Two thousand years before the events of A New Hope
and the galaxy breeds a different kind of hero. Let the Sithspawns Lair
introduce you to those brave Warriors who would fight for peace, freedom and
justice in the galaxy, and no doubt screw up along the way.
Commando |
Adult Male Human, Soldier 4; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Def 22 (+2
Dex, +4 Class, +6 Armor); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/13; Atk +6 or
+2/+2 ranged (3d6, Blaster [Pistol]), +6 or +2/+2 ranged (3d8, Blaster
[Heavy Pistol]), +6 or +4/+4 or +2/+2/+2 ranged (3d8, crit 19-20,
Blaster [Light Repeating]), +6 ranged (2d6, Flamethrower), +7 melee
(1d4+3, Combat Gloves), +7 melee (1d6+3, crit 20, punch), +7 melee
(2d6+3, Vibroblade); SQ +2 to Demolitions checks in when using
explosives with computerized elements, +2 to Disable Device checks
when attempting to disable electronic security systems, +2 to Repair
checks when attempting to repair Computerized devices; SV Fort
+5, Ref +3, Will +1; SZ M; FP: 0; Rep: +1; Str
17 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Int 11
(+0), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 12 (+1).
Equipment: Blaster [Heavy Pistol], Blaster [Light
Repeating], Blaster [Pistol], Combat Gloves, Flamethrower, Vibroblade,
Vonduun Crab-shell [Medium Subcommander armor] (Damage reduction: 8)
Skills: Astrogate +3, Computer Use +5, Demolitions +5, Intimidate +5,
Pilot +7, Profession (Mercenary) +5,
Read/Write Basic, Repair +4, Speak Basic, Treat Injury +4
Feats: Armor Proficiency (heavy, light, medium), Martial
Artist, Starship Operation (capital ship), Two-weapon Fighting,
Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy
weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons)
Soldier |
The Mandalore |
Mandalorian |
Ugavine |
Mercenary |
Mercenaries are usually nothing more than
guns for hire. Men and women of little morals, happy to work and
kill for whoever pays most. A Mercenaries life is far from easy,
though those tougher jobs demand higher fees. Those that make it
to those high fees are always have what it take to back up their
reputation. Mercenaries come from various backgrounds,
ex-militia men, disgraced soldiers, ex-underworld enforcers, or simply
tough guys after a few fast creds.
Adult Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 2; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Def 17 ( +2
Dex, +5 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/17; Atk +5 melee (1d3+2, punch), +5
melee (2d6+2, Vibroblade), +5 or +1/+1 ranged (3d8, Blaster [Heavy
Pistol]), +5 or +3/+3 or +1/+1/+1 ranged (3d8, crit 19-20, Blaster
[Light Repeating]), +5 ranged (4d6/2d6, Grenade [Frag]), +5 ranged
(8d6/4d6, Thermal Detonator); SQ Better luck than good, Illicit
barter; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +0; SZ M; FP: 0; Rep: +1; Str 14, Dex
15, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Equipment: Blaster
[Heavy Pistol], Blaster [Light Repeating], Comlink, Grenade [Frag],
Medpac, Thermal Detonator, Utility Belt (Contains 3 days rations, 1x
Medpac, 1x Tool kit, 1x Power pack, 1x Energy Cell, 1x Glow rod, 1x
Comlink, Couple Empty Pouches), Vibroblade
Skills: Appraise +4,
Astrogate +4, Computer Use +4, Demolitions +5, Disable Device +4,
Gather Information +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Streetwise) +4, Pilot
+7, Profession (Mercenary) +5, Read/Write Basic, Search +4, Sleight of
Hand +6, Speak Basic, Spot +4
Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Toughness,
Two-weapon Fighting, Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols,
blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons)
Mercenary (tough):
Adult Male Human, Scoundrel 4/Soldier 4; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Def 19 ( +2
Dex, +7 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/18; Atk +10/+5 or +8/+8/+3 or
+6/+6/+6/+1 ranged (3d8, crit 19-20, Blaster [Light Repeating]), +9/+4
melee (1d3+2, punch), +9/+4 melee (2d6+2, Vibroblade), +9/+4 or
+5/+5/+0 ranged (3d8, Blaster [Heavy Pistol]), +9/+4 ranged (4d6/2d6,
Grenade [Frag]), +9/+4 ranged (8d6/4d6, Thermal Detonator); SQ +3
Dodge bonus to Defense when fighting defensively, +6 Dodge bonus to
Defense when executing total defense action, Better luck than good,
Illicit barter; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2; SZ M; FP: 0; Rep: +3; Str
14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Equipment: Blaster [Heavy
Pistol], Blaster [Light Repeating], Comlink, Grenade [Frag], Medpac,
Thermal Detonator, Utility Belt (Contains 3 days rations, 1x Medpac,
1x Tool kit, 1x Power pack, 1x Energy Cell, 1x Glow rod, 1x Comlink,
Couple Empty Pouches), Vibroblade
Skills: Appraise +4, Astrogate
+4, Computer Use +4, Demolitions +8, Disable Device +4, Gather
Information +4, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Streetwise) +4, Pilot +7,
Profession (Mercenary) +8, Read/Write Basic, Search +6, Sleight of
Hand +8, Speak Basic, Spot +6, Treat Injury +6, Tumble +8
Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor
Proficiency (heavy, light, medium), Skill Emphasis (Intimidate),
Starship Operation (space transport), Toughness, Two-weapon Fighting,
Weapon Focus (Blaster [Light Repeating]), Weapons Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro
weapons) |
Mercenary |
Himself |
Human |
Ugavine |
Officer |
Adult Male Human, Thug 2/Soldier 2; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Def 19
( +1 Dex, +3 Class, +5 Armor); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/12; Atk +5
melee (1d3+1, punch), +5 or +1/+1 ranged (3d6, Blaster [Pistol]);
SQ Dark Side; SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +0; SZ M;
FP: 0; DSPs: 16; Rep: +0; Str 12 (+1), Dex
13 (+1), Con 12 (+1), Int 11 (+0), Wis 11
(+0), Cha 12 (+1).
Equipment: Blaster [Pistol], Breath Mask, Combat
Jumpsuit, Comlink
Skills: Astrogate +2, Climb +0, Computer Use +2, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Republic Law) +4, Pilot +5, Profession (Soldier) +2, Repair +1, Ride
+3, Swim +0, Treat
Injury +2
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dodge,
Sharp-eyed, Starship Operation (starfighter), Trustworthy, Weapons
Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons,
simple weapons, vibro weapons)
Soldier |
The Republic |
Human |
Ugavine |
Soldier |
Sith Soldier: Adult Male
Human, Thug 4; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Def 12 ( +1 Dex, +1 Class); Spd 10m;
VP/WP -/11; Atk +4 melee (1d3, punch), +5 or +1/+1 ranged (3d8, crit
19-20, Blaster [Rifle]); SQ Dark Side; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0; SZ
M; FP: 0; DSPs: 12; Rep: +1; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha
Equipment: Blaster
Armour: Damage Reduction
Skills: Climb +2,
Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Sith Law) +1, Knowledge (Sith Lore) +1,
Pilot +3
Armor Proficiency (light), Infamy, Skill Emphasis (Intimidate),
Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, simple
Soldier |
The Sith |
Human |
Ugavine |
Warrior |
Dark Adept:
Adult Male Human, Jedi Guardian 4; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Bonus);
Def 17 ( +1 Dex, +6 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/12;
Atk +5 or +1/+1 ranged (3d6, Blaster [Pistol]), +6 melee (1d3+2,
punch), +6 melee (2d8+2, crit 19-20, Lightsaber); SV Fort +5,
Ref +5, Will +4; SZ M; FP: 0; Rep: +3; Str 14,
Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Equipment: Blaster [Pistol], Lightsaber
Skills: Climb +5, Computer Use +5, Craft (Lightsabre)
+5, Hide +2, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +7, Pilot +3,
Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Spot +3
Force Skills: Affect Mind +4, Drain Energy +4, Fear +5,
Force Grip +5, Heal Self +4, Move Object +5
Feats: Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber),
Force-Sensitive, Improved Initiative, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapons
Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense
Dark Jedi:
Adult Male Human, Jedi Guardian 8; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Bonus);
Def 20 ( +2 Dex, +8 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/12;
Atk +10/+5 melee (1d6+2, crit 20, punch), +10/+5 melee (3d8+2,
crit 19-20, Lightsaber), +10/+5 or +6/+6/+1 ranged (3d6, Blaster
[Pistol]); SQ Dark Side, Jedi Knight, Lightsaber Damage +1d8;
SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +6; SZ M; FP: 0; DSPs: 24;
Rep: +5; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14,
Wis 14, Cha 12.
Equipment: Blaster [Pistol], Lightsaber
Skills: Climb +5, Computer Use +5, Craft (Lightsaber)
+5, Hide +3, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +7, Pilot +6,
Profession +5, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Spot +3
Force Skills: Affect Mind +5, Drain Energy +9, Drain
Knowledge +10, Fear +11, Force Grip +9, Force Lightening +7, Force
Stealth +4, Heal Self +4, Illusion +8, Move Object +5, Telepathy +4
Feats: Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber),
Force-Sensitive, Improved Initiative, Martial Artist, Two-weapon
Fighting, Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense
Jedi: Human Jedi
Guardian 12;
Init +4; Def 25 (+4 Dex, +11 class); Spd 10m; VP/WP 71 / 10; Atk
+14/+9/+4 melee (4d8+2, lightsaber), +16/+11/+6 ranged; SQ Jedi
Knight; SV Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +9; SZ M; FP 4; DSP 14; Rep 7; Str
14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 11. Challenge Code: D.
Lightsaber, dark robes
Computer Use +5, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +5, Tumble +6, Knowledge (Sith
lore) +4, Jump +4, Intimidate +3, Climb +4 Read/Write Basic, Read Sith,
Speak Huttese
Force Skills:
Enhance Ability +7, Drain Energy +3, Move Object +3, Drain Knowledge
+7, Telepathy +5, Force Push +6, Force Grip +8, Force Lightening +4,
Affect Mind +2, Enhance Senses +6, See Force +6, Illusion +1, Fear +6,
Force Stealth +4, Battlemind +2, Farseeing +4, Heal Self +3
Force-Sensitive, Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon
Group Proficiency (blaster pistols), Control Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(lightsaber)Martial Artist, Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity,
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Blind-Fight
Force Feats:
Alter, Sense, Burst of Speed, Knight Speed |
Side Adept |
The Sith / Himself |
Human |
Ugavine |
Knight |
Jedi Padawan:
Adult Human, Jedi Guardian 4; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Def 17 ( +1 Dex, +6
Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/13; Atk +5 melee (1d3+1, punch), +5 melee
(2d8+1, crit 19-20, Lightsaber), +5 ranged (by weapon); SQ Dark Side;
SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4; SZ M; FP: 0; DSPs: 24; Rep: +3; Str 13,
Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Equipment: Comlink, Lightsaber
Skills: Climb +2, Computer Use +5, Craft (Lightsaber)
+5, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +3, Gather Information +2, Intimidate
+3, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +8, Pilot +4, Sense Motive +3, Spot +3
Force Skills: Affect Mind +4, Battlemind +3, Enhance
Ability +4, Farseeing +4, Heal Another -4, Heal Self +3, See Force +4,
Telepathy +4
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber),
Force-Sensitive, Heroic Surge, Quick Draw, Two-weapon Fighting,
Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense
Jedi Knight/Master:
Jedi Guardian 9/Jedi Master 3; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 20 (+1 Dex,
+9 class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 104/16; Atk +15/+10/+5 melee (4d8,
lightsaber) or +13/+8/+3 ranged; SQ Deflect (defense +2), deflect
(attack -4), deflect (extend defense and attack), block, Force Secret
(Heal Self, Battlemind); SV Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +12; SZ M; FP 7;
DSP 0; Rep +5; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 12.
Equipment: Lightsaber,
Jedi robes, Jedi utility belt.
Skills: Bluff +9, Craft (lightsaber) +6, Diplomacy +2,
Gather Information +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +7,
Read/Write Basic, Sense Motive +4, Speak Basic, Speak Huttese.
Force Skills: Battlemind +11, Enhance Ability +12, Force
Defense +5, Force Strike +5, Heal Self +13, See Force +13, Telepathy
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Improved Critical (lightsaber),
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols, simple weapons).
Force Feats: Alter, Attuned, Burst of Speed,
Control, Lightsaber Defense, Sense. |
Guardian |
The Jedi Order |
Human |
Fringer |
Young Adult Female Twi'lek, Fringer 4; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Def
15 ( +1 Dex, +4 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/12; Atk +0
melee (2d4+1, Vibrodagger), +4 melee (1d3+1, punch), +4 or +0/+0
ranged (3d6, Blaster [Pistol]); SQ Barter, Jury-rig +2,
Low-light vision; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2; SZ M;
FP: 0; Rep: +1; Str 12 (+1), Dex 12 (+1),
Con 12 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14
Equipment: All-Temperature cloak (+2 to Fortitude saves
made to resist severe weather), Blaster [Pistol], Comlink, Medpac,
Utility Belt (Contains 3 days rations, 1x Medpac, 1x Tool kit, 1x
Power pack, 1x Energy Cell, 1x Glow rod, 1x Comlink, Couple Empty
Pouches), Vibrodagger
Skills: Bluff +5, Climb +4, Handle Animal +8, Hide +3, Knowledge (Planetary Systems) +5, Knowledge
(Streetwise) +5, Listen +5, Pilot +5, Profession +6,
Read/Write Ryl, Ride +5, Speak Basic, Speak Lekku,
Speak Ryl, Spot +8, Survival +5
Feats: Alertness, Cautious, Weapons Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols, primitive weapons, simple weapons)
Fringer |
Herself |
Twi'lek |
Ugavine |
Crime Boss |
Hutt Crime Boss:
Adult Male Hutt, Scoundrel 4/Noble 4/Crimelord 2; Init -2
(-2 Dex); Def 17 ( -2 Dex, +10 Class, -1 Size); Spd 10m;
VP/WP -/14; Atk +4/-1 ranged (by weapon), +8/+3
melee (1d3+2, punch); SQ +2 to Computer Use checks when
attempting to retrieve news via electronic mediums, +2 to Disguise
checks when you're being observed and attempting to act in
character, Better luck than good, Call in a favor (x2), Command
+2, Contacts (x1), Force Resistance (Gains +6 bonus on Will saves
against force skills and feats.), Illicit barter, Inspire
Confidence +1, Resource Access; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will
+13; SZ L; FP: 0; DSPs: 5; Rep: +13;
Str 14 (+2), Dex 7 (-2), Con 14 (+2), Int 19
(+4), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 17 (+3).
Skills: Appraise +11, Bluff +19, Computer Use +8,
Diplomacy +13, Forgery +9, Gather Information +14,
Intimidate +18 Knowledge
(Bureaucracy) +9, Knowledge (Planetary Systems)
+9, Knowledge (Streetwise) +11, Knowledge (Technology) +9, Listen +10, Read/Write Huttese, Sense Motive +14, Sleight of Hand +5, Speak
Huttese, Spot +10
Infamy, Iron Will, Persuasive, Skill Emphasis (Bluff, Gather
Information, Intimidate), Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster
pistols, simple weapons)
/ Crime Lord |
Himself |
Hull |
350 |
Ugavine |
Series Protocol Droid |
The HK series protocol droid is renown
for it's failure as a protocol model. Programming errors make
this droid series unstable. It is relatively simply to delete
the droids core behaviour protocols, with it not unknown that the
droid itself has done this. This can lead to instability.
The tough frame of the droid lends itself well to re-programming for
military purposes, with it not uncommon for such droids to be used as
HK-Series: Fourth-degree walking protocol/assassin droid, Diplomat 1/Soldier 3/Scoundrel 5: Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 16 (+2 Dex, +4 class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 35/14; Atk +8/+4 melee (1d6+3, unarmed strike) or +7/+3 ranged; SQ Assassination protocols, illicit barter, lucky (1/day), precise attack +1, protected memory core; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 12; Rep +0; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10. Challenge Code C.
Equipment: Encrypted comlink (installed), environmental compensator, heuristic processor, locked access, restraining bolt (removed upon purchase), rust inhibitor, secondary battery, self-destruct system (disabled), sensors (improved package, infrared vision, motion, sonic, and telescopic), translator unit, vocabulator.
Skills: Bluff +14, Computer Use +6, Demolitions +14, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +6, Hide +10, Intimidate + 9, Knowledge (Tactics) +6, Listen +13, Move Silently +10, Read/Write Basic, Repair +4, Sense Motive +5, Speak Basic*, Speak Sith, Speak Tusken, Spot +16.
*This droid is also equipped with a translator unit.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Dodge, Improved Initiative, Low Profile, Persuasive, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Emphasis (Spot), Toughness, Trustworthy, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons).
Droid |
It's Master / itself |
Droid |
Ugavine |
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