteroid field. (Piloting roll 36!) Bossko B. is easily able to lose the pursuing TIE fighters.
T Soon Terri & Torm are approached by a Quarren, Salin Glek, aide to Commander Ackbar. Salin Glek "I trust you have a valid
reason to jeopardise the security of this base."
A message plays from Alliance Supreme Leader Mon Mothama, instructing Commander Ackbar and the Warriors to take the B-Wing prototypes to the agreed coordinates, whereupon Ackbar will assume the rank of Admiral and put the B-Wings into production. Mon Motham explains this is critical if the Alliance is to combat the new Imperial Nebulon-B Frigates.
EPISODE TWO - The Empire Strikes Suddenly alarms sound! The base is under attack! And Imperial Assault Shuttle is moving to dock in the main docking bay. Commander Ackbar "I'll need time to
download the data from the central computer."
Terri, Jo'din, Lt. Pollard and... Bossko B. engage the Imperial Stormtroopers as they disembark the shuttle. It doesn't go well for the Imperials! (Rolled several rounds of combat and the Stormtroopers were beaten by the Warriors) Meanwhile in the Command Centre Ugavine Junior had halved the time Ackbar needed (Computers roll of 26) Commander Ackbar, Torm and Junior manage to flee the base in Escape Pods, whereas Terri, Jo'din and Bossko B. are able to get back to Terri's ship to flee the base, taking with them several Verpine techs and Lt. Pollard.
EPISODE THREE - Trip to Shantipole The Escape Boats are picked up by a Verpine Starship and the Warriors are reunited with Commander Ackbar. Ackbar explains that he needs the Warriors to sneak into Shantipole base, set the reactor to explode, then get out with the B-Wing prototype starfighters. The mention of starfighters makes Bossko B grin. The Warriors set off along with Suskafoo and Lt. Pollard in two Verpine Hoppers, nimble but unarmed space pods. Pod 1 - Bossko B, Ugavine, Jo'din Suskafoo Showing off, Bossko B twice clips an asteroid,
though with no damage. Torm takes it steady. Bossko hold the ship steady, Jo'din is able to reach out with the FORCE and push the droids into an Asteroid causing them to explode. As they near Shantipole base they have the negotiate an Asteroid Storm with both pilots succeeding (despite Bossko and Torm BOTH rolling two 1's on the Wild die in their three checks!)
EPISODE FOUR - To Retake Shantipole The Warriors decide to approach Hanger Bay 2, destroyed by the Empire, but they should be able to access.
The damaged bay has a makeshift airlock. Passing through they find several Imperial Technicians, Torm signals the all but Terri to hold back. Tech "Who are you?" Torm: "Okay, Myself, Terri and Ugavine will head to the Reactor. Jo'din, you go with Bossko,
Pollard and Suskafoo and warn the Verpine they need to leave." Jo'din's group is able to warn the Verpine, meeting with the Verpine hive leader Please Turn to Page Forty-Nine* * Please Turn to Page Forty-Nine is not good at languages and took his Basic language name from a line in a book. It could have been worse. Torm however runs into a Stormtrooper Patrol. To keep things quiet they set weapons to stun Six Stormtroopers do manage to put up a fight with Tom and Terri both being Wounded. Ugavine is able to treat their wounds after the fight. The Stormtroopers as disarmed and locked in a nearby room. In the Reactor Room Terri sets
the explosives given by Commander Ackbar.
Heading to the Hanger Bay Jo'din's party also encounter a squad of Stormtroopers. Stormtrooper #1 "Halt or
I'll..." Bossko swipes his blaster off him. Pollard and Suskafoo just watch in disbelief. Pollard looks at Jo'din, Jo'din shrugs. Bossko B. "Now. Would any of you Bantha Poodoo like to give me your blasters?" The three remaining Stormtroopers...
yes, Bossko swipes their blasters from them. All of the
Stormtroopers retreat. EPISODE FIVE - Battle in Hanger Bay #1 The Warriors meet up at the hanger bay entrance. But the Imperials are in full control. Two Stormtrooper squads of 8 plus Captain and a Heavy Weapons Team. Bossko looks at Ugavine who hacks the comms system... let the music play and combat proceed!
With the music blaring out the hanger bay speakers Bossko B. surfs into the hanger bay on his hoverboard, spends a Force Point and attacks both squads of Stormtroopers incapacitating them all. Terri takes out the Heavy Weapons troopers. Torm exchanges fire with Salin Glek who then flees to the Imperial Shuttle. Jo'din gives chase and disarms Glek with her lightsaber. The Freed prisoners board the Shuttle with the pilots, including Bossko B. and Torm running for the B-Wings. The Rebels flee the Asteroid Base in plenty of time as the set explosives go off destroying the asteroid!
By the time the Warriors get clear of the asteroid belt the Verpine fleet led by Commander Ackbar has already engaged the Nebulon-B Frigate of Captain Nothos. And the Verpine are taking heavy damage. Bossko B. "Oh hell yeah!"
Bossko B. flies his B-Wing on direct combat course with Imperial Frigate. Bossko makes mere reaction evades, neither the /frigate or the TIEs can hit him. He makes several passes allowing Torm to fire the ships Photon torpedoes at the Frigate engines. At first the hull of the Frigate is too strong, but the 3rd torpedo rocks the capital ship. It's hull holds out again, but Torms fifth torpedo breaches the hull! Blue sparks explodes from the ships engine bays followed by a series of explosions causing the Frigates engines to die. Torm "All ships, the Frigate is down! Prepare the jump to hyperspace." Nothos "Savour this victory while you
may, Rebels. Remember the name of Commander Bane Nothos, for
one day I shall find you and make you pay - and dearly - for what
you have done!" Two days later Ackbar is promoted to Admiral and the Warriors receive full commission as Alliance Officers.