"Good day sir, welcome to the JVT Cantina. I am Med, what
beverage may I serve you?"
About the JVT Cantina
Jan Vincent Torm bought the run down
cantina ten years ago with money made from his smuggling. With
money from legal and not so legal businesses ventures Torm renovated the
Cantina. Located in the city centre of the spaceport of Duran this
is far from the wretched hives of backwater worlds. Torm prefers
to encourage families and is always quick to quash any trouble, which is
pretty easy if Odd-Job is behind the bar.

The JVT Cantina is often used for quick
meetings for Rebel operatives and smugglers. The cellar area is
used for storing stock and also has a small kitch for preparing cantina
meals. The Cantina is a four story building, though only the
ground level is open to the public. The First Floor is Odd-Jobs accommodation
along with several offices. The Third Floor is another storage
area, with the Forth Floor being Torms private suite.

Jan Vincent Torm
Torm, one time smuggler, gambler, con man
and trader, is now a valued member of the Rebel Alliance. Torm is a
suarve street smart guy with a knack for acquiring anything. Torm
could get you a cargo of water on Tatooine and sell ice to Wampas on
Hoth. Torm makes an excellent contact for any black market or
underworld goods or information, or as a Rebel Alliance contact.
There is a 20% chance of Torm being home or contactable.
Wookoid is Torms long time Wookiee
friend. For many years the two were inseparable. Recently
the pair have gone their separate ways in their service to the Rebel
Alliance with Wookoid joining the top secret Rebel Alliance Stargate
Team SG-17. Wookoids duties with SG-17 make it only a 10% chance
of finding him in the bar. Wookoid makes an excellent Rebel
Alliance contact.
Med is Torm's droid. Before his current appearance the droid was a
silver protocol droid. On the fateful day that Torm was discovered
by the Empire a Stormtrooper caught Med with a laser blast, destroying
the Droid. Torm was able to salvage the droids memory circuits and
bought the first droid available, a 1B model medical droid. If Med is
about, Torm is nearby.
1D |
2D |
1D |
Dodge |
4D |
Medical Analysis |
5D |
Repulsorlift Op. |
3D |
1D |
1D |
3D |
Hide/Sneak |
4D |
First Aid |
9D |
Medicine (A) |
5D |
Odd-Job is a strange alien, a Granthian.
When squatting he is still 3 meters in height and nearly as wide.
He is immensely fat, though this is not unhealthy his species, and
extremely strong. Odd-Job has been known to literally throw out an
unruly Draygon. Odd-Job is the heart and soul of the place.
There is a 99% chance of Odd-Job being in the cantina. Odd-Job has
no contact with the Rebel Alliance other than his friendship with his
employer, Jan Vincent Torm.
D6 stats - Attributes: 2D except Str.8D;
streetwise 4D, bargaining 4D, lifting 10D, jump 9D
This smuggler often uses Duran Spaceport
as an unloading point due to it's lax tax laws allowing him to move
freely and ship most illegal goods without suspicion. There is a
5% chance of meeting Callahan.
Meesa Gunball
Meesa Gunball is a want to be smuggler,
however, he is far too honest a person to actually break any laws.
A bit of a problem in the smuggling trade. Meesa Gunball is a
Gungan from the planet Naboo. He has a patchy dark orange skin
colouring and wears ill fitting corellian style clothes. Meesa
Gunball is very friendly and will talk to anyone within reason. If
threatened he will flee at the earliest opportunity. Meesa Gunball
knows little about underworld dealing but does know where to buy cheap
goods and starship services. There is a 40% chance of meeting
Meesa Gunball. For a chat and a drink Meesa Gunball can provide
details on where to acquire an legal goods at 10% less than their usual
D6 stats - Att 2D except Dex 4D; dodge
6D, streetwise 5D, bargain 3D, hide 4D, piloting 6D
Cantina Location: Durroon
Durroon is an agricultural colony world
on the edge of the Corporate Sector, though not actually owned by any
corporations. The world has a modest turnover of foodstuffs and
does generate some trade with the Empire and Corporate Sector with the
closest world being Etti IV. Durroon has lush valleys, and it's
capital city and major spaceport is Duran, located on the east coast.
Shaldon Shadowport
Only five miles from Duran City Spaceport
is the small Shadowport of Shaldon. A winding concealed country
road gives road access. Shaldon is nothing more than a small beach
area where smugglers can load and unload their cargo's. A
beachside roadway houses a few stalls and refreshment stands. No
more than two starships are ever landed at Shaldon Shadowport. As
the smugglers are not breaking any local laws they escape the attention
of law enforcement officers.
Imperial Industries
The Empire has minimal presence on
Durroon and does not even have a local governor. The Empire does
have a small energy processing plant on the planet. The facility,
operating under Imperial Industries Corporation, provides energy cells
for Imperial civilian bases in the Mid Rim along the Hydian Way
Adventure Hook: Imperial
Industries makes an easy target for the Rebel Alliance. Rebel
operatives break into the Imperial Industries facility at night to steal
a cargo load of Energy Cells. They must then get the cargo back to
their ship docked at the Shaldon Shadowport. Complications arise
when it turns out that the facility has recently turned it's processors
to producing energy cells for military purposes, weapons etc. The
Imperial Industries facility is guarded by a Company of Stormtroopers.

The Beggars Drift
Cantina Location:
North Mos Eisely, Tatooine
The Beggars Drift is owned by the Queen
of Gar Tetris Bloodaxe, although due to her affiliation with the Rebel
Alliance this is a guarded secret. Located in northern Mos Eisely
the Beggars Drift is in a small suburban district. Nevertheless it
still attracts it's share of undesireables an low lifes. Despite
it's location away from the trouble districts of the infamous spaceport
the Beggars Drift has probably been rebuilt more times than any other
building in Mos Eisley. Grenades, thermal detonators and tanks
driving through the wall are but a few of the mishaps the cantina has
Entering the cantinas you walk though a
small lobby area leading to a bar area. The cantina is dimly lit,
but is clean and fitted with air conditioners to keep the atmosphere
cool. severeal steps down from the bar area is a larger dance
floor surrounded by more tables. Live music is rare in the Beggars
Drift but recordings are piped through one of the best sound systems on
There are always a minimum of two
bouncers on guard at the Beggars Drift and they try to discourage
patrons from carrying heavy weapons into the bar. Should Taurus,
Tetris's close ally, be there then heavy weapons ARE discouraged.
Few patrons argue with the nine foot tall demonic looking Taurus, and
those that do end up wishing they hadn't.
Tetris Bloodaxe
and Taurus
The Queen of Gar owns the Beggars Drift
and if is she is there then so is her close friend Taurus. Tetris
always watches people with suspicion and prefers to let her staff get on
with the day to day running of the bar. Should anyone have a
problem Tetris is always ready to let her sword settle any
dispute. Failing that, there is always Taurus. There is a
15% chance of meeting Tetris and Taurus at the Beggars Drift.
Tetris would make a good contact for the Rebel Alliance.
there's a 50% chance that Taurus will have a plank of wood stuck
to his horns, but I don't suggest telling him!" |
The dreaded Klatoonian pirate Kanbu has
recently started drinking in the Beggars Drift. Kanbu considers
his time in the Beggars Drift to be his personal time. Woe be
tired anyone that would disrupt Kanbu. He is a dangerous
bloodthirsty individual who has the backing of Jabba the Hutt,

The Sithslayers Arms
Cantina Location:
Irongraad Keep, Gar, Beyond the Blood
This dubiously named Tavern is in tower
in a corner of Irongraad Keep. Irongraad Keep is located between
the kingdoms of Darkhammer and Lexgar on the remote planet of Gar.
The fortification is a constant home to over 500 soldiers as well as
travelers, mostly traveling from the East towards the Kingdom of Lexgar.
If the Empire do know of this tavern, and it's odd name, is not
known. There have certainly not been any attempts to have it's
name changed. The tavern took it's name many centuries ago.
It is believed that the Sith once lived on Gar. The legend goes
that a might Warrior fought the Sith and the tavern was named in their
honour. This is mere speculation, but the name stands. The
Tavern itself is a dark dank place, with the tavern taking up three
levels of the north-east tower. The bar is located on the ground
level near the small, and it is small, doorway. Tables are made
from old wood. In the winter months a fire burns in the great
hearth. Drinks are very limited. It's Gar Strongarm Cider or
Dark Gar Brew, a local ale, or nothing. The water really is not recommended.
The regulars of the Sithslayers Arms tend to be local soldiers in the
employ of Baron Irongraad, who is himself in the service of King Dargrim
Lexgar. A unscrupulous traders peddle their wares from table to
table, and the fair, and not-so-fair, maidens also ply their
trade. Morals are low and women and alcohol are free flowing in
the Sithslayers Arms.
typical Soldier D6 stats - Att: 2D, Str:
3D; Melee 4D, Melee Parry 4D, Brawl 4D, Stamina 4D.

Spearmint Mynock
Cantina Location:
Socorro City Spaceport, Socorro
The smugglers haven of Socorro has many
underworld business in it's shadows. Despite being an
establishment where women remove their clothes Spearmint Mynock is a
legal and professional business. Upon approaching the Mynock you
are first greeted by two large enforcers outside the two tier
building. Weapons are not permitted in the the Mynock, and
customers must not be drunk or under the influence of Spice. The
ground floor of the Mynock is the entertainments lounge. There are
several small stages where women perform erotic dances whilst removing
their clothing. Customers must not touch the entertainers, should
they not wish the wrath of the heavy handed enforcer who will be more
than happy to show them the door, and more precisely the pavement, face
first, outside. Upstairs is a moderate casino. Gambling is
legal on Socorro, and the house takes 10% of all winnings. The
house games have a limit of 50 credits, whereas private games are merely
adjudicated without limit.
The Dirty Dewback
Cantina Location:
Byblos Tower 162, Level 30
The Dirty Dewback is a real spacers bar
most commonly frequented by the city spaceports alien clientele.
The Darkhammer Retreat
Cantina Location:
Warriorland City Spaceport, Coyn,
Elrood Sector
Of the few none-Coynite run
establishments on Coyn is the Darkhammer Retreat co-owned by the Gar
King Ivan Darkhammer and his friend and man-at-arms Gallandro.

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