A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...
Riders of the Maelstrom
Acting on information provided by the Rebel Spy
known only as "Dagger," impetuous members of the Rebel
Alliancehave travelled to the jungle world of Aris, where they were
instructed to gather important information concerning a forthcoming secret
meeting between two Imperial Moffs...
Player-characters Jan Vincent Torm NB. some details of the adventure have been changed to apply more towards the group.
Episode One - Escape from Aris
The Warriors of Gar are being chased through
the tree top platforms by 20 Stormtroopers.
Terri "Nice plan Torm, maybe next
time we just waltz into the Imperial Palace!"
Torm "Blame Snowy, it was his
agent we were meant to meet."
Terri "Why are we running, we
can take 20 Stormtroopers?"
Torm "And they'll be replaced
by 40 more, damn, Wookoid says the docking bays are being locked
down. He's got out but we'll have to make our own way off
The Warriors evade the Stormtrooper fire with
ease, but they are being.
Torm "Repulsor load-lifter,
Torm pilots the load lifter from the platform
but the controls were locked causing him to crash hard into the
ground (Fumble), with the Warriors soon surrounded by 10
The firefight does not start well... after an
exchange of fire Jo'din, followed by Torm are incapacitated
while only conferring a couple of wounds on the Imperials.
Jo'din is able to use the force to remain conscious and heal,
and Junior pulls out a device taken from the Charon in
Otherspace, a Charon Webspinner!
They are unable to heal Torm, but Jo'din is
able to rouse him so he can be carried more easily, which Terri
The Warriors continue, using the crowds to
hide, when Jo'din see a shuttle platform. In the queue are
several cloaked Anoited People, cloaks would be useful, but the
groups face is out of action leaving the talking to Junior.
Junior tries to bargain with them, Jo'din
while still having Lighsaber Combat 'up' manages to increase
Juniors Attributes through the Force. Junior manages to
Bargain with them to sell their robes and tickets, for a hefty
On the Barge things are still not going
smoothly as a Stormtrooper patrol comes checking tickets.
Junior hides the best he can and Terri puts herself between her
friends and the Stormtroopers.
Stormtrooper (pointing at the injured
Torm) "What is wrong with him?"
Terri "Too much Lum. He
started partying early, it his retirement party." (Con -
rolls 29!) The Stormtrooper nods and carries on.
Episode Two - On the Kuari Princess
The Kuari Princess departs and beings it's
voyage. Wealthy and just those on holiday fill the
corridors of the luxury liner.
Junior decides it's safer to remain in their
assigned staterooms, but Terri and Jo'din want to look around.
Jo'din heads to the bazaar deck as she never goes shopping and
is fascinated by all the stalls, especially those with exotic
dresses. Like a kid in a seet shop she walks about wide
eyed in awe at the amazing wares on display.
Terri meanwhile heads for Xerrol's Place, the
liners nightclub and bar. It is already busy. Terri
buys herself a drink and scans the room and almost like a
flicking a switch switches demeanour from rugged commando to
party girl. (Streetwise: success) Terri hears rumour
about security closing off the security deck with armed troops.
Considering going to check it out Terri
notices a beautiful red skinned Zeltron girl at the bar, and
thinking she may have some fun on this trip, heads over to chat.
The girl is Tanya, and like most Zeltrons, is very friendly.
Tanya "If you do I might think
you're after a good time."
Terri "I'm always after a good
Tanya "Well, you'll have to buy
my friends Cal, Jan and Cyan a drink too." Cal and Jan are
males Zeltrons, Cyan a Togruta girl.
Terri "Okay, but I want that
good time..."
Terri comms Junior to tell him to check out
Engineering, then Terri has that drink with some her new
friends. Eventually Jo'din joins them as they head to the
Lido deck and the pool.
Junior heads to the Engineering deck only to
come across a squad of Stromtroopers.
Junior tries to hide behind a larger
passenger also in the area, complaining about the Engineering
deck being closed. One of the Stromtroopers still spots
him but fortunately does not recognise him from Aris.
As Junior heads back to the staterooms a
steward approaches with a datapad. The pad contains a
message from 'Dagger' the Rebel contact, warning that there are
Imperials aboard and to keep a low profile. Junior comms Terri,
but she is busy getting ready for the evening gala ball.
Terri and Tanya attend the Gala Ball, Jo'din
is still browsing the Bazaar Deck and Junior not interested.
During the Gala Ball the Stormtroopers do a
search of cabins looking for the Rebels.
??? "Stormtroopers. Cool."
Stormtrooper #1 "Err... sorry sir!"
Stormtrooper #2 "What was THAT?"
Stormtrooper #1 "No idea, and I
don't want to find out."
Episode Three - Down to Engineering
(Hide/Sneak roll of 21, he's not being
Junior finds the Staff Offices guarded by
Stormtroopers, but he door is open and he sees the Imperial
Moffs, Torpin and Vanko. He also sees Torpin's person
computer on the desk, annoyingly not linked to the ships
systems, he needs to get the Moffs out of the room.
Junior heads over to the Environmental
Controls and raises the temperature in the area of the room.
(Rolled Con to see if the Moffs would fall for it and leave the
room, they do.) Coughing and complaining the Moffs with
their Stormtrooper escort head to the Chief Engineer to see what
is going on.
Junior sneaks (Roll of 22) into the office
and easily hacks the Imperial Computers (Computers roll of 25).
He copies the information to his own pocket computer then gets
out of Engineering as quickly as he can.
Meanwhile, outside, a Pirate Frigate waits...
Episode Four - Maelstrom Riders
Forced out of Hyperspace the Kuari Princess
comes under attack form a Pirate fleet.
They bombard the ship disabling it's defences
and shields and begin boarding the luxury liner.
Over 400 Pirates board the ship, rounding up
passengers, stripping them of belongings and holding them in the
Gala ballroom.
Tanya "Then maybe I should
tell you now, the droid isn't Dagger, I am."
Terri "huh..."
Tanya " We need to get the
information to the alliance."
Junior "We need get word to Wookoid. There's a communication suite in Engineering."
Terri "Okay, Jo'din go with
Jo'din "And what are you
going to do?"
Terri "What I normally do.
I'm going to start a fight!"
Junior and Jo'din manage to get to
Engineering, sneaking past several Pirate raiding parties.
In Engineering they discover the pirates are
rigging equipment to the Engines. Junior, being a Starship
Engineer, surmises they are trying to fix the engines onto a set
However as they try to sneak into the
Communications suite Four Pirates see them. Jo'din stands
in front of Junior.
Pirate #1 "Sorry worm-head, can't let
you live after seeing this."
The Pirates BLAST the Warriors... but Jo'din
easily deflects the blasts back at the attackers. But that
has caused a noise.
Junior logins into the ships computers and
realises that the pirates are going to crash the ship into the
Oasis colony planet. He sends a message to Wookoid to warn
him and to warn the planet.
Then Junior has another idea.. he might not
be able to de-program the pirate device... but disabling a ships
engines should be easy for a Starship Engineer. (Starship
Repair roll of 32!) Junior removes several minor, but
essential, components from the engine and the Engines fall dead.
In the Gala Ballroom Big Jak Targrim hears
the engines go offline... "WHAT!??"
Terri goes into a giggling fit.
Tanya "What's happened?"
Terri "Oh that has go to be
Ugavine Juniror"
Tanya "Wait.. Junior is...
Ugavine Junior? Maybe I should also tell you that I do
have... backup."
Terri "Yeah, well we might
need it."
Terri pushes through the crowd so she can see
Big Jak Targrim.
Big Jak "I always remember a
Terri "I don't use that name
Big Jak "You and the Phoenix
Pirates used to cause me so much trouble I had to move my
Terri "Really, I really
recall you were no problem at all. Small fry."
Big Jak signals two pirate thugs to take
The pirates come at Terri with Vibroblades,
Terri is unarmed, but that is in her favour. They battle
exchanging several blows with one of the pirates landing a lucky
blow and Wounds Terri, but she fights on and KOs both prates.
Big Jak is riled and pulls his own blade.
Terri and Big Jak enter a duel (using
Duelling rules)
Big Jak gain advantage > He strikes Terri but
she is unharmed.
Big Jak again has Advantage > He strikes
Terri, Terri is forced to Spend a FORCE POINT to shrug off the
Terri then gains the Advantage > with a
flurry of blows she Wounds Big Jak. Now both are Wounded,
the battle is equal.
Terri presses the Advantage then hit Big Jak
with a high kick knocking him unconscious!
The pirates are mad and begin firing at Terri!
Screams come from the crowd as they duck for cover.
Terri dodges grabbing Big Jak's blaster.
Tanya starts to return fir too, but they are
seriously our gunned... Tanya is forded to call for... backup!
The towering monstrous form of MINION,
who had been hiding in Tanya's cabin, strides down the corridors
of the Kuari Princess. The pirates let him pass, the
occasional brave thug firing a blaster at MINION, the
blasts bouncing off!!!
MINION systematically starts
destroying the pirates with clotheslines knocking them down with
ease. Redhand, Big Jak's second in command decides to face
off against the Big Blue Machine! MINION grabs the pirate
by the throat, holds him high then leaping off the gala hall
balcony CHOKESLAMS him through a
Episode Five - The Last Chance
The Pirates begin to flee the ship. The
pirates in Engineering still still have no idea what Junior has
done to the engines, and they cannot get past Jo'din who defends
their position with her lightsaber.
Terri "I love your backup."
Tanya "Yeah, but we better
get out of here before the Imperials realise who we are."
Terri "Let's get Torm from Medbay
and call in Wookoid to pick us up."
The Rebels flee the Kuari Princess aboard the
Sixty-Nine as Oasis Colony starfighters engage the fleeing
Pirate fleet.
Torm starts to come around...
Torm "Hey... did I miss
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